Cannabis Law and Politics
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What is causing despair in Indigenous communities? Petrol, Cannabis or Apartheid? Australian governments always blame some demon for causing the devastation in remote indigenous communities. This week it is petrol sniffing, last week it was cannabis. A month ago it was alcohol. The shifting of blame from cannabis to petrol has occurred after 5 youth suicides, and 8 attempts in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara lands in South Australia in the space of 3 weeks. The deaths have sparked national and international interest. Even the pope has asked after the welfare of the indigenous community. This interest has meant overtime for government spin-doctors. A blame laying frenzy ha…
Last reply by bongenon420, -
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The lighting of a 1 metre joint will mark the 2nd birthday of the Network Against Prohibition (NAP) in Darwin tomorrow. For 2 years, community members have campaigned against the NT Labor Government’s “drug house” laws that allow Northern Territory police to: Signpost a home or business with a 1.2 metre high flourescent green sign Raid the home or business without a warrant whenever they want Charge everyone present at the home or business with the possession of an illicit drug found at the premises Use restraining orders to “ban” people from the home or business Do cavity searches on people present at the home or business Stop and question anyone within 2…
Last reply by bongenon420, -
- Admin
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DRUG AND ALCOHOL OFFICE 7 Field Street MT LAWLEY WA 6050 Tel: (08) 93700333 Fax: (08) 9272 6605 Dear Manager This letter has been sent to a wide range of managers of retail and supply outlets selling hydroponic equipment. On 22 March 2004, the Cannabis Control Act 2003 will come into operation. Among various changes, the Act provides that a person who sells or supplies, or offers to sell or supply to another person, any thing that the person knows will be used to cultivate prohibited plants (including cannabis) by hydroponic means commits an offence. The offence will normally be prosecuted in the court of petty sessions where a penalty of $2,000 and/or 2 years imp…
Last reply by Tom, -
I just got a copy of Kog's book Marijuana - A Growers Lot. On the inside cover its got written: sow the seed grow the weed make the money fuck the system so what does this actually mean? I mean you can't make money if pot is legalised, so what system does Kog want to fuck? In his acknowledgements Kog actually thanks the NSW Police Force. . I guess he really is happy that MJ is illegal, otherwise how would he make his money? seems to me Kog supports the system and profits from it, and the more people that adopt this approach, the less chance we have of of getting any real drug law reform IMO.
Last reply by expansion, -
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hey everyone, this stuff is a bit old so most of you have probs seen it but it is worth reading
Last reply by bongenon420, -
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Gday everybody I just got a new job and I have to pass a piss test. Do you think I could use my dads piss and stash it down my dacks? Any other ideas? I smoke pretty much everyday so I don't think drinking heaps of water will do it? Thanks dudes any help is good I got 5-7 days til it happens
Last reply by nakkas, -
Marijuana Legalisation Parties 1 2
by Guest- 10 replies
So who is the biggest and how many are there? Can they and have they ever proposed uniting under one banner? Politics is all about strength of numbers. Party members, poll results, surveys, mass demonstrations, media coverage. It all comes down to support. GreenPeace is no good. Too many political agendas. Too bad a reputation from idiotic policies. For instance they want to ban nuclear power worldwide when CO2 gases threaten to destroy this planet and nuclear is the only serious alternative to coal. You might disagree with nuclear power yourselves but my point is that a lot of people see it differently. Every policy made alienates a section of the community. To get Marij…
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hi there.. i'm from brazil and i'm propably going to study in Australia next year and i want to know the truth about australian laws about my deer cannabis.. i have heard a lot of people saying that Australia is a legalize country, with coffe shops and great quality, but in my searchs on the internet that wasn't what i found.. so i came here, at last no one would be better to answer that question than an australian.. so please, someone clean up my terrible doubts (i'm sorry if my english isn't very well, i hope i'll have time to practice it in some sessions with you guys next year)
Last reply by sage, -
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I was going through the polls yesterday and i noticed that a good amount of austailians mix tobbacco and weed together, my question is why would you do that when you could just have a cigarette after you toke it up
Last reply by Rottweilerpunk, -
Soon Im going to Australia, Melbourne as a tourist, i guess, i'll smoke some weed in there, could you tell me please how is it with law, if i got cought ? Is law strict ? Should I be afraid (can I be returned to my country ?) What kind of punishment should I expect ? (i guess i wont posses more than 10 gram) Ps. Sorry for my bad english ...
Last reply by Satans Shepard 666, -
the MJ trade 1 2 3
by LuvBuds- 24 replies
Hi, I dont know if you people find this as interesting as i do but i am constantly wondering about the dope trade. I mean where i am from MJ is an expensive business to stay in for lack of suppliers etc blah blah blah. But its intensity is picking up most people are taking on the role of a heroin junkie basically to feed there habit if you know what i mean. Its only dope yet people go crazy for it over here and yeah spend alot of money on it. My thought to make a long story short are. The supply of MJ is it coming from a organised sydicate of some sort. Or something like that. SMuggling operations etc. Or is it just that the majority of people are growing their own and pe…
Last reply by bradsta, -
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I think it would be a good idea to put together a CD with a wide range of info and arguments on why MJ should be legalised. It could contain written contributions, and links to many articles and websites which deal with this issue. Kind of a comprehensive education tool for those who have not yet seen the light. Once it is put together, it would be quite cheap to run off and send to polititions, activist groups, media, or whoever. It could be setup as a very simple menu type format with sections that cover the major issues around legalisation. Here's my thoughts: 1. The relative harmlesness and safety of MJ, especially compared with other legal and prescribed …
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Members of the Network Against Prohibition (NAP) have been outraged by revelations that hundreds of Territorians missed out on work because of past illicit drug use. The claims, by the Murdoch Sunday Territorian come days after an announcement that 65 people had been purged from the Australian Defence Force for the same reason, many from Robertson Barracks south of Darwin. ConocoPhillips, the company responsible for building the new Gas Plant at Wickham Point in Darwin harbour, told the Sunday Territorian that 40% of NT residents who applied for jobs on the project were rejected because of failed drug and alcohol tests. NAP spokesperson Gary Meyerhoff said “According …
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
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We are going to be holding the largest Political Rally of it's kind EVER in Canada on June 5, 2004 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada... Be there or be Square... Love and a Squish, See you here... Alison xx
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
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what are our rights in regards to if u get busted with weed/plants,scales, baggies ect can the cops or govt take ur shit (house, car, ect..) cuz they think u got that shit from dealing? i heard about that happenin 2 ppl that got busted in the papers n shit peace out
Last reply by Luke Skywalker,