Paraphernalia Q&A
Navigate your choices in cannabis accessories. Post inquiries and get clarity on products ranging from vaporizers to more intricate apparatus.
496 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Hey dudes, so I ordered a da Buddha vaporizer from the US a couple of weeks ago coz I heard they were the beez neez for the price, and I just received it the other day. I plugged it in today to warm it up ( after purchasing a US to AUS adaptor) and as it pretty much blew up. I now have learnt its because of the wattage difference from the us to aus. Anyways so I took it apart and nothing seems to be fried or broken or anything, but I'm just wondering if I buy a stepdown transformer whether it will still work or not. What are your thoughts, am I $200 out of pocket? It has a warrantee but the postage back alone would cost $60 and I've probably voided it now by opening …
Last reply by bigelectriccat, -
- 3 replies
Last wednesday i ordered the Icemaster 45cm black label and i told me friends about it and he said one of his other friends ordered a bong from germany also, but he still hasnt gotten it after two months. Is it a legitimate website? when i put my address in it let me click 'find on google maps' and the correct place showed up. If so, how long will arrival take if i live in St. Louis?
Last reply by El Gato, -
- 17 replies
Gday Ive got a RooR down stem fused to its glass RooR bowl. The joint appears clean bu I cant pull them apart fo teh life o me- almost turned Russle Crow on the thing. any ideas???
Last reply by Frank Reynolds, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
I want to find a tobacconist in Sydney, preferably around the Chinatown/Haymarket area that sells glass pipes like this one. I know they're out there. I once went to a Cignall somewhere in Chinatown and they had one for sale, but I was really high and can't remember where abouts it was. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers
Last reply by Nym, -
- 6 replies
*THROWS MONEY @ SCREEN* - GIVE ME ONE NOW! (replace xx with tt) unfortunatley the website link is dead Drool edit trying to post youtube link - not working properly
Last reply by Frank Reynolds, -
Buying a bong 1 2
by RAINBOWZZ- 15 replies
I'm hoping to buy a new pyrex glass bong tomorrow, i dont know what one i should get i just cant decide. also im trying to keep the price under $100 Any recomendations??
Last reply by Andrew Wallis, -
Coffee Grinders 1 2
by Kush'-
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
I recently purchased a $30 coffee grinder from target or kmart cant remember,works a treat a couple of pulses and your bud is chopped,all good,BUT im left wondering,all the build up of dust,you will know what I mean if you have one,whats the deal with this? It gets you stoned ,really stoned if you just sprinkle it on a cone like a little snow cone,but if your not doing this constantly and your just smoking your mix and not touching the dust until say your desperate for a bit of a smoko,then are all the mixes you have been smoking less potent than if you had just had a chop with scissors and all that dust just stays in the mix? Cheers KK Edit- I don't put spin in my…
Last reply by weedjoy, -
Vaporizer temps? 1 2
by zeuss-
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Hey guys, I have just brought a vaporizer from CTH after many years of bonging on, mainly got it for the health benefits as my missus and my lungs are getting on a bit. What temp do you folks use? i have only had it for a couple of days, first day we tried it at around 190c and it was ok, really quite a change from the bong, takes 5 mins or so to kick in, last night we tried it at 210c, the wife had a good pull of the wand and seemed to get a good hit of vapour at that temp, i gave it a huge pull and the weed in the glass fitting went up in smoke? was great, just like the bong but i'm sure that is not meant to happen.. I have read somewhere that different temps release di…
Last reply by tangwena, -
420 lineup 1 2
by Chato-
- 420 Crew
- 19 replies
just some of the equip we had lined up for our little 420 party. peace c
Last reply by brick, -
Everyone should have an original bong name if you own one.. Share Yours! Mine is a 3 foot green bong that we call The Jolly Green Giant
Last reply by STONEDAJ69, -
- 13 replies
I got a new agung Ringer Bong from the good people at bongsNthings the other day and it is a great billy. What i am not use to is the glass cone piece , the hole for the cone piece is bigger then your standard brass cone . When i chop how i usually do some of the gear just falls through the larger hole . Is this where a grinder comes in ? Using scissors just seems to get it to fine for the cone piece. I must say i enjoy using the all glass bong . Badseed
Last reply by Budzzz, -
Hello all, for as long as i've been toking, i've been trying to achieve things like coughing less, lessening any burning sensation in your throat, etc. After some thought i think its something that can only be achieved by experience, improving one's technique with each toke. but what do you think? are there ways to train oneself in the pursuit of mastering the bong? i look forward to your thoughts and opinions. Peace, Crunchy. p.s. sorry for being brief, think its time for bed
Last reply by an-D, -
Hey fellow stoners....long time no post Anyhow...when I pack myself a cone, I generally try to ( and usually succeed) take the whole cone in one breath. Now I do this and then hold the smoke in for a little while, and exhale. Now to me this seems the right way, you get lots of smoke, you dont waste any and the holding in of the smoke allows it to absorb into your blood. Right? Well lately, a couple of my mates laugh hysterically at me taking cones..and rather take tiny little breaths, breathe out straight away...and in the proccess let the chamber empty.... Now I may be petty, I may be dumb, hell I may even have it all wrong..but FUCK , WATCHING THEM TAKE CONES MAKES …
Last reply by Badboybris, -
- 420 Crew
- 24 replies
Hey I'm looking to buy a bong in sydney for under 50 bucks, could anyone let me know where I could find some, I would rather it if it was in the Northern Suburbs but any suggestion is fine. PMs welcome. Thanks
Last reply by newtothenet, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
G'day everyone, I've been interested in investing in a vape and I was keen to get the Magic box but cam across the Stealthvape which can be found here It looks even more compact than the Magic box. I was just wondering if anyone here has used the Stealthvape before and if it was worth getting over the magic box or not? What do you guys think? Stealthvape or Magic box? Cheers, pb
Last reply by Ford Fairlane, -