Pests and Diseases
HELP! Whats wrong with my Plant?
To assist the cannabis community in providing you with an accurate diagnosis, help and advice please answer as many of the the questions below as possible including a description of the problem/s and how long the cannabis plant has been suffering along with any good clear photos when available.
Growing Medium:
Growing Style:
Watering/Feeding Frequency:
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels:
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:
Plants Age:
Cannabis Strain:
537 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
This particular seed has been dormant for a while, slightly opened, but yesterday I saw this grey crap around it. It's starting to spread to the neighboring seed too, is it normal or do I need to do something? On an unrelated note, another seed was slightly germinated but facing the wrong way. I used a pair of tweezers to turn it over but accidentally damaged the sprout sap a little, will it still grow out? (germinating period - about 9 days so far)
Last reply by 420 HELI, -
- 5 replies
in sixth week budding,went on vacation,came back with white mould MOSTLY ON BUDS. the buds themselves look like a lump of mould. i cut off all buds and branches with mould,wiped down any excess water and added a dehumidifier.there are many buds with no mould but they smell kind of mouldy.WHAT CAN I DO OR SRAY ON PLANTS TO SAVE CROP AND STOP MORE MOULD GROWTH.NEED HELP ASAP,PLEASE!!!!!!! BAKING SODA,H2O2??
Last reply by Budman2012, -
- 420 Crew
- 18 replies
I just noticed this morn some tiny little sandfly like bug emerge from my netpot. I think it may be a fungus gnat but im not sure. Maybe 1mm long, black to grayish with wings. I think theyre in the medium. There also seems to be another tiny little ant thing. Heaps smaller than a standard ant though. None of them can be too bad yet as the sticky traps I always use dont have shit on em. I know a foto would help but no can do and even if i could theyre too small. Can you guys have some guesses as to what they may be so I can have a search and try to figure out what these are? I'll tell you what theyre not - not white fly, dont think theyre thrips, not aphids, not…
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 1 reply
just bought this product from bunnings for summers grow has any one used this product? how did it work lots of wallabies and birds in my neck of the woods
Last reply by nitram, -
- 1 reply
*** Why not to use bug bombs *** Bug bombs are some times used by cannabis growers to get rid of various infestations. They should not be - full stop Why? Even if you believe with all your heart and mind that chemical companies never lie to us and that they are safe when used as directed (check on how Michael J Fox got his parkensons disease) they are not intended for use on anything that is to be put into the human body. Spraying bug bomb poisons on your cannabis and then smoking it is very very bad for you. People should not inhale burning pesticide or eat it either. In point of fact, the instructions on bug bombs (and other pesticides) say very plainly not to …
Last reply by yields, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
I'm talking about growing via dirt, not hydro. I need a product for damping off. I'd like a suggestion of something systemic and I can't afford Banrot and other professional products. I need something "hobby grower" priced. Please don't tell me how to prevent damping off because I already know the whole sterilizing, air circulating, not crowding seedlings, etc, etc, etc. I know it all. And I'm not interested in home cures because hydrogen peroxide, chamomile tea, cinnamon and all the other junk you'd find in a kitchen did not work for me. I need a commercial product that I can order. I don't need advice on how to prevent it or what home remedies you swear by. I kn…
Last reply by nobodyknew, -
- 6 replies
Hi, as you can prob guess i'm new to growing, Its my first time and i think i'm fighting a losing battle. Every thing was great til bout 2 wks ago; i notice just a few spider mite and ordered some preditors to sort them out. Well its not turned out as planned, the mites seem to have spead live rats. One day No Webs - Today a cloud of webs all over my buds. B4 finding the mites my plants had approx 3 wks till harvest hense why I didn't use any sprays and went for Phytoseiulus predator mites, Could the webs be from the Phytoseiulus???? If NOT how can I get rid of the spider mites ready for harvest??? Will a good Vacuum and a Wip down sort it out or will I ruin my plants. P…
Last reply by nitram, -
Hey guys, need some help with a positive ID of a little infestation I've got going on in my soil mix. From reading here and checking out pictures via google I think I've got GNATS. I just need a second opinion before I sort the little buggers out. They're tiny "nearly microscopic" white bugs that have been crawling around the soil for a day or so. When I checked up on the girls today there were literally hundreds of them and they were jumping (maybe attempting to fly) from the soil to the sides of the tub. When you look closely it actually looks like the fizz off a fresh glass of soda water if that makes any sense. I also noticed a few larger versions of the sa…
Last reply by yields, -
- 2 replies
i took cuttings 2 weeks ago.i have them in a clone dome.i have them in a rockwool type medium.i had them sitting in water with no air(bad idea).now half of them have milky slimy stuff where the stem meets the medium and they smell.should i pull them and put them in new medium(medium smells to,or should i add h202( i only have storebought 3%)NEED HELP, DONT WANT TO LOOSE MY GIRLS!!!
Last reply by TheTreeBoundRat, -
- 16 replies
What do you fellas use to get rid of Mites ? I use Malathon and Maverick , but I am sick of coughing for ages after using it . It is nasty shit !! I have to wear a bloody gas mask . So , any alternatives out there , that actually work ?
Last reply by Radic, -
- 6 replies
hey i have found alot of lawn grubs in 1 of my pots its only 1 pot that there in. i heard they feed off the roots? should i get them out or do they do good for the soil? the pot there in though is the more developed/bigger sprout.
Last reply by nitram, -
- 11 replies
hey, im a first time grower. and i have little tiny bugs crawling around in my soil. i have done some research and i could almost say they are spider mites. but they arent nescesarily on the plant. its a baby seedling and i see one or two of the suckers on the plant crawling around but most are just running around in the soil and on the rim of my pot. the temps in my growbox are about 32- 35. they are whiteish yellow and they look closest to spider mites. yeh so any help would be appreciated
Last reply by Radic, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Last reply by Gazza2001au, -
- 4 replies
Hi all first post so be nice. I have one plant in a closet 3 weeks into flower. The plant is an old plant 1x reveg and the main stem seems to be rotting /dieing from the top down. Over a few days you can see the main stem change color further and further down. As it reaches a branch the branch wilts. We have removed two wilted branches so far and the next ones are the largest. The first grow was good no problems reveg and veg and first 2 weeks of flower all good now things are looking ugly Can’t post pics at the moment Any suggestions would be appreciated Cheers Got
Last reply by GoOnThen, -
- 9 replies
12:48 pm [buddy.g] : Hi guys 12:49 pm [buddy.g] : just typed up a reply about scared fly larvae but it didn't work. 12:49 pm [buddy.g] : shit me, it was long 12:49 pm [buddy.g] : any of you have any natural remedies for killing the larvae 12:50 pm [buddy.g] : i used an water ozone generator last week that killed them all 12:50 pm [buddy.g] : but i had to give it back to the shop 12:51 pm [buddy.g] : nice of them to lend it to me 12:51 pm [buddy.g] : they are out of additive to add to my tank to kill them. so i have to look for alternatives for now 12:51 pm [buddy.g] : any ideas????? 12:54 pm [buddy.g] : Also i have never ever seen 1 fly in my cupboard. 12:55 pm [buddy.g] …
Last reply by buddy.g,