Australian Cannabis Politics and Activism
The HEMP Party
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- Time to ‘Get Real’ NCPIC
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- 11 replies
So I have been hearing that if abbott gets in at the next election hes going to try and put the military in charge of border protection. This includes customs. Wave good bye to recieving seeds from over seas. I understand this is just his way of looking tough on illegal immigrants/ boat people but it will have far greater repercussions than that and do we really want the military policing our every move. Its a slippery slope
Last reply by Johnsy, -
- 1 reply
G'day folks. Just thought I would put up a post for the Australian HEMP party. These guys are activists in cannabis law reform and will be contending at this years federal election. Please VOTE 1 for HEMP and help put an end to cannabis prohibition. Join their facebook page and offer your support! Australian HEMP party (Facebook page) It's time we move forwards Australia. We know how beneficial this plant can be to our health, heart and happiness. It has the power to heal us all and to create a thriving economy. Australia needs to legalise cannabis for industrial, medicinal and recreational use. Free the herb. Prohibition clearly does not work. It didn't wor…
Last reply by BudResin, -
- 2 replies
If you are in the mood for an educated read... Should cannabis be regulated and taxed?..... We also ask whether now is the time to tackle law change, or whether Australia would be wiser to sit back and watch while other countries, such as the US, experiment with regulation. In this month's eBulletin, we're continuing this theme with additional articles on the topic of cannabis. We share a consumer viewpoint, and we also step back to reflect on the journey which led to laws prohibiting cannabis article starts at page 10 from:
Last reply by Gulthurdan, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
- 704 views Federally, medical cannabis may not be coming any time soon. He basically sounds like Mr Mackey from Southpark. "Drugs are bad, mkaye"
Last reply by lifestylez, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
'...don't winge about the cannabis laws if you wont fight to change them.... MongyMan and Me too' I agree with the above.
Last reply by crimsons, -
- 1 reply
On May 15th 2013 the much awaited NSW upper house report was released. The report was unanimous in finding that there is a large pain and suffering burden on the population, not adequately addressed by current therapeutic agents. However, due to vague concerns over long term use, the report recommends access to legal medical cannabis only for people with terminal illnesses or AIDS. These people will have legal indemnity from prosecution for the possession of 15 grams of herbal cannabis. A nominated carer will also be covered but only for 15gm total. To gain this concession the patient and carer must provide photo ID to the police station. There is no provision for c…
Last reply by Technical Stoner, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Greetings friends! In case you hadn't heard already, Drug Law Reform Australia ( plans to stand at the Federal Election in September, and be the voice for the country in changing drug laws, and giving the choice and liberty back to the people. The two main parties see drug law reform as a minor issue, even though it is debiliating to our health, justice, and social systems. Our prisons are spilling over with non-violent drug offenders, and massive amounts of Police resources are tied up in victimless drug crimes. Drug users are treated as criminals, and 'rehabilitated' using outdated moral and religious methods. It's time Australia took back it'…
Last reply by magpie1, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Below is an exerpt from an email I recieved from the drug law reform party. It is free to join and may potentially impact on our current laws. hit the link to join Remember, If you you are against the current laws, you can't really complain about them if you aren't prepared to do something about the laws. We are getting close to this goal but need your help to spread the word. We are averaging 5 new members a day by using social media and email marketing as our primary recruitment tools. At this rate we will be about 50 short of the AEC requirement. Here’s what you can do to help. Get a friend to signupGet a family member signupSprea…
Last reply by Technical Stoner, -
- 2 replies
I just thought I would bring this new group to everyone's attention if they have not heard of them already. I have just come across this group and really think they can help make some changes. I received a call from President Greg Chipp after joining the group and the best way he said to help is to spread the message and let people know about them. Please check them out and show your support. I hope that I have broken no rules and have placed this in the correct section. Thanks.
Last reply by The Bush Administration, -
- 0 replies
You may have seen the launch of the "Drug Law Reform Party" in the media over the past couple of days. Whilst there are smaller parties around that have policies of drug law reform already, I think this one has a chance due to it's single issue focus and the fact we only need to get one represantitive into the senate to make people (and politicians) start to pay attention to the drug law issue. As well with the momentum of cannabis reform in the USA, the timing is quite good. I thought I would just post a link to their site where you can become a member or make a donation. This might be our best chance of get…
Last reply by lifestylez, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
It appears Tony is trying to organise a big rally in suport of him and medical cannabis when he goes to court on the 29th of Jan (I think) check out his FB page. I would suggest messaging him for more info
Last reply by The Bush Administration, -
- 2 replies
Hack: Monday 18th February Listen to Triple J's Hack program on "Cannabis and Cannabis laws and reform".............. Well worth a listen, get into it!!!!!! Interview is with Monica (MJ) Barrett (our friendly Researcher on OS), and Professor Simon Lenton from U.W.A. hack_mon_2013_2_18.mp3 Enjoy, and cheers guys for putting in the Effort, and some REAL WORLD Statistics........
Last reply by The Stoned Jester, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
hey, not sure if this is a repost, but found this last night. posted 17/1/2013 from "National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health" Laboratory/Animal/Preclinical Studies"Cannabinoids may cause antitumor effects by various mechanisms, including induction of cell death, inhibition of cell growth, and inhibition of tumor angiogenesis invasion and metastasis.[9-12] One review summarizes the molecular mechanisms of action of cannabinoids as antitumor agents.[13] Cannabinoids appear to kill tumor cells but do not affect their nontransformed counterparts and may even …
Last reply by Faith, -
- 420 Crew
- 20 replies
Get your voice heard and help get legal medical cannabis in Australia. Use the 'Petition' link below to download the petition. Print out as many copies as you need and get them signed by as many people as you can. (please read the note at the bottom of this post) Then return them to ACLRM c/- OS, PO Box 146, Kenthurst NSW 2156 and we will present them to the Members of the Legislative Assembly of Western Australia when we have 10,000 signatures. Help legalise cannabis Australia! Petition Front Page PETITION front page WA.doc Petition Extra Pages PETITION extra pages.doc Please Note: For the petition to meet rules of submission...... 1. The petiti…
Last reply by Bentato, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Get your voice heard and help get legal medical cannabis in Australia. Use the 'Petition' link below to download the petition. Print out as many copies as you need and get them signed by as many people as you can. (please read the note at the bottom of this post) Then return them to ACLRM c/- OS, PO Box 146, Kenthurst NSW 2156 and we will present them to the Members of the Legislative Assembly of Victoria when we have 10,000 signatures. Help legalise cannabis Australia! Petition Front Page PETITION front page Vic.doc Petition Extra Pages PETITION extra pages.doc Please Note: For the petition to meet rules of submission...... Collecting sign…
Last reply by skeletor, -