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Marijuana Australiana by Jay Jay and Friends mate, its a fucking excellent book and a cheapy. Dopeland by John Birmingham is a rather shit book but also on the same page, alot of info from dopeland is straight out of marijuana australiana.

Kogs book is a good and fairly true look at the black market dope growing in northern nsw, uhhhm, dunno about books on hippies I dont get into books on hippies or hippyism, Im sure their would be, theirs a few shitty local "alternative" papers from nimbin, and some good psychadelic art books and postcards from byron bay lotsa stoners have round here. There is a few little local growing pamphlets and stuff you can get round too.

Oh and the growers calendar, every cunt has a bout 50 copies.

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Yeah, Marijuana Australiana is a fucking excellent read, gives a good quick overview of the history of weed in australia from smokers perspective, from first fleet on to almost present, Its not a big book, A4 and about 50 pages or so, but well worth it, written by JJ McRoach, aussie pot legend dude, involves alot of stuff to do with the actual culture involved with pot and not just the political and black market side of things. Its not a pretty coffee table book, its just a cheaply printed thing, can get it thru this site i think?? :wacko:
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warning: all of these books (except the first one) are *very* hard to get in Australia. If you live in Melbourne, go to Polyester Books in Brunswick Street. Or just order them off the internet, if you have a credit card.

The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight - Thom Hartman

The Emperor Wears No Clothes - Jack Herer

The Natural Mind: An Investigation of Drugs and the Higher Consciousness - Andrew Weil

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test - Tom Wolfe



anything by Chris Conrad

anything by Timothy Leary


Marijuana Australiana is a great book, has actual newspaper clippings (Smith's Weekly) from when Prohibition came into effect in Australia, featuring word-for-word reefer madness BS from America....


also, check out this forum:




You'll find plenty of recommendations there.

Edited by charbono
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warning: all of these books (except the first one) are *very* hard to get in Australia. If you live in Melbourne, go to Polyester Books in Brunswick Street. Or just order them off the internet, if you have a credit card.

The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight - Thom Hartman

The Emperor Wears No Clothes - Jack Herer

The Natural Mind: An Investigation of Drugs and the Higher Consciousness - Andrew Weil

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test - Tom Wolfe


I have to dissagree, all those books are pretty easy to find provided you use your brain the emporors new clothes is available on this site and electric koolade acid test can be ordered in from just about any major book shop or if your lucky you may find a copy in a secod hand book shop and get it really cheap haven't read the Natural mind so can't comment but if you give me a few days I can find out if Ozstoners can get it through one of their reasorces


electric koolade acid test is an geat book which I have read many times not abotu mj on mj though but it is all about hippies and the California Acid craze


If you want some good books to read that move away from the topic of MJ I sugest you have a look at for titles from .


Hunter S Thompson : Probably one of the most drug fucked yet brilliant authours around and the father of " gonzo " journilism, some of his books are political but others are just plain crazy ( he wrote fear and loathing in Las vegas)


Irvine Walsh : the dude who wrote trainspotting and the Acid House which is a great book

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I have just got myself a copy of "Alternative Australia: celebrating cultural diversity" (ISBN 0952331640), however I have already promised it to somebody. It looks really good though - various authors on various topics, including cannabis and Nimbin! U should try & get a copy.


I also suggest you join bookcrossing.com and the wishlist site: http://cliff1976.com/BC/BCWish.asp and I guarantee that sooner or later someone will send you the books you're looking for - for free! ;)

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'The Electric Kool aid acid test' is a damn fine book, even if Wolfe never actually 'put down his pen and join in' as Ken Kesey once suggested he do. As a one time student of journalism I really like his 'new journalism' as it was then known. 'The Candy Flake Tangerine colored dream car' is another (earlier) book of his, as is "The Right Stuff", the story of the early American space effort. I once made my only slightly interested friends endure the entire 3 hour film :devilred: Edited by goonie
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