Southern Hemisphere
1,885 topics in this forum
- 25 replies
I'm planning to plant a few autos to pull some Xmas buds. Anyone recommend a good auto to try? I will be planting them in mid/late September temps are well hot enough here that time of year and they will receive full sun. Gonna plant straight into 20litre pots of a good organic mix got one of itchys recipes brewing haha. Thanks in advance☀️
Last reply by JoshSimple, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hi, guys, first-time poster here. I am brand new to growing marijuana and was wondering if I could get a little advice on nutrient schedules and what people are doing. I am located in Melbourne and will be growing a White Widow and an AK 47, one of each plant. Both seeds are feminized and I will be growing them outside. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all!
Last reply by Beginner_bud, -
- 9 replies
Hi all!! I've gotten some great advice for feminized seeds that I want to plant outside but I have a whole bunch of autos that I want to play with too. I know they don't get too big and they do best not being transplanted but other than that, I don't really know how to care for these fast growers... Can someone provide me with a link or two if it's ok? And I've seen people say that as they autoflower and aren't light dependant, how would they go being planted in winter? Cheers!!
Last reply by _Puff_Tough_, -
How much light? 1 2
by T!CTAC- 14 replies
Hi everyone. Well, I've since found out that you can use a fluoro light to help your sprouts to get growing before moving them outside but how many hours a day should the light be on them? I would have thought 24hrs would be too much because when they go out into natural light, they won't get that amount and maybe try to flower, as tiny and immature as they are. I'm also considering once they germinate, putting them into seedling pots in a plastic propagator and letting them enjoy filtered natural light and light cycle. (Half my yard is under cover so they won't get to hot or dry out) and then toughening them up gradually before planting them properly outdoors. What are…
Last reply by torrietree, -
- 7 replies
Ok, no I haven't popped them yet but I can't find an answer to this. Once I get the seeds to open and then use the damp paper towel method to get the tap root to start growing, I'll put my seeds into a cup or small pot. But when do I start introducing them to light - natural light? I've read three books today, watched YouTube videos and I can't even find an answer from Jorge Cervantes... Everyone assumes that I've got an HID light to put them under for a couple of weeks. I don't. Can I put them on the window sill so they get light but not direct light? I think Jorge said you can use a fluoro light to help stimulate growth and I'll be putting a heat pad under them to help…
Last reply by _Puff_Tough_, -
- 420 Crew
- 18 replies
Hi folks!! As this year will be my first outdoor (like I've said in every other thread that I've started) and I'm genuinely curious as to how many people really keep tabs on their soil's pH... I'm thinking about doing it but as this is my first time outside, I don't want to overwhelm myself too much. If the general consensus is yes, check it, then how do you know how much epsom salts etc do you use and how do you do it? Is it as simple as sprinkling on the topsoil and watering in? How long will it take to change the pH? How often should you test? Sorry everyone but I don't have anywhere/anyone else to ask. Cheers in advance. T.T.
Last reply by _Puff_Tough_, -
- 8 replies
Just curious at exactly what time others in nsw plan on starting their crops? Id like to start mine of indoors abit earlier then move em outside.. but just curious whens a good time to start?? Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by Mcbuddin, -
- 7 replies
High Guys After some advice if anyone can help...I have 4 little Indica clones in week 6-7 of flower...The little midget ladies have been through the elements! Storms, frost, 2 were uprooted by bandicoots and spent over 24 hours on their sides...I really don't care what I get off them..... looks like I might get a solid oz out of the 4 of em haha....but I'm wanting to reveg them as soon as they want to ..Spring equinox....though they are only in 12h 20mins of darkness now....For everyone thats read this far and is about to tell me I'm wasting my time I don't care...its fun...its an experiment So my questions are: 1. Should I stagger the harvest and try and draw it …
Last reply by SweetLeaf72, -
Hi Everyone, Wow. My head is spinning and I'm very overwhelmed after spending hours on and off the past few nights reading different posts on this forum. I have never grown anything in the garden. Period. Let allow trying to grow some pot. The last time I smoked was a year and a half ago when I went to Europe. Amsterdam of course. I miss smoking and getting tired of cigarettes and not a big drinker so miss the days where I had the occasional puff. Ok. So I have no idea what I am doing but here is what I am after. Your advice and experience is golden so any help I would appreciate it heaps. Warning. I have asked for heaps of questions, hence the patients part in…
Last reply by eestapak, -
- 6 replies
I germinated some seeds a few months ago from some bud I had, haven't really done anything special to it apart from buy a small outdoor greenhouse 6 weeks ago, watering it every so often, I actually expected it to have died by now. Considering it looks like I'm actually going to get something off it (will use for cooking) I'm wondering if I should be doing anything else (have used fertiliser once recently) to increase yield or quality.
Last reply by SweetLeaf72, -
- 6 replies
Hey, I'm looking to build a super soil. I'm struggling to find some sense in these forums, can someone please help me with mixing a ratio from the following. 50l of organic potting soil ?? - worm castings ?? - cow manure ?? - blood and bone ?? - mushroom compost ?? - dolomite lime ?? - azomite ?? - epsom salt ?? - humic acid thanks alot!
Last reply by micmac, -
- 4 replies
Hi again!! Yep, another newbie question from T!CTAC... Obviously outdoor needs sunlight but how much needs to be DIRECT? I would imagine as much as possible, but what if you can only get say, from 9am til 4pm or maybe even 5pm? How much of a difference will that potentially make? I have a particular spot put aside for as much direct light as I can get but wifey is concerned about when we have people over (valid concern obviously). All thoughts are greatly appreciated. Cheers, All :-)
Last reply by T!CTAC, -
Intro and First grow 1 2 3 4 5
by teahaircut-
- 420 Crew
- 43 replies
Hi everybody, I think I've found the right place to ask some questions, first time grower & first time forum poster. Sweet to have found an Oz Growing community, so thank you Hola amigos, I live in Perth. I'll give you a little background info. My friend had 20 plants he went down south and they all pretty much died except for two. I've been growing plants and veges for a few years and as a bit of an experiment I thought I might be able to resurrect some growth in them. So the research train began and I'm pretty stoked to say she looks healthy now. One was a male so I dug him up and threw him out before he had a chance to jizz loads all over the female. I …
Last reply by Heathen77, -
- 13 replies
Hey guys new here, Not sure if anybody has posted about this. Anyway last year I did an outdoor grow and thought I'd try the urea as my nitrogen source Ended up chucking a 4kg bag to roughly 1 - 2 tons of soil. Had it sitting for around 3 months the soil legit smelt like diesel or something. Also had mushroom compost, organic soil, blood & bone. Coco. Perlite I thought this soil would of killed my baby's. Obviously was wrong the plant was a monster 3 pounder did a shit load of tying down also anybody else had a success like this or did I just get super lucky haha.
Last reply by nici, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Love to hear suggestions on this I'll be growing on a block in Qld, scrub, and the main predators are wallabies, roos, and potentially possums. There are plenty of wallabies, tho' the previous tenants had two Staffies and in the two years they were there, sightings close to the house became almost non-existent. Now I'm not naive enough to think that this will last long So, in addition to deterrents (endless supply of poo from the above two Staffies) and urine etc, I am curious about fencing? Ive worked in construction for years, done heaps of fencing, but not like this? My thoughts were: star pickets, 3 strands of barbed wire (or not? I don't want to injure animals…
Last reply by firebrand, -