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Buckets / Turbos

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Buckets to me are just amazing because until about 2 years ago i was only smoking joints and bongs but then a friend said why not make a bucket kit. So we all went and got a 3 litre robinsons bottle and a bucket and a shottie tube.

obviously sealed the shottie tube into the lid of the bottle so it was ait tight untill we wanted to take it off and then we cut the bottomn off the bottle and put it into the water sop the bottle fills about 3/4 of thre way up from the bottom. then filling tha gause to the max slowly pull up the bottle whilst burning the weed and watch as your bottle just fills with smoke and then take ur lid off and inhale. wait bout 10 mins and you are absolutely fucked but its good to have lots then u just fly so high. This is my fav way to make the most of having very little weed. But remember it wont work unless u pack your gause cos otherwise there will not be anaugh smoke it needs to be goiny yellow or at least so thick you cant see your hand through the bottle. :D

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Is it just me, or are buckets seen as a very uncivlisied way to smoke weed? No offence meant Niracka in any way:) Personally I like to enjoy smoking a cone or joint......not just take it in its most rough and quickest form. But that said, everyone has their own way, I'm not picking a fight here:) We all smoke weed, we all enjoy it....no matter how you smoke it, or how much / little you smoke.


Keep the cones coming....



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Buckets and Gravity bongs are a good way to smoke for people who dont have much weed. For example.....you might be a little bored at home one day and only have enough weed for say 1 or 2 cones. Having a buckety is good because you can get very wasted very quickly on very little weed. be warned though, this is probably one of the harshest ways to smoke


Personally I think any good session should include a buckety :wacko:

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As far as I am concerned if it gets ya stoned then go for it. I love buckets cause they are guaranteed to do the job every time. I have found another way that works on the same principle as buckets, but without water. Please forgive me if you already know, but I am explaining this for the people that don't know.

1- Get a 2 litre coke bottle and cut the bottom off like you would with a bucket. Grab some duct tape and wrap it around the cut bit, half on inside and half on outside, to cover up any sharp bits.

2- Next you need an empty bread bag, cause they are tough and strong.

3- Put your hand and arm in the bread bag then put it inside the cut bottle.

4- Next you need to wrap the bottom of the bread bag back up the outside of the bottle and use your tape to completely tape it to the outside of the bottle. (I shouldn't have to tell you that it needs to be as airtight as possible)

5- For the cone piece, do the same as you would for a bucket, put a hole in it and screw your conepiece it. (then pack it and screw it to the top of the bottle)

6- Next you stick your hand in the bottle and grab hold of the top of the bag.

7- Light the cone and slowly pull the bag out of the bottle and you will notice it fillin up with the great smoke we all love so much.

8- Pop the lid and suck like puck. I like to suck and then blow back into the bottle and then suck again a few times. This gets a great amount of smoke into your lungs without wasting it by coughing it all away. Obviously this can't be too good for your lungs but fuck it's a great way to smoke pot.


If no-one else has given it a name then I'll call it the "BUGGER BONG" , 'cause you only need a few and your buggered.



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::D: no way would i do that, your lungs would probably just roast and shrivel up after the first hit, and the whole world would just shrivel up with you, causing everyone to die, everyone except you, but then it wouldn't matter because you'd be that fucking stoned that nothing would matter at all, and you'd be floating in space and you wouldn't give 2 shits because you'd be that, fucking, stoned, that you'd probably just land on some other planet where cannibis plants grew like trees and none of the aliens knew you could smoke it so you could show them how and then liberate them ALL and then you'd be the God of THC for centuries after that! ;)
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