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The Island


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I hired a DVD called the Island that stars Ewan McGreggor and a babe called Scarlett Jahansson. I hadnt even heard of the film until I went to the video store so I didnt really even know what it was about besides what was on the back of the dvd case. The main theme of movie is how they clone other humans (for wealthy people etc) so they can be used as 'body parts' for the humans when required i.e liver transplant etc. The cloned humans (the scientists in the film calls the clones the 'product') are kept in a vegetative state so therefore in theory they dont develop emotions unless it has been 'pre-programmed' into them.


Its a excellent movie with a theme that the MJ grower/cloner will relate to as well ! Plus there's this wicked chase scene which I found myself rewinding just for the destruction :bleh: ! It's a thought provoking film and you never know with todays science this might actually happen one day-just hope that you are the human and not the clone...! :bleh:

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It's a thought provoking film and you never know with todays science this might actually happen one day-just hope that you are the human and not the clone...! :bleh:


With today's technology we can already breed animals with human organs that we can harvest - it's just not legal yet.


But yeah, interesting concept, however I think you'll be getting a human-heart grown in a pig rather than one grown in another human clone :bleh:

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Eikel some orgams/bits from animals are legal to be tranplanted into humans it called xenotransplants (dont ask how I know). I dont know if u can get full organs transplanted but u can get like pig valves to replace your heart valves if u are a grease addict. Not a very nice thought having animal organs inside you. I spose I would choose that over death anyday. Oh yeh and about that movie I liked the chase seen but I liked that scarlett chick better :)



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