Cannabis Troubleshooting
Information and discussions on cannabis diseases, pests and nutrient problems.
- 1 reply
My plant have pale leaves. they have between them 2-4 weeks left of flowering. ive been hand watering them with bio canna and dutch master additives 3 times a week. Should i use a nitro grow solution next time or will they be ok.?
Last reply by nitram, -
- 4 replies
Hey, hopefully someone can help!! Two plants about 4 weeks since transplant, under 600w hps, fully auto thermostat controlling exhaust fan, normal fan circulating air. Temp kept between 26 - 30 degrees celcius. growing in coco medium with a little perlite added to it, 12L pots. Not a hydro system but using hygro fert, does this matter?? Plant growth is great, very fast, sturdy and bushy. Still in veg stage. Bottom leaves going yellow, slightly drooping and curling at the tips, new growth is fine. yellowing starts between the veins, tips curl, then leaves die from tip of leaves and outer edges. end up having to cut them off. Thought it was magnesium so I dissolved some ep…
Last reply by The Gunja Ninja, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Ive decided to go automated and in the past I never mixed up more than 5ltrs at a time so only worried about PH. However, Ive bought a 100ltr resi for my new room so Im guna need to be abit more involved. Ive seen most people giving PPM values but most nutrients give EC. so what sort of meter is best for what i need to do?
Last reply by SoliSticS, -
- 8 replies
Hi Guys, In the last few weeks of constant rainfall here on the north coast I have noticed the humidty in my grow room climb from 60% to 80% and now I am starting to get mould in my grow room in the walls. I am saving up madly for a new centrifugal fan in the hope that better air flow will sort out the problem and I have a pedestal fan blowing over my plants at the moment but I cant seem to reduce the humidty ....have also decreased the watering schedule as well down to a bare minimum. Does anyone know any good methods to reduce humidity? maybe some of our friends up north in tropical Queensland or NT? I have heard that if you put a bowl of baking soda on the ground i…
Last reply by mark60, -
- 1 reply
*** Why not to use bug bombs *** Bug bombs are some times used by cannabis growers to get rid of various infestations. They should not be - full stop Why? Even if you believe with all your heart and mind that chemical companies never lie to us and that they are safe when used as directed (check on how Michael J Fox got his parkensons disease) they are not intended for use on anything that is to be put into the human body. Spraying bug bomb poisons on your cannabis and then smoking it is very very bad for you. People should not inhale burning pesticide or eat it either. In point of fact, the instructions on bug bombs (and other pesticides) say very plainly not to …
Last reply by yields, -
- 0 replies
I have a problem with my jack herer and Euforia both are turning a pale green colour and curling under slightly, my room temps and humidity are near on perfect during lights on and off, all my nutes are mixed to a 2.0 EC as reconmended by lable for grow 20ml A and B per 5 litres i have recently smashed my digital PH tester i have another one on the way, would this be my problems to high or to low PH?. i also am running one 600hps light with two UFO LED lights i wouldnt think it was over lighting, as the plants were fine the first three weeks
Last reply by living_high, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Hi Guys started growing from seed. drip irrigation. 1 x 15min (approx 1 drop per sec) Plants have been doing fine. just about week 4 from seed. Few days ago moved the plant under a 600w hps from fluro. few days later now plants look are bottom set are drooping almost touching the hydroton. top seems ok. Natrally most would say overwatered. but it doesnt get that much and its in rockwool which is in hydroton. any ideas peeps? also EC increased overnite from 1 to 1.2 so i added some water to bring it back down. doing a full res change this weekend. could that have caused it?
Last reply by hicksy, -
Strange Behavior 1 2
by Rootty- 10 replies
Hey Guys, I have three Kali Mists in a small growroom in a recirculating Bubbler system. Since the beggining, one of the plants showed a slower development and stained leaves. I quit trying to address the "problem" and accepted the idea that it could be a genetic issue with this particular plant. I´m saying this because I tryed almost everything and the three are sharing very similar situations: - same nutrients for all, as individual buckets are connected to the same central control-bucket; - same light - a 600w HPS bulb hanging without reflector in the middle of them; - same air circulation - I have already change their places with no noticeable effects. Kali Mi…
Last reply by Rootty, -
help please 1 2
by vivaaa- 11 replies
this is my first grow so im really unsure of what to expect, im growing in a 1.4mx1.4mx2m mylar tent using a 600w hps my grow medium is 60/40 coco/perlite using half nutes at this stage as for ventilation i have 1 in 1 out both are 150mm ezi-fans. I set my tent up sunday and moved 4 seedlings into my tent, after about 3 days my first plant started to yellow and wilt on the under leaves, after searching around the forum ive just come to assume that its normal for them to shrivel. my second plant however is begining to yellow at the top of the plant here are some pics.. im not certain but from what ive read i think i may have over watered it? anyway any help would b…
Last reply by need4weed3, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Hi, i was wondering if anyone could help me out. I started growing a plant a several months ago and it was my first time, i learned a lot of beginner lessons. I am now growing a second plant, this second plant looked interesting from the day it peaked out of the soil, the stem was purple and even now some over the leaves have a purplish color on the bottom. The plant has been growing incredibly quick, compared to it's sister. Now the problem is, it is a month old and contains 40 leaves, all of which are singles... not a single one has 3,5,7 or even 9.... people have been telling me it is because i am not giving it enough light but the leaves are a healthy green and se…
Last reply by Jedi Hippie, -
Hi Guys, Anyone who has been watching the news will know that we have been having some crazy wind and rain up around Lismore and Byron Bay and unfortunately my place has been in a power blackout for the last 24 hours IS there anything I can do? the plants are only a week into flower so I am not sure how serious the problem is.
Last reply by DarkSpark, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, I've just started growing, and have run into a bit of trouble! I had these plants sitting in a pot outside since about December, they were fine. Last week I knocked up a grow box in an old freezer, and stuck the plants under a 250W HPS inside. See here for what I have built.. maybe you can see some problems with my box? The plants were already flowering while outside, although they hadn't grown or changed much for a few weeks. I have since put them under 24 hours of light, could this be the issue? Temps have been between 25-30 degrees inside, i think this is okay? I am watering the plants whenever they look a bit dry, usually twice a day, until i see a…
Last reply by Ex., -
High guy, despite having a odor sock my plants are getting very stinky, I am trying to upgrade my fan right now but in the meantime I want to buy a ionizer to reduce smell, does anyone know where I can purchase one?
Last reply by calaman, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Aloha guys, i could really use some help. So i got an indoor op. going, they were in the dirt 7 days ago. a small bed with a primarily organic soil mix under a 1k hps, 4 strains: blue-widow, puna-tang, durban, and candyman each in a different section,,,puna and candyman are locals i think, anyway 35 plants were pinned LST and everything looked great and was jumping. I now have had 3 plants die and am worried bad. Im not sure what it is or was really, as the others look great and i dont know if these clones were just sick or weak. they got stem mold or something in which the very bottom part of the stem, right above and below the dirt, turns brown and easily falls apart, …
Last reply by hawaiiankorn, -
- 8 replies
any tips for salt buildup on the top of expanded clay flood and drain water flushing from the top is a bit difficult in this setup should I be concerned or is there anything to do to minimise/control it ?
Last reply by bluntman_77,