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Name a product for damping off please

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I'm talking about growing via dirt, not hydro.


I need a product for damping off. I'd like a suggestion of something systemic and I can't afford Banrot and other professional products. I need something "hobby grower" priced.


Please don't tell me how to prevent damping off because I already know the whole sterilizing, air circulating, not crowding seedlings, etc, etc, etc. I know it all.


And I'm not interested in home cures because hydrogen peroxide, chamomile tea, cinnamon and all the other junk you'd find in a kitchen did not work for me.


I need a commercial product that I can order. I don't need advice on how to prevent it or what home remedies you swear by. I know this makes me sound like a jerk but I've been to so many gardening sites and I don't know if they can read or not because people keep giving me a history of damping off and what their grandmother's mother swore by to prevent and cure it but nobody ever gives me any names of any commercial products, which was the only thing I ask for.


I used to use Hydroguard until it got recalled and now I don't know what to use. And No-Damp is gone too and I didn't even get to try that. Every product that sounds promising turns out to be marketed for commercial use and I can't afford what a commercial business spends on these products. I'm not spending $90 on a bag of fungicide...

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Damping off is the term used for a number of different fungus-caused ailments which can kill seeds or seedlings before or after they germinate.


The term is used most often in horticulture, where seeds are specifically planted to be germinated, especially if in warm, wet conditions which speed growth but are considered conducive to fungal attacks.


A given seed can become infected with a fungus, often causing it to darken and soften. This can kill it before the seedling emerges, or cause the seedling to be weak, sometimes getting "wet" patches on it which decay until it falls apart.


Likewise, a seedling can be infected after it sprouts, before it leaves the ground, or even after it appears well-developed, the latter often resulting in the plant mysteriously thinning right where it touches the ground, until its stem at that point rots and it falls over.



Damping off can be prevented in many different ways, including germination in dryer conditions with better air circulation (but this slows germination), starting seedlings in sterilized soil, and/or spraying the soil with an anti-fungal known to work for this purpose, either a commercial one or a homemade solution, such as one made from chamomile tea or garlic. Similarly, ground cinnamon may be sprinkled on the soil to ward off the fungus.


Not sure where you are located but no damp is available at Rona.Safers makes a very effective fungicide as well


Good Luck

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lol Must be the not too bright.

I thought you wanted a product that you could order to combat the problem of "damping off".Something still available, because No Damp is apparently "gone"(although as I stated it is available -probably even ORDERABLE-at Rona),and also cheap, because you are apparently not able to grow anything worth spending $90 on.So I being the idiot that I am suggested Safers fungicide, a widely available product priced at less than $10 a bottle.

If the hostility is a result of the C/P from wikipedia it was intended to shed some light on the issue for paulshop


I would not suggest taking advice from someone as obviously stupid as myself but that won't prevent me from giving it....


Good Luck

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to the original poster who admits he sounds like a jerk (ya not wrong there)


'if for whatever reason you refuse to buy a $90 fungicide to solve the problem , then put up with it! ... and stop giving shit to ppl who are only trying to help and enlighten'



to TitaniumEgo thanks for the heads up with that Wiki entry, for i like paulshop wasnt really sure what the heck dampening off was either ...



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B) Fix your attitude mjm85 or go back to whatever rock you crawled out from under. Seriously if you've got that much problem with dampoff and can't work out how to stop it without spending your money your an idiot I'm guessing. You might as well give up trying to grow now and save yourself alot of hassles. lol There are a few nice cheap chemicals you can buy (if you really want to spend money) that control it but I can't be bothered going into it with a wanker. lol


Peace MongyMan

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