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phillips 315w LEC with D-Papillon reflector

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Hi, only just discovered this forum a few weeks ago after searching for any info on the 315W D-Papillon Lights.


Started my new grow with them after hearing good things about them from the local grow shop guys who demonstrated one for me.


So far, I have been extremely impressed, just about to turn down 12/12 at the moment.


Distance between nodes is really tight and vigorous compared to the old HID set up.


Probably should start a grow diary with pics...............


Many thanks to forgetiwashere for your input.............Looks like we're onto a good thing here.


These lights cost $1,000.00 each, but so far think the outlay has been magnificent already. Currently running 2.


Major bonus is the power saving...........I can now double my output (4 X 315W D-Paps) for roughly same cost as 2 600W HID's.

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just a tip, if your considering buying a D-pap, do what I did & just buy a double D-pap. Remove the ballast from the reflector, open the ballast & run two cables ( one cable for one light one cable for other light) then buy another reflector. Then you have two D-paps & one ballast to run them. Double D-pap cost is: $1350. D-pap cost is: $ 1000, it's a no brainer.
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just a tip, if your considering buying a D-pap, do what I did & just buy a double D-pap. Remove the ballast from the reflector, open the ballast & run two cables ( one cable for one light one cable for other light) then buy another reflector. Then you have two D-paps & one ballast to run them. Double D-pap cost is: $1350. D-pap cost is: $ 1000, it's a no brainer.


thats really smart thinking man great work. i have a double and a single and yeah i was surprised by how cheap the double was in comparison

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Hey forget, any chance you could share with me the finer details of your coco feeding regime/schedule? I've gone from DWC to coco back to DWC... and now I'm in the process of switching back to coco again.


Looking at your grow, and yield, and how green it all remained has convinced me to try to immitate what you've done. I have 4 lights basically the same as yours but i flower a single plant under each in a 1m scrog each.


I have a single 200 L rez (few pumps timers and feed fittings). 28 Litre rocket pots sitting inside 30L outers half a foot from the floor for drainage. House and garden brand coco, H&G coco A+B... i have a tonne of other additives and base nutes that will be junked or given away once my current DWC is phased out.


Got some floraliscious plus coming in the mail, do you still use/recommend gogo juice and seamungus?


Which brand silica do you run?


Apologies for all the questions...but they do say immitation is the highest form of flattery

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hey man. i have dropped the seamungus and the gogo juice this round and have noticed a definite difference, much less complexity to my smells and flavours so yeah i do recommend using them for sure. i will be sticking them back into my grow after this for sure. although im working towards a fully organic garden which is actually going to be simpler and less work than coco. im in the early stages but so far everything is looking very promising


my schedule is basically just 2ml per litre of A & B with .25ml per litre of floralicious plus.


when i was using seamungus and gogojuice i was adding 1ml per litre of those as well. i usually start seedlings with .25ml per litre of A&B and just step it up to .5ml then 1ml then 1.5ml up to 2ml per litre over the first 5 weeks of veg. but thats not locked in i play it by ear a little depending on how the plants are looking.

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Ok cool cheers. Still looking for a supplier for the seamungus liquid. I can find it dry but not liquid form. Are you hand feeding or pumps and a timer? And how often do you flush? I was thinking of making up 200 litres having it last around a week or hopefully more and then keep the pumps running when i give the rez a rinse to flush a bunch of tap water through. Then make up the new nutes and give a regular feed of that.
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