Cannabis Propagation
Cannabis hemp cultivation propagation information and discussions.
624 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Hi, first post here... Ive not grown before but got some seeds recently and planted them into seed raising mix. one of these has come up as a tricot. Does this mean the plant will be special in some way or does it not matter? Would like to know if I ought to give it extra attention thanx and peace.
Last reply by Burning Man, -
- 8 replies
Hey everybody! This is my first post here (I'm more of a lurker) and I would like some advice on my adventure of building a successful grow box! Initially I was thinking of doing the 'stealth pc case' although was not that impressed with some of the results and hear mixed reviews on grows. I decided to use a larger box that will fit in the wardrobe. The dimensions of said box are 435mm deep, 465mm wide and 1550mm high. I have included a picture to help illustrate. My goal is to have a system that is perpetually harvesting in (x) amount of time. Obviously this would mean a vegetative/cloning area and a flowering area. My intention is to use the top for flowering and th…
Last reply by Phil Carter, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hi im after some advice, i have a mother plant in dirt on a 18/6 schedule,i usually grow indoors but am switching to outdoors. question is how do i grow the clones outdoors without them wanting to flower? any advice apprecicated
Last reply by Phil Carter, -
1 seed 2 shoots 1 2 3 4
by Chefs Chef-
- 420 Crew
- 31 replies
Last reply by tjiir, -
- 7 replies
hey guys and girls i need a lil help now i have my pineapple chunk seedling and its first leaves are round and not pointed at all unlike my lsd i havent cracked alot of seeds in my growing years manily stuck to clones but iv never seen this does this mean im wasting my time with a mutunt or will it be fine? any help would be great
Last reply by tjiir, -
- 11 replies
Has anyone tried this? I have a worm farm and I basically pour water Over the top wait a few days and collect the water And pour it on my chillies and tomatoes. My chillies are in flower and besides to potassium of potash which I added two weeks ago is the only food I've given them and this chilli has more flowers than I've ever seen. So I'm going to attempt just as a experiment a no other nutes other than seaweed worm juice and potassium and see where it takes me, I would not have to worry about a flush as there would be no salt buildups and judging by my chillies it should work beautifully. Any advice or experience from others would be fantastic.
Last reply by tjiir, -
- 11 replies
Hi guys, First time grower here and I need some help, well actually I need a lot of help but I'll ask one thing at a time. I bought some bonza seeds and they arrived on friday. I immediately put them in some paper towel to germinate and 2 days later about half of them had roots of a 10mm or more so I planted those ones and left the others to germinate some more. So that was Sunday night that I put them in coffee cups of soil which was a mix of soil from the yard, searles potting mix, and some lime to bring the ph up a little as the potting mix ph was 5.5 - 6.5 on the packet. So only 3 days after recieving the seeds I was stunned to see that they were all sproutin…
Last reply by Redeyedfrog, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
I was thinking of doing some seeding a bit later in the grow room. Would this leave pollen in the grow room? If so. whats the solution? Thanks all.
Last reply by nici, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
HI, i have got feminized seeds from Dutch passion and i was wondering if i allow the plant to mature, can i collect the seeds for future use. Or do i have to get a male and female plant to pollinate before i collect the seeds?
Last reply by ElectricFuneral, -
- 4 replies
Hi, i have read different opinions but does anybody know the real facts or has anyone tried? CAN AUTO FLOWERING PLANTS BE PUT BACK TO REVEG STATE OR BE CLONED?
Last reply by alchamest, -
What sort of water should you use to water pot? Do you need different types for different times of the plants life cycle. eg propergation, seedlings and maturity. I'm a complete newbe. any help would be much appreciated
Last reply by KAPOW, -
- 2 replies
Hi, Im wanting to get me some sort or self watering system for coco in pots. Is there any such thing? Im looking to be able to go away for 8 days and have it capable of monitoriing the ph and maybe the strength of pre mixed in water nutrients. Not sure if they have that sorta thing or not. Im sure it possible to maked/design one but really who can be bothered with all the mucking around. If not is it poss to at least get a self watering system that will at least do the watering? would appreciate some suggies if these things are available. Cheeeerz.
Last reply by dani, -
by Mama Cass-
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
I'd like to keep several strains on the go to reduce the "tolerance" problems some. My question: Can I keep different mother plant strains under the same light or do they need to be separated. Grew 2 strains together once, all feminised and all turned male and was told that was because mixing strains was a no no (why?), BUT what about the mothers? Thanks
Last reply by Mama Cass, -
- 5 replies
Hi there, I was wonder if you were to order seeds from online into AUS. What are the chances I will be prosecuted and/or having the seeds confiscated? They say they pack it discreetly but I just don't know....
Last reply by farmerBrown, -
- 2 replies
Hey Guys, I have some 3 week old seedlings that have been started outside. What do I need to do to I need to do to put them inside for a night time grow @ 18/6 (the lights go on at 6pm to beat the heat)?.
Last reply by DUFFBAG,