DIY Paraphernalia
Showcase your ingenuity with DIY cannabis accessories. Share designs, gather feedback, and inspire others with your innovative solutions.
51 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- Admin
- 19 replies
Hey guys, I've just finished building myself a stash chest & thought u might like a little look. Its made from Tassie Myrtle with Ebony plugs. The internal dividers can be removed & separated to lie flat. The internal of the chest & the dividers have been flocked. The chest was finished with using a 3 part mix of Boiled Linseed oil, Tung oil & polyurethane, 4 coats then a final 2 coats of straight polyurethane to give it a bit of protection. The jars themselves are Macona coffee jars & each holds 1 oz of my best Celticstone buds comfortably.
Last reply by The Hash Nibbler, -
- 3 replies
OK so ive been thinking about beeline as an alternative to lighters but you can only get this stuff from the USA and its about 30USD to have it sent. I was looking on another forum i found a guy that was able to make it by simply melting down bees wax in a double boiler set up and siting a length of hemp twine/string in the molten wax. Sounds simple enough, bees wax is easy to find and cheap to buy but i just can find hemp twine or string any where but can find twine made from "Jute" or "Sisal" So im just wondering what you guys think about substituting hemp twine for jute or sisal as the twine? Jute is a small weed like plant that has similar properties to hemp just com…
Last reply by Sylar420, -
- 5 replies
hey guys well the other week me trusty bong smashed i didnt do it it was the wife!!! sacralige where i come from.. so anyways with the bong bans etc atm i wasnt paying the extorted prices they charge for roor brand i didnt want to take the chance with glass in mail so i have come up with this 316 grade marine stainless steel,shoty,stem she works and smokes smoothe well the smoothness could come back to the pot we smoke... anyways was interested in seeing wat other folks use4 take care and stay safe bil
Last reply by The Hash Nibbler, -
- 420 Crew
- 39 replies
Lets see some pics of all your ozzy-homemade smoking devices, maybee theres some really interesting must try designs. With names of course e.g Brian :: (i mean the name of your bong/anything else) if you havnt named it, then do it now.
Last reply by StonedHenge, -
- 5 replies
Alright so i was laying in bed one day and i was think of ways to make a pipe style vaporizer, then i remembered the vaporstar and designed it around that concept. • The First Picture is the full picture with the filter system disassembled • The second Pic is another pic of the disassembled filter system • The third pic is the assembled filter system (cut a penny with a saw so that it would have 16 slots just as the real vaporstar does.) • The 4th pic is the whole thing Havent tried it yet but it gives a nice draw with no bud in it. prob gunna try it tmorow cant wait
Last reply by PinoySmoker, -
- 12 replies
After making the choice to ditch the metal cone and stem in favour of glass (though i still love snapping cones)I spent the weeked making this little gem, i will try my best to give you as detailed instructions as possible. First i bought the vase from a thrift store for $2 (two fucking dollars haha) and it had some decorative bamboo string stuff on it and smelled like piss, not to mention the spiders nest in the base of it. I cleaned it out with some metho and popcorn kernels and it came up great. I got the stem and bowl from Bongsn'n'Things for $35 shipped. only took 4 days to get it to my door, and the rubber grommit for $2 at the local baccy shop (a great place to…
Last reply by The-Gecko, -
OK, i have all the supplys to make my bong. All i need is a filter (like from a sink or some thing). But since i a) dont know how to get em out of the sink, and dont think i have any in my house any way, i was wonderin' if there were any alternatives, or if any one wanted to give me advice. Thanks.
Last reply by The Kernal, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Hey guys i found a facial sauna at the local $2 shop. It said it "heats up oils to provides vapors". Naturally my next thought was how to exploit this product for cannabis use. So i came up with some basic idea that i use the top of a plastic bottle and attach a bag to the top. Although this particular vaporizer does not have temp control, i have the gist of how it works and after about 3 minutes the herb goes brown and a steam-like substance is released. I have been experimenting with it extensively and i found that if i switch it off after about 2 minutes and then leave it for about 3 minutes afterwards, the herb's essences are vaporized and are stored in the bag. Ob…
Last reply by Vaporman, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
hey wats up? just got my account the other day and havnt really explored that much yet.. anyway thourght i might start up a thread and see what i could learn bout billys. the best bong ive ever used was home made by a mate.. he melted a pvc pipe with a stove and slid it over a jar it fit perfect and was nice n air tight he rounded off the top for a mouth piece.... it worked like a charm, it was about a foot tall and smooth as any store bourght one. plus it dosnt matter if it breaks. anyway i was just looking for some different ideas like good bottles to use ( my favourite is anything with a big mouth piece...powerade, lipton ice tea) peace
Last reply by Amdrew, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
I stumbled across this guide for making a 'volcano style' heat gun vaporiser on TCCWiki (a wiki on drug information). I've been searching for something like this for ages! I have a Vriptech and heatgun setup and it works a treat. The only problem is the glass is so fragile (i've broken one, and rarely use my replacement because it's easier to just smoke..) Reckon I'll have a crack at making something based off this design. Will be a vape setup I'm not afraid of letting my baked friends use. Thought I'd share it with anyone who is a bit handy and is in the market for a vape.
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 8 replies
- 1.7k views Hello OZ stoners: I'am 60yr old medical marijuana patient from America who made this device for anyone who uses hash/oil,concentrates kief..etc I wanted to share this with my fellow tokers down-under. I hope you enjoy it,I was nervous and had little time to make it.
Last reply by HighRising, -
Pocket Vape 1 2
by RockSci- 13 replies
I have been working on this for a while. Check out my site. Tell me what you think. I have been testing it. It's impressive. I have videos of the testing on my site. I hope to bring it to market next year.
Last reply by smoke p, -
- 420 Crew
- 22 replies
So hello everyone, this is my first post, and i figured i should make it an interesting one! about 3 months back my mate was getting pretty interested in vaporisers, so being the nice dude that i am i told him i would make one for him - it was holidays, and i had the time, so why not. I have just recently begun to visit this site and thought why not share my superawesome plans? At the time i made it i hadn't anticipated posting pics anywhere and so did not take any pics during construction, so attatched are some pics taken at his house from my phone. Hopefully you can understand how it was made from the pics and my radical diagram. The vap was designed for the bottom ha…
Last reply by smoke p, -
- 420 Crew
- 20 replies
first off, im 18 and have no money. so most of the time i smoke out of a aluminum foil pipe that i made. well i was smoking last night and i thought about this vaporizer my friend made with a light bulb. so i was just wondering if i put the flame so it was underneath the pipe(right below the weed) and let it get real hot, would it work like a vaporizer?
Last reply by Infinitee, -