Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Hi all. In the indoor outdoor medical growers bible, it states that groath basically comes to a standstill in temps above 29 deg. C I set up my thermomometer near my spot and in direct sun, air temp is at 30C, and were still not even in summer.. Is there anything i can do to help? Have those of you growing in hot sunny locations experianced this as a problem? The way i see it is that in the peak of summer here in australia, unless your plants are practically in full shade, the temps gunna be exceeding this 29C that they supposedly stop growing at. Should i change my spot to try get more shade (not planted yet), or should i stick with my full sun spot? Elevation is at …
Last reply by bLAZE HAPPY, -
- 1 reply
hi i got some seeds, juicy fruit,ww, nevells haze, super crystal and hiwaiian idica. also havind truble sprouting them. would love two know more about juicy fruit, nevells haze and super crystal.
Last reply by cheeba, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Ok i have been planning a pretty elaborate outdoor grow for sometime, i have the resources at the location for set and forget. People on the forum have been very kind so far as to help with variety selection. Now the temperatures are getting high enough in this higher altitude region, and the risk of frost almost gone, i think its time to put the plan into motion. i have used vegetative FR/NR ratios from satelite data taken in summer to identify high moisture areas. I have logged GPS co-ordinates and my hiking pack folding shovel, ferts and such are ready. By the way when i do this (next 4-6 weeks) i plan to open a thread and log my experience with few words and many phot…
Last reply by Closet Grower, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
Hi all i'm a very kean grower and have been for some time i'm also a scientist. Today i would like to talk about a watering method known as Partial root drying (PRD) While doing some research for a client i came across a paper that was released in the CSIRO australian journal of experimental agriculture about ten years ago. I think this paper has huge relevence to outdoor weed growers. The paper explored an experimental method of watering grape vines. Two drippers were fed to each vine one on each side of the vine so that approx half the root system could be watered at a time. l The experiment aimed at watering half the root system at a time while leaving one …
Last reply by MongyMan, -
- 5 replies
Hi guys, I was thinking of doing a grow, but obviously missed the optimal planting times. I ordered my seeds last week and expect then within 2 or so weeks. If i was to plant when they arrive what would you expect to happen? Id either assume it'd slowly grow and could be a really early start to the next season, oor wouldn't grow very big but initiate flowering nearly straight away and give a small yield this year.? What do you guys think will happen? I'm in Perth BTW
Last reply by Red Devil, -
- 420 Crew
- 42 replies
I was a little suprised to see a few people this year ask if it's possible to grow throughout winter. Maybe they were really new to growing? Maybe they just hadn't ever considered it. It's no different to using a flowering cupboard though,it's just the whole country is the flowering cupbaord at that time of year. You still need a veg area to do it but of course. Anyway, thought I'd post a pic periodically of what to expect of planting outside through winter. I've just got myself a little greenhouse, and barring any problems with neighbors or what not, it should be alright in the backyard. The plant is a clone of redman x Mullum Madness I was handed by a freind, it'…
Last reply by Red Devil, -
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
hello fellow tokers i have just posted another..post..in the cannabis harvesting section if you wanna check that out aswell but its pritty much the same and i really just wanna show you guys who dont know that you can grow some nice crisp buds in winter. Btw this is my first grow ever so yeah if newbs can do it you more experienced can to. Well it started with Nimbin bagseed in march at my mates place in little pots with some nice general potting mix (sorry dont know the details cause this was his job for the grow) so we let it veg there for about a month and a bit then he started freakin out cause his X S.A.S. dad found them and he was scared for his life haha. so we tra…
Last reply by Red Devil, -
- 3 replies
I dreamed about this dude last night who would veg a certain species of plant under 24/0 CFLs till they were about two-feet tall then shifted them outside to flower. There were a few details missing in the dream so I thought I ask you guys some things about this dudes operation that I don't get - I would be really stoked if you guys could fill in the blanks for me. What I don't get is, if this certain species of plant vegs indoors under 24hrs of light until it is sexxed and then taken outdoors what happens? Do they go straight into flower or will they continue to veg some more? Do the days literally have to be getting shorter for a plant to flower or is the fact tha…
Last reply by Red Devil, -
- 18 replies
Hey all, just found this website and after reading alot of threads im more confused than ever!!!!! Ive only ever grown a cpl outdoor plants with a rather dissapointing outcome, I live in nth qld up near townsville and recently hatched a few babies from some bagseed. The story so far, had trouble getting my seeds to strike. Id put them in water for a few days, they would hatch and i then transplanted them into soil and none came up..... After a quite a few go's at this method i just threw some seeds under a leaking pipeline which the soil is constantly wet and waaalaaa a cpl came to life. One they were a cpl inches tall i transplanted them into a pot. Having heard of veg…
Last reply by Red Devil, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Hi everyone i have 6 females in about their 7'th or 8th week budding up real nice. there a mostly sativa strain and im thinkin it could be the aussie blues strain by the colour of the tric's. here is some pics, i need help coz i havnt ever had buds at this stage so advise would be sik. these are shitty pics but il get some better closeups soon. cheers
Last reply by Red Devil, -
- 420 Crew
- 19 replies
Hi there fellow Stoners, Getting ready to put my babies (approx 28) in for my first outdoor grow in tassie and I'm a little bit paranoid bout coppers in choppers seeing my patch. I'm on private land 100 odd acres, so I'm not worried about anyone stumbling across on foot or vehicle but the air scares the shit out of me. My patch is in grassland full of bracken fern so I'm hoping that will help to camo but doeas Anyone know of somebody who has been caught from the air down here?
Last reply by maxhead, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
this patch is on a piece of crown land completely isolated from any where,if you found them you would die of thirst getting out..:-) they are my old mother sativa x and are doing quite well (even if i do say so myself) the last photo is a second patch close to the others but about a month behind them...
Last reply by gundawindi, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
I have the option of picking up a few seeds soon and was wondering, since I don't want to grow in my home myself, what the bare minimum for a set-and-forget grow op is. My current hope is to crack the seeds at home, then transplant into a bit of soil off the beaten track in a bit of bushland. I'd probably do it in spring, say early September with the seedlings being a couple inches tall if that. The name of the game is minimalism, so I was hoping to get away with: Carry a couple of 2-inch seedlings, a tiny spade, a tiny bag of soil [enough for a fist-sized pocket around each seedling] and a bottle of water. Go find a nice shady spot where nobody will find it, transp…
Last reply by shroomyshroom, -
- 10 replies
Hi there Anyone care to recommend a commonly available potting mix sold in 30 litre bags? Preferably organic...
Last reply by cheeba, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Ok. Here we have 3 Red Devil clones that have been hardened off for a week and have been out in the bush for approximately 10 days. I went early this morning to go check up on them and give them a bit of a watering. They are still quite small but they were really small when put out in the bush due to my living circumstances. They have grown a fair bit. Details are: Strain: Red Devil Seed/Clone: Clones Medium: Searles Premium Potting Mix and Searles 5 in 1 - 10 cm layer of perlite on the bottom of the pots and water crystals Pots: 30L buckets with drainage holes Now for the pics! (keep in mind that I took these pics after giving them a total drenching of 15L per pl…
Last reply by TheTreeBoundRat, -