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am i to late

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if im gonna do this im not going to use my exo seeds, i was thinking 20 seeds, 10 baggies, 5 high yeilders and 5 jack herer's....


If the '5 high yeilders' are indica dom, save them for next season. The Jacks and any other sativa doms should do fine sprouted at this time of the year.


Good luck,


lou :peace:

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Welcome back to the growing lark UnknownArtizt (unck) I thought we lost yo there for a while.


Yep your in time just Unck.


some things to consider -



1) germinate and raise to sufficient height (6-8") age 4-5 weeks if you can .............i would not germ in the 'bush/scrub'.


2) Don't visit daily - you should need to 3rd daily should be sufficient. Helps keep stealth.


3) Animals love green - if you can construct a 'mote-like' barrier (stones) to ward off pests. Handy is for you to stash some 'white oil" and /or some 'garlic spray' @/near location.


Your a running traveling grower UnknownArtizt - good to have u back !



:D and some excellent advice by Nitram :)


G'day Unk ,

Sounds like you'll be taking a bit of a risk doing it that way ... so of course I applaud your efforts :peace:

Heheheh , and December/January will be a decent time to start no worries :)

I know a few oldies that rarely would ever plant before December as they worry about the plants getting too big , I would agree that a few 6-footers are quite possible even from January.

Like Nitty said , best to start them off for a few weeks before planting out , this I reckon is a most important factor because there is always an animal about that likes to eat fresh and funky seedlings :D

Even then It might be an idea to take a smal roll of chicken wire or something similar just to protect them until they are around a foot tall , then can usually and easily fend for themselves after that.


Anyhoo , looking forward to seeing how you go about it ... best of luck to ya lol

Cheerz, :peace:


Budman lol



P.s. To lou lou , they sound like pretty decent sized budz there ... 18" - 2' ??? :P Awesome , though ... either way you look at it , I think it must be a typo? :) heheheh

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NITTY, im proud to be your apprentice my great master...

yea i know i fell off the grid for a little while, tho the harvest went well, had to move them tho and 3 females flipped was so sad i cried, tho i came out with 3/4p so i was happy, and was some sick smoke the boys and me didnt let anyone have any at all.


as for the advice, always appreciated, i dont think i can stash them in my cupboard till there that big....specially 20...they would be everywhere...unless theres sumway i can do it, im helping a few mates set up a glasshouse shed thingo lol...so hopefully we will be able to steal some room in there until there 4-8inches high...if they got to 6ft i would be stoked, im intending to tie them down, and try a few diff methods like stickin them up in trees...been doin some reading and cause its not where ild like to put it, i think im going to have to get creative....COULD BE FUN!!! WOOP WOOP :P would they be safe to just pop out in the backyard till they got to reasonable size?? neighbours are like 2mtrs away tho.....MMMM


lou lou...if i can pull of those bigger nugs i think i will cream.



BMAN always a pleasure bro....


:peace: :peace: bad children steal my crop :peace:

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