Book Reviews
Whether it's a cannabis cookbook, a trippy novel, or enlightening non-fiction, share and explore book recommendations with the community.
120 topics in this forum
Michael Moore 1 2
by pixel-
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Hi Guys Can anyone tell me if Michael Moore has a website? Also, what are some other good books of his to read? I liked "Dude Where's My Country"
Last reply by Nooby, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
hi fellow tokers would like you to check out my web site and tell me what you think.just having a barrier reefer and would like to here of any native strains that are good and respect to you all
Last reply by smoke p, -
A great basics book, takes you through everything. Getting started (overview of plant growth and hydroponics), building your system (and the equipment you’ll need), Growroom design/putting it together, lighting, ventilation, the different types of growing systems, essential growers guide (optimum grow room practices), nutrient maintenance, growing medias, feed regimes, nutrients, hydro for hydro (fundamentals of water), Bugs, root disease, hormones, growing technique (the authors preferred method of growing), tips and tricks to optimise flower yield, control (controlling your environment-the key to excellent yields), cloning, growing from seed, troubleshooting and also a …
Last reply by Shithappens, -
- 0 replies
That is a list of literature that i have and was wondering what Ebooks ppl have that I am missing.. Ebook being electronic form of book for those that allways ask me when i mention it....
Last reply by Shithappens, -
- 0 replies
I just seen a thing on cspan. chalmers johnson talking about his new book "nemesis: the last days of the american republic" he really makes alot of sense out of all this mis-information, and why the american people have no power over their government. found a few things on youtube if anyones interested here he is talking about his older book "the sorrows of empire" and here he is explaining the history of america/iraq relations
Last reply by ISNTitOBVIOUS, -
- 6 replies
Hahaha I thought this was funny.... how retarded could ya get not to notice Three fast-food restaurant employees in New Mexico are accused of putting marijuana inside the hamburgers served to two police officers, causing the men to become ill. Police said officers Henry Gabaldon and Mark Landauazo visited a Burger King located on Main Street in Los Lunas and noticed something was wrong with their hamburgers. They then became sick and were transported to a hospital. "While eating the food they detected something was very wrong," Isleta Tribal police Officer Olivia Cavallero said. The officers then conducted a field test on the burger and the results came bac…
Last reply by Nattefrost, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
This is an excellent book that contains information on making hash, alcoholic and non-alcoholic tinctures and canna foods, capsules and pills and also has a section on vapourisers. It contains a lot of homemade hash making methods, but I think if you buy a set of hash bags this book will not help you make anything better, but its a good read nonetheless and contains a lot of interesting info on the hash culture around the world from Ed's travels. This book is even more worth it if you are interested in tinctures or canna cooking. There are heaps of different recipes, methods, tips as well as pics and "step by steps". I reckon this is a great book to get and would …
Last reply by CHASE_perth, -
- 29 replies
Good shit Oz Stoner, lemme be first to post a review I recently finished reading two of Michael Moore's books. The 1st being "Stupid White Men" and 2nd being "Dude, Where's My Country?" Both books have basically the same theme, the evils of corporate America and the governments which they are in bed with. Although they are all about the US, many parallels can be drawn to the developing political climate in Australia, as we seem to be following our American friends down the path of insanity. There are also some good tips on activism and how ordinary people can make a difference. One thing you can say about Michael Moore, boy does he hate George Bush. :: S…
Last reply by dirty, -
- 18 replies
G'day, I found this handbook on the ADF site, its very informative and well worth the read. PDF File.
Last reply by stonedstump, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
i'm reading this right now and it's brilliant.. it's just like the movie with more detail. i highly recommend it! other good books i've read recently are: 'he died with a felafel in his hand' by john birmingham the graduate by.. i can't remember breakfast at tiffany's by truman capote catcher in the rye by j. d. salinger
Last reply by Pure, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
I hired a DVD called the Island that stars Ewan McGreggor and a babe called Scarlett Jahansson. I hadnt even heard of the film until I went to the video store so I didnt really even know what it was about besides what was on the back of the dvd case. The main theme of movie is how they clone other humans (for wealthy people etc) so they can be used as 'body parts' for the humans when required i.e liver transplant etc. The cloned humans (the scientists in the film calls the clones the 'product') are kept in a vegetative state so therefore in theory they dont develop emotions unless it has been 'pre-programmed' into them. Its a excellent movie with a theme that the MJ gr…
Last reply by ThePillager, -
- 0 replies
Hey all, Just wondering if anyone wants to share some education marijuana books. Ill cover postage if anyones willing Id offer something to swap, but I dont have much. Let me know what you like email me Cheers
Last reply by Slotty2, -
- 0 replies
The Archaic Revival: Speculations on Psychedelic Mushrooms, the Amazon, Virtual Reality, UFO's, Evolution, Shamanism, the Rebirth of the Goddess, and the End of History. Excerpt(s): I believe that the psychedelic experience was the light at the beginning of history. That this is actually the thing; that we have now reached a sufficient level of analytical sophistication to discern the force that pushed the animal mind onto the human stage. It is a process that, once it is set into motion, will not end. It is as though these botanical hallucinogens were exohormones, message-bearing chemicals shed by Gaia to control the development of the historical process in the catalyt…
Last reply by theprojector, -
- 7 replies
Hi guys, Warped post on Charles T Tart got me thinking, as I studied a bachelor of psych for a couple of years, I have access to the psych library, so I looked up thei Tart fellow, well I came accross this book "Altered States of Consciousness" which is basically a collection of research papers and essays related to experiments carried out in the 60's & 70's by psychologists. The book deals with Marijuana, Nitrous, inhalation(glue, solvents), LSD, some natural psychedelics, as well as dreaming, hypnosis and meditation. So what I thought I would do for anyone that is interested, is to post any interesting passages or sections that I really enjoyed reading or that ga…
Last reply by Infinitee, -
Looking For: 1 2
by hOllOw-
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hey all, Does anybody know of anybooks to do with alternative culture eg hippies, nimbin, environment know stuff like that!! Peace
Last reply by skinhead, -