Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
A method I came up with that was virtually rip proof- Tip young'ns when there's between 4 to 8 nodes, Cover with chicken/meshed fencing wire, thread brances through as they grow. As side branches tend to grow up place another layer, secure with star pickets or deep wooden stakes, posssibly wire off onto other secure items, fence, buildings etc. Continue threading braches horizontaly, you may even require another layer of mesh, (actually the sqaured hole tough stuff is good), once budding commences, cover again with a bit of space for growth and connect all the edges creating a cage. This process keeps plants low out of sight, it's like a SOG for one big mother.
Last reply by Infinitee, -
Isnt mother nature glorious? These are about 6 weeks old, and just starting to flower. Ive just finished pulling out all the males and am left with around 20 females. big thanks to my chickens and cows for providing their shit so generously and to god for making it all possible. should be ready in about 6 more weeks. I cant wait!
Last reply by everest, -
bag o' dirt 1 2
by fsagertyaef-
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
ok i want to grow all over town i know im going to get ripped off at a couple of the places but thats y im plantng lower grade bud ther but my question is this if i go dig a hole fill it with a bag of dirt conceal it pretty well and throw a dozen seeds in it will i get a plant thats worth smoking what if i dont do that much for it only go visit once or twice a month will it die i doubt it but you guys know more then i do and theres a island in the middle of a lake near my house that no one uses would thatbe a good place to grow thanks later i have a pack of blunts i need to go smoke
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 10 replies
I have 6 ladys outdoor, there already 4 feet tall!!! Its a beautiful thing! They are FAT SKUNK and i have a feeling they will live up to there name! Any ideas for odor control outdoors! It will be a must for the flower stage due to where they are!!!!
Last reply by F420, -
- 0 replies
my sister says im just getting happy for no reason but im like 90.2% sure this is a nice little gift from whatever diety happens to exist ok i cant find my camra so ill post this now and then ill add the pic when i find it
Last reply by fsagertyaef, -
- 5 replies
Hello all, I am new to this forum bizzo but ozstoners looks a great site, and I am curious about the typical time taken for a plant to fully develop outside. I know there are many factors at hand, such as the strain, growing conditions, etc, but from reading posts I have noticed that many plants take the whole season from Sept- April to fully develop from seed to the final budding stage. Does it always take this long, like, if a plant is planted in September will it necessary take the whole 6 month period to be ready for harvest? I am particularly curious about how long Devil, Durban Poison, Northern Lights x Big Bud and Holland's Hope would take if planted in September…
Last reply by Infinitee, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Hey peeps just thought id post a few pics of the outdoor rhinos i have going pitty more people arnt taking full advantage of the best free h.i.d going. Anyone else with nirvanas white rhino going feel free to post pics
Last reply by Problemchild, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Im guerilla growing, but the problem is ive only just planted and obviously this means flowering will come alot earlier than expected , as im growing quite a few plants im hoping to still get enough for a personal stash. So what do you guys think, btw i live in the very sunny se qld so i hope this helps.
Last reply by Shezdog, -
- 1 reply
Hey out there, Have added a pic to show you all what is happening, has 2 weeks left on Bud. I read stress can turn it hermi, what does hermi mean for a plant? What are some strees factors? Thanks heaps for help!
Last reply by Shivan, -
my hash plant 1 2
by mr asia-
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
hi guys not long to go no she is dripping with resen.you can actually see the resen driiping on the buds never seen this before.
Last reply by mr asia, -
- 9 replies
Well, this is my first post here, so I don't know what kind of help to expect, but I'm giving it a shot. I'm considering getting into growing my own weed. I did some research online and the best website I've found so far for buying is aaa-weedseed.com, but the only other websites I've really looked at are planetskunk and xpat, which I only took quick looks at the privacy and shipping info. Reason I chose aaa is because they mention that it looks like they emphasize discreetness, so I'm expecting something marked only "Vancouver, Canada" in a generic return adress. They also allow you to pay in US cash. So my first question is, anyone ever use aaa-weedseed before? Also, …
Last reply by bluntman_77, -
- 0 replies
Call for Dáil debate on legalisation of cannabis by Carl O’Brien CALLS to legalise cannabis for medical use escalated yesterday following a new study which says chemicals found in marijuana can destroy deadly brain tumours. Labour TD Emmet Stagg said the report threw further light on the medicinal properties of the banned substance and called for debate on the legalisation of cannabis. Scientists have found that the plant has anti cancer properties and could be used to halt the growth of potentially lethal cancerous growths in the brain. The Labour deputy said it was wrong that use of cannabis was a criminal offence and proposed that its use be regulated by the Govern…
Last reply by mr asia, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Well well well.... looks whos finally turned 18 Yes yes its me... i joined oz stoners like 2 years ago, and was told to piss off n come back when i was 18... so i respected the legality of the issue and dissapeared... anyways now im back! Still a virgin grower, but really wana grow :thumbsup I still live with the folks and dont wana get them in any shit... so i cant grow at home! Today i took the dog for a walk (hes a dogue de bordeaux) around the wetlands near my house.... anyway there are SOOOO MANY awsome spots i found! I found one that was like right near a swamp.... is it ok to grow in like swampy territory...will the plants drown? This particular spo…
Last reply by Spurious, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
hi guys its been a while have not posted any pics. hear is some pics of my hash plant she is going very good packing on the wait she has got this mango sweet smell very nice it want be to long now to harvest now. she is so gorgeous with those fat stinky buds.
Last reply by everest, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
hi guys this a pic of my hash plant.this one is taking ages but it has got a funny hashy smell enjoy
Last reply by wade ounce, -