Paraphernalia Q&A
Navigate your choices in cannabis accessories. Post inquiries and get clarity on products ranging from vaporizers to more intricate apparatus.
496 topics in this forum
- 13 replies
Finally after a long wait (felt even longer) my new bong has arriving from RooR in Germany I was worried it got caught up in the postie strike haha As some may remeber I mentioned in another thread that I broke my RooR little sista, I was quiet devastated that I broke her cleaning it... Well I am alot better now its "older" sister a 7mm little sista with longer neck has arrived OOC.... Out Of Control is all I can say haha... I am still waiting on my diffused down stems for both A/C and main stem from EDIT they should be here after x-mas after a long wait.. Will get some better pics soon, need to test her out some more
Last reply by JohnnyBlazeJnr, -
- 0 replies
I'm sort of stuck between the two.. I enjoy smoking out of bongs more so I guess that's why i like the vaporstar but i like the look of the genie as the aluminium pipe and it's easier to conceal or take with me places...which will give you a better high? also does anyone know of aussie outlets for the vaporgenie as the aluminium pipe.. i can't find it on bongs n things and they're always sold out... and i prefer to pay by bankdeposit or atleast paypal but the sites for genie and star don't let u use paypal..
Last reply by Diital, -
Vaporizers 1 2
by joeybc- 13 replies
Hey all... Being new to pot can someone please tell me what vaporizers are like??? Are they any good? or is it best to ingest or smoke this product? thanks in advance Joeybc
Last reply by flatcat_auz, -
Dugouts 1 2
by StonedHenge-
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Hey all, I've recently taken a step into stealth smoking since moving back home.. Going for 'walks' and coming back red-eyed before getting to my eye-drops often isn't the stealthiest way, especially if i pass the servo and get 3 icecreams, 2 bottles of powerade, and 4 bags of chips.. A friend of mine mentioned a 'dugout' to me, and i was thinking its a word i havent heard since the days i studied modern history in school, but after a quick research on google and OS (i think there were 4/5 threads containing dugout and 3 were someones username) i think its a pretty good investment for a young person like myself trying to stealth smoke.. If anyone has seen them around …
Last reply by StonedHenge, -
New accessory 1 2
by FDL- 10 replies
I just picked up a new little accessory for my bong from my local tobacconist the other day, a glass stem and bowl. The one with the rubber on it, needless to say i was pretty stoked for 10 bucks. I went to use the bloody thing and it wasnt airtight. Anyone had similar problems? or know of any good ways to make it bit more airtight? Peace F D L
Last reply by JaykeSucks, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys one of my friend suggested me to use Vaporizers , i was searching over the net for the best Vaporizers and found this Is this good one and can i buy this one? Im looking for replies before i could buy.
Last reply by tyler74, -
- 4 replies
I'm searching for a Vaporizer for health reasons and came across one on Ebay: This one seems pretty decent because it is from an Australian seller and has digital temperature adjustment. What do you reckon?
Last reply by The Walrus, -
- 12 replies
Hi, i am aware of where I can purchase bongs, but I dont know how to roll a joint nor actually smoke a bong. I am new to cannabis Any guides or tips? thanks
Last reply by The Hash Nibbler, -
- 420 Crew
- 24 replies
Hey guys, im interested to know everyones experiences with using different liquids for bong water. I've heard people say they've used milk, beer, apple juice, etc. i want to know what you've tried and how you think it affected the taste and high. Peace, Crunchy.
Last reply by StonedHenge, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Anyone know where I can get bubble hash bags or a way of making something similar?
Last reply by MongyMan, -
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
Hey everyone these are some pics of my new pipe i picked up from a place hehehe its a colour changing one cost 50 bucks but i love it really chunky i dont think it would break very easily anyway hers some photos this was a great test for my cheap digi camera too hehe
Last reply by cone head, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
I am considering having a custom vapor chamber made and was wondering how much does it cost to get glass blown? Peace.
Last reply by Allotropy, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
I was just curious and wondered about the vapours when they are released from the bud. Is it possible to "harvest" the vapour so that it collaborates back into a liquid and use that as an additive for cooking or adding to a drink or something? or should I say will it work?
Last reply by Dingo-2008, -
- 10 replies
Righto. I got a jar and took the lid off and torched it red hot all over to remove paint and fumes from heating then scrubbed with brush underwater to remove soot and repeated heating/scrubbing, this will be my heating plate. I then used a glass drillbit to put two holes in the bottom of the jar. I inserted small diameter black garden hose into one of the holes to suck vapor, the other is the carb. I then put a pinch of herb on the insid of the lid and screw the (upside down jar) onto the lid. To heat mabey a zippo or candle etc.
Last reply by phreakah, -
i'm wondering if someone can help me out.. i've been a smoker since i can't remember when (hows the irony? ) and i'm totally oblivious to the concept of vapourisers? can someone tell me what they are and how they work? the benifits? affects? etc. thanks alot ~Boe~
Last reply by cybergenesis,