Paraphernalia Q&A
Navigate your choices in cannabis accessories. Post inquiries and get clarity on products ranging from vaporizers to more intricate apparatus.
496 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
Finally got around to my dad's place to pick up my package from Ozbongs. I'd like to thank them for everything, speedy delivery - I ordered Thursday night and it was there by Monday morning. Also the packaging! all glass pieces individually wrapped in bubble wrap and then protected by cardboard and more bubble wrap! Throw in the 420 Member discount and the price was pretty sweet too! Definitely will order though you guys again. Cheers
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
I want one Video of bong in action.
Last reply by DailyTokin, -
How much demand for genuine ROOR would there be in Australia? A couple of months ago I received a phone call out of the blue from Martin Birzle who is the owner of ROOR in Germany and we have emailed a few times since. From the phonecall I learnt that Martin and his company were not only fully aware that fake ROOR products were being imported and distributed all over Australia, but they were also intending to lodge paperwork with the Australian government and then take legal action against the importer when that paperwork was approved. I don't know what stage this legal action is at but I have noticed that some of the online sites have removed their fakes? He also…
Last reply by _Puff_Tough_, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Yo Stoners, was searching round the old web & came across Ceramic Nails on ebay. Any-one used one or heard any positive / negative things? Seller says ceramic nails hold heat longer & you get more flavour from Ceramic.
Last reply by RickShawRyder, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
Hello all, i need some advice on vaporisers. Having just come back to cannabis for the medical side, i'm looking to buy a vap. Reason i want to go this path is i want to give up tobacco and smoking joints atm is making this hard foor obvious reasons. Now, when i smoked years ago, all day everyday i love the bong, but i want to stay away from that as well. Looking at vaps the Volcano seems to be a stand out, but i would rather not spend that type of cash if i dont have to, if that is the way to go though i will. I would prefer to spend less, say 300 bux, i would prefer portable but it aint a deal breaker as i only relly smoke at night at home but it would be nic to b…
Last reply by Jagged, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Okay, so Im making some BHO this season. Having never smoked BHO I was looking for some advice on best ways to blaze it? Ive looked around the ozbongs site at nails etc but to tell the truth I wouldn't have a clue how to use any of that stuff. But Im always happy to learn. Any help greatly appreciated, even some links to the good stuff. Cheers.
Last reply by RickShawRyder, -
- 0 replies
G'day, I'm looking at investing in a new bong, or crafting my own with one of the vases/bottles I got laying around the house, as my I finally managed to break my Agung bong after a good years run. Not wanting to spend much more than $50 and won't be buying online as there's a few tobacconists locally. Not really interested in double chambers or ash catchers but I'd like something that I can smoke flower and dab with too without having to buy one for each. So advice on attachments/bowls/nails/butane torches and best brands ect would be great as I'm new to dabs and the tools used these days. Cheers Calo
Last reply by Calo, -
- 15 replies
hi, I purchased a vaporite wooden vaporizoer a few years ago and enjoyed using it for around $100. I brought it mainly to save my lungs from too much smoke but I also found I liked the high. But last year I was about to travel and an old friend asked if he could borrow it.I thought I would be kind and let the old guy use it to save his lungs but when I came back and hoped to get it back his phone number was no longer working. So I need to buy another one but unfortunately my budget is very low and I need to get the best I can for the least amount of money. This is where I hope I can get some advice on what is out there and where I could get it. I have browsed a few pop…
Last reply by Ser Jory, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hello to everyone. This is my first post here - Have lurked a little before signing up. I am hoping you can all help me. I have recently become interested in the various oils and extracts obtained through butane extraction. When it come's to the various devices used to smoke extracts I get quite confused. So many different options and slang terminology I lose track. Does anyone have experience with concentrates here ? Im looking for advice on what rig people recommend to smoke their wax/shatter with. Would you recommend a vape pen ( which seems much cheaper and easier to use ) Or a big glass bong with a dome kit or... I don't know.. help me - . I'm also trying t…
Last reply by gramin, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hey, I live in Melbourne and was wondering where I could purchase bongs. A mate of mine bought one from vic market late last year but they've since been banned by the state government. Anywhere I can still get them in Melbourne? And yeah I do know about buying online, but I wanna know what I'm getting before I buy it.
Last reply by Charnystyle, -
Online smoke 1 2 3 4
by Woken2Reason-
- 420 Crew
- 36 replies
Has anyone had dealings with any feed back about ordering/dealings/delivery? i just want to check before spending with them.
Last reply by Charnystyle, -
- 1 reply
I have a few broken bits and looking for someone hopefully close to me in Victoria that could repair them for me, its a cone piece and ash catcher, both have broken joints and would like to find a glassblower who may be able to repair them for me. If the same person was interested i would like to learn the art of glassblowing perhaps some starter classes? anyways if someone knows a victorian glass blower could they please let me know
Last reply by MrCompletion, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
hey guys its been a while since ive smoked weed but ive recently started again i was originally a bong smoker but have now resorted to smoking joints which i cant roll for shit and want to go back to the bong as there is is nothing like it . i was wondering if anyone knew where to find one in melbourne as they have been scarce since the ban. Also i was wondering if it is ok to buy one online? is thins kinda like a loophole or can i still get stung? please help coz i really suck at rolling joints
Last reply by Sylar420, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hi, Im from Australia, First time poster long time lurker. I had finally decided to splash out after years of plastic bottles and buy a glass bong. I have put an order in with, the order was taking a while to ship so I thought id check some other people experience and unfortunately it wasn't very positive. Has anyone had and dealing with then recently that can hopefully restore some hope! . ] Plus wanted to know for any future purchases if someone can point me in the direction of a good and trusted site to buy from? Any info would be muchly appreciated! Thanks
Last reply by DVS969, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Hello there fellow Stoners I have been Considering getting a Vaporizer for a few weeks now, I have done quite a bit of reading up and research of different kinds YouTube really was a big help in making an informed decision and I think I have come to a Decision. I should probably mention that personally YouTube was a really big help in making an informed decision First of all let me say I am loving the look of this vape it is on the higher end of the price scale when it comes to vaporizers and for around the same price as this Whip style vape you could get yourself a Plenty vaporizer, made by the same people who make the Volcano, its said to be the best whip style…
Last reply by Partimus, -