Cannabis Propagation
Cannabis hemp cultivation propagation information and discussions.
624 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hi All, Well after my last 100% male grow I've finally managed to grow some Bronzewhaler F3 females I'm now ready to take some clones but I'm confused on what method to use; 1) Take clones now and keep them alive in a cloning chamber until the current females finish. 2) Keep a plant as a mother plant, reveg it, then take clones. 3) Wait until a few weeks before harvest then take clones and keep them alive in a cloning chamber. Naturally, I would prefer to harvest sooner rather than later so I would choose option 3. If anyone has any better ideas or can tell me the pros and cons of each option it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks heaps, dwyndorf
Last reply by jackfrost, -
- 2 replies
I have soaked some seeds from my outdoor strains,Indica and Sativa, overnight in filtered water over night,then placed them on moist/wet paper towels in jars with glad wrap over the top. I have then put them in my "terrarrium" (fish-tank),under 18/6 fluoro light cycle and they have sprouted REAL quick ! Is this good ??? I am trying to get a head start on next years out-door grow and am trying to get some plants up ready for planting at the end of August. I was just wondering if the germination rate has any bearing on the final product. Any responses will be greatly appreciated Cheers.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
Got Seed Problems
by Guest BudWaver- 8 replies
It all started to go downhill with the HDF...germination rates dropped off and now they are so poor I refuse to grow anything. I should clarify....Getting the seeds to sprout is no problem....using the paper towell method on a warm source (but not hot) - they never dry out. The problem seems to be the next step..puttem them in the medium of which I have tried coco fibre, seed raising soil, growcubes, soil...and nothing sprouts are popping up...nothing.... The area is kept moist but not too wet...the humidity is good...and not too high and the environment is warm and not cold... WTF is going on My grow rates for seeds has gone from 100% to like 2% with…
Last reply by FUKN_BISH, -
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, My Plants are doing well and its almost time to take some clones before I put them into flower. As a newbie, cloning seems a bit complicated I have found a method that looks alot easier. Please check it out and tell me what you think Bucket.
Last reply by wassily, -
- 10 replies
Well I got some seeds and started germinating them about last Tuesday using wet tissue paper inside two plates. Anyway its almost been a week (I probably left them there for too long..) but now some are approx 10cm in length, and the seed bit has broken off. I spose I should plant them now but Im unsure what to do. Living in canberra i think i will have to grow indoors due to the extreme weather. So now should I go and buy pots? Do you have 1 pot for each plant? how big should the pots be? I have a room which has a skylight so I thought i could just grow them in there, dont really want the bother of getting lights and making a box and all that stuff. I have take…
- 7 replies
how about this for a good way to germinate seeds. wrap them in wet paper towel, put on a small dish or whatever, then go and put them under the eaves! you know, betwen the ceiling and the actual iron/tiles or whatever you have as a roof. its dark, warm and moist. i have only just put my seeds up there but it seems like a perfect place too me. can anybody point out any disadvantages to this? or is this the most perfect place to germinate your seeds? cheers flame
Last reply by gunjaponic, -
- 14 replies
Hi, anyone got any ideas? i bought some afgani seeds by mail and they wont germinate properly, ive tried all the normal ways, paper towels, direct sowing etc. All that happens, the white tip comes out a fraction and goes back again, wont extend at all. The seeds have been kept at a pretty constant 30 degrees while germinating. Do these things need a hotter temp?
Last reply by gultom, -
- 12 replies
Hi to all, I have a couple of silly questions. Firstly, I have some seeds I ordered from seedsdirect, they arrived 7 days after ordering. They are: K2, B-52, Bubblicious & Northern Light X Shiva. All Nirvana. Because they didn't have Ice, they have given me 15 seeds of Skunk#1 and didn't charge me for the NL X Shiva. Unreal deal. I dont want to make the same mistakes that I made with my first attempt at germ. I think I overwatered them and also using 1/2 strength nute when they first came thru didn't help either. This time, I have soaked rockwool cubes in ph 5.5 with 1/2 strength nutes added. I have read this several times somewhere. At the same time, I soa…
Last reply by wack0, -
just the frame with the lights rigged up. 2 20W compact fluoros. I'm gonna stick a couple of small cheapo aero type cloners under there. compliments on my carpentry skills are undeserved but will be welcomed anyway
Last reply by pipeman,