Cannabis Community News
Cannabis community site news, competitions and updates
Community Maintenance 1 2 3
by Oz-
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 24 replies
High Stoners, Sorry for any inconvenience however the cannabis community will be going offline for an hour or so within the next half hour.
Last reply by Porky 1982, -
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Normally $69.50 unless you pre-order today for just $55 and only $50 if you're member of the 420 Crew. FREE Postage! You asked for it, so you got it! We're very proud to present the new OZ Stoners 710 Vapour Pen designed under our supervision and review to build the perfect discreet high quality OZ Stoners portable wax and oil vapouriser pen. It's small in size and packs a punch without destroying your throat leaving you with a smooth clean pure vapour with all the flavour of your favourite waxes and oils every time. Discreet Slim-line VapouriserEasy Magnetic CapHigh Quality Ceramic Donut CoilHigh Quality Dual Quartz Wire CoilFast Heating 420 oF > 3 SecondsEasy C…
Last reply by deltaranger, -
- Admin
- 5 replies
High Stoners, We're currently running some maintenance on the #ozstoners cannabis community and will being going offline for a few hours or more sometime over the next 48hrs. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience and will send out an update from here once we're back online.
Last reply by merl1n, -
To celebrate the start to 2015 and the changing attitude towards cannabis in Australia finally thanks to the spread of information and self education we would like to thank you all for being a part of Australia's online cannabis community we're knocking 50% off all new 420 Crew subscriptions and renewals in the Community Shop Use the following code on checkout to receive your discount; 3C0CD420Whilst the road to legalisation here in Australia is unfortunately likely to be a long one thanks to the ignorance of some and greed of others. At least the general public are beginning to wake up and realise just how much they have been misled and lied to about cannabis and the ch…
Last reply by Glenno81, -
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
High Stoners we're hitting you with another competition and more prizes This competition will be run for the duration of the entire year with entries closing on midnight the 15th November 2011 with the winners being announced early December 2011. The lucky winners will be receiving gift cards thanks to Bongs N Things online head shop & the OZ Stoners cannabis community as follows: The lucky 1st Place winner will receive a $200AUD Bongs N Things Gift Card, 2nd Place winner will receive a $100AUD Bongs N Things Gift Card &, 3rd Place will receive a $50AUD Bongs N Things Gift Card. So what's the competition already you ask? We're looking for more cannabi…
Last reply by iTiC, -
- Admin
- 1 reply
Choose your favourite Canna Porn entry from our Top 5 selection for this round of the cannabis photography competition and help pick a winner. We would like to thank everyone who entered this round of the Canna Porn competition and as always appreciated your contributions and support. Congratulations to everyone that made it to the Top 5 round and if you missed out this time get uploading to the next competition round here. We are taking your entries until the end of December when we will announce this votes winner and the next Canna Porn Top 5. The lucky winner of this Top 5 vote will be the proud owner of our Canna Porn winners only t-shirt and the limited edition Can…
Last reply by Dank420Swagger, -
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Just a quick post to wish all of you out there in the cannabis community a belated Merry Christmas and a happy new year. We would like to thank everyone for your support and contributions over the year to the community and look forward to a bigger and very exciting 2014. With cannabis legalisation finally beginning to change across the globe. 2013 has without doubt been a landmark year for the cannabis community with two states of the USA finally having grown up and re-legalised cannabis for the rest to follow. Perhaps the biggest news however is we also saw the first country in the world to re-legalise cannabis and make a stand being Uruguay. It's a shame that most of …
Last reply by Bobito_Pepperoni, -
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 27 replies
As most of you have probably noticed today OZ Stoners has stepped into the modern web with a new layout and more options to suit your mood. The new layout is designed to suit all modern devices and display resolutions such as tablet pc's, televisions and any mobile devices that don't rely on a mobile specific theme. Anyone on mobile phones that do rely on a layout suited to them should also find the new mobile layout we rolled out quietly last week a big improvement to the previous mobile layout and options. So to help you get started with the new layout here is a basic brief run down on what's new and how you access it. Firstly as pictured below if you look to the top …
Last reply by MrTrimbole, -
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
Hi Stoners and cannabis lovers, The votes are in and we're pleased to announce the winner for the July to December 2012 Canna Porn cannabis photography competition. This round the lucky winner is soon to be the proud owner of the new Canna Porn jacket and gift voucher from the community shop, so without any further delay we present the winner being Badseed77 with WWbud63days. Congratulations Badseed77 and thanks for entering look forward to more of your work, and again thank you to everyone who entered the competition and if you missed out don't get cutm or have a fit just get clicking and upload more of your great cannabis photography to the current running July - D…
Last reply by Withoutatrace, -
- Admin
- 13 replies
Well after a long wait we're finally please to announce the Canna Porn Top 5 Picks from the July - December 2012 Canna Porn cannabis photography competition. We took 10 entries based on their ratings, reputation points, views and any comments they had. Then we picked the top 5 from them as featured in the topic poll based on our personal favourites from them. For something a little different this round we've decided to trial the public poll option meaning all votes are public, please note you must be a registered and validated member in order to vote for Canna Porn. The lucky winner of the July - December photography competition will pick up the new Canna Porn jacket as…
Last reply by Oz, -
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
High Stoners, For one week only and to help clear out some stock we've generated a code 7FE66 giving you 15% off everything currently still in stock at the cannabis community shop, including the 420 Crew if it is currently available to you and also crew renewals. The code has unlimited uses and will expire on Thursday the 2nd of May 2013 so be quick or you'll be too late. To enter the code you will need to click the link provided to the bottom left during the checkout process as displayed in the image below. Please note there is currently a bug when purchasing the 420 Crew alone or renewing where it asks for delivery/customer details which are obviously not required.…
Last reply by Ford Fairlane, -
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Well the vote has long since been in and we're sorry it's taken awhile to announce the winner. So without further delay we're proud to present the winner for the January to June 2012 Canna Porn competition being Strawberry Diesel IX By fractal genetics as featured below, submitted via email/upload form anonymously. Congratulations you have won the Canna Porn prize pack as featured here. As always thank you to everyone that took the time to enter and sorry if you missed out this time but don't fret, if you haven't done already get snapping and enter Canna Porn again for the current running January - July 2013 photography competition.
Last reply by Naycha, -
- Admin
- 1 reply
High All, We will be performing some maintenance and upgrades to the community this morning and as such will be closing the community putting it off-line whilst we work on things. You should still be able to access the chat room and permitting everything on the agenda runs smoothly we will have the community open and on-line again within a few hours. Please ensure you finish up any posting or uploading etc. prior to 2 AM (AEDST) to avoid any interruptions. As always apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Last reply by Oz, -
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 26 replies
#1 #2 #3 (Click images to enlarge) High Stoners, It's time to vote again on your favourite Canna Porn photography for the January - June 2012 competition. The picks for this round have been chosen carefully to help direct Canna Porn to what it's really all about being great cannabis inspired photography and not just great buds which of course we do all love to see. The lucky winner of this round will receive the below mentioned "Ultimate Canna Porn Prize Pack". The voting closes on the 1st January 2013 00:01 and this topic wil be closed the winning entry will be annouced shortly after. If you missed out on being selected in the vote this round don't worry you can alwa…
Last reply by Naycha, -
- Admin
- 3 replies
Hi Stoners, Apologies in advance for any inconvenience however the cannabis community will be going off-line for roughly 2 hours from 2:45am AEST today, please finish/save anything you are currently doing before this time. The chat room will still be online for anyone wanting to chat and accessible for most of the time during the off-line period. Again apologies for any inconvenience enjoy a on us
Last reply by Oz, -