Cannabis Paraphernalia
Discuss the tools and accessories essential for optimal cannabis consumption. From quality assurance to ease of use, make informed choices for your needs.
Son Of A Bitch 1 2
by pipeman-
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
Last reply by BONG ON, -
High ya all I myself like to take my toke with a gorgeous little pipe that I bought about 2 years ago at the tobacconists at Mirrabooka Square (Perth, northern suburbs) next to BigW there; in fact they've got a damn fine range of smoking implements and other useful paraphenalia for all us stoners, yay! My pipe is beautifully crafted out of dark wood and brass and it's a little over 9cm long, which is a nice, compact size and the brass nut has both the conepiece and a threaded plug out front, which not only acts as a shotty, but also has a built-in cone unblocker, with a 2.5cm pin. I bought it for about $11, so it's been damn fine value as far as I'm concerned. The d…
hi does any one know where i can find a guide for makeing a decent acrylic bong. Not like disposable coke bottle shit but something good that i can stand by for a fairly long time. Thanx Im a newb
Last reply by FUKN_BISH, -
mull u matic 1 2 3
by Guest Babybear- 21 replies
- 3.6k views man this is retailed at 50 on website an the dud i got from had retailed for 50 Guess what i got it for heheheh 20!!! yes thats right , i allways find tabaconists allways like to bargin or mabie casue im girl , its the second time he has givein me agreat deal im so happy with me litle pink muller , get to try it out soon im gettin in style Peace bb
Last reply by LongFingers, -
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello everyone a friend showed me this a few years ago,Put the cone piece in the lid,The same way you would a bucket use a 1.25 litre coke bottle,Put a hole at the bottom of the bottle,Size of a large shotty,Put your finger on the hole fill bottle with water,Screw lid on,Let go of shotty and light,Take lid off and toke,its not bad later its not rocket science
Last reply by FUKN_BISH, -
- 1 reply
I'm looking for someone who has any information on building a cheap vaporizer. Preferably one with a heat gun and big bag with a nozzle so that you can pass it around the party. Any you know what i'm talking about?
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 11 replies
Buckets to me are just amazing because until about 2 years ago i was only smoking joints and bongs but then a friend said why not make a bucket kit. So we all went and got a 3 litre robinsons bottle and a bucket and a shottie tube. obviously sealed the shottie tube into the lid of the bottle so it was ait tight untill we wanted to take it off and then we cut the bottomn off the bottle and put it into the water sop the bottle fills about 3/4 of thre way up from the bottom. then filling tha gause to the max slowly pull up the bottle whilst burning the weed and watch as your bottle just fills with smoke and then take ur lid off and inhale. wait bout 10 mins and you are abso…
Last reply by tyler, -
Hey... anyone know where I can pick up a cone or stem from in Sydney? I live in Parramatta but dont mind going north or south (or east)... Cheers, Chicka
Last reply by Mr Nice Guy, -
- 9 replies
I was thinking the other day, looking at my boring old water in my bong....what would happen if I added a few drops of food colouring? Now would it colour the smoke as you filled the chamber? Cause I think that would be totally insane, looking at your smoke slowly going red, green or something... Now as stupid as this may sound, I didnt try it ...I was a little worried about my lungs / throat / mouth getting coated in some sorta coloured dye. This ofcourse relies on the fact that the dye / colouring would get caught up in the smoke. Anyone tried this ? Maynard
Last reply by 99waystofuckyou, -
Homemade vapes 1 2
by BONG ON- 19 replies
Vapes sound cool but i'm too cheap to buy 1 ne1 got instructions on how to make them?
Last reply by deejayvee, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
this might be done all the time, but I did it for first time yesterday, its inspired by my reading about how ancient afghan and pakistan folk once smoked. Been practicing it all night though, good fun. Anyways you need a small glass pipe and a drink of water, or even a stem and a cone instead of a pipe. Basically get a small bit of water in your mouth, and blow your cheek out on one side, and tilt your head to that side so that the water is all inside your cheek, then get a packed pipe (small one at first) and stick it in the low corner of your mouth on a 45 degree angle just like a bong, and seal around the pipe with your lips and burn it down, you can rip the whole th…
Last reply by pipeman, -
I feel like a dick .. I've searched and searched on this site for info on electronic scales that I've seen posted here. About two weeks ago somebody posted a link to an Australian mail-order scale distributor. If anyone can point me to the post OR to a vendor for scales (any info appreciated) I will be grateful. Looking for something simple that can display grams and ounces. Thanks.
Last reply by andycass3, -
Bong smuggling 1 2
by mr_magoo- 11 replies
I want to get a bong into Big Day Out. I dont want to take pipes, they suck ass if you're smoking all day. I was thinking an OJ bottle squashed flat and concealed somewhere, have the pipe and cone seperate maybe in my wallet or something. Anyone had sucess with a particular method? Anyone been busted?
Last reply by gunjaponic, -
- 4 replies
Anyone know anything about connecting dimmer switches to vaporisors.? basically i am a bit iffy about the wiring aspect, ... anyway, I am going to take a punt right about now so if anyone on the board has anything to wanr me about NOW is the time! regards, Bubble
Last reply by Bubble, -
- 6 replies
I know this is a crazy thing to say on a "stoner" forum:P But I cannot roll a joint for shit. I mean I truly suck, I cant get the weed to stay in, I cant get the papers to roll around each other, and if I ever get close, it is all crinkled adn falls apart. Joints arent really my favourite smoke, bongs have to go up top, but for parties and just the whole superiority of smoking a nice can go past a J. So could someone please lend a hand, or point me towards a good rolling site? Thanks alot Maynard
Last reply by BlackBeauty,