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Some questions

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I am looking into growing my own marijuana... This is mostly because the amount I consume, costs too much to buy at current prices (I go through an ounce in about 4 days, but that's because I prefer to ingest marijuana instead of smoke it).


Can marijuana be grown outdoors anytime in Australia? Can I grow it now, in summer?


Anything about the climate of South Australia which stands out for outdoor growing?


What sort of amount of yield do you typically get off average outdoor plants?


Is the THC content in outdoor plants significantly less than hydro grown plants?


I am sure this has been asked before but does anybody have any simple grow guide links for complete begging? I have used marijuana for a long time, but I know nothing about plants or gardening in general (NOTHING!)

Edited by cybergenesis
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hey guy, im currently growing now..you have to make best use of this summer sun, while we have it...my best advice is prepare your soil before time, plant where the you get at least eight to ten hours of sun, and watch out for bugs!! i prepared my soil with manure, compost, dynamic lifter about a month before planting and my plant is now growing sweetly, taking advatage of the full out put of the suns rays. dont over water but keep it moist...hope any of this helps
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