Cannabis Law and Politics
- 9 replies
Howdy folks, this is what i was searching for last time there was an election, a how to vote for The Greens guide. I hope you back a winner.
Last reply by roid, - The liberty and democracy party is the only libertarian party for the federal election. They believe in small government and individual liberty. Their entire philosophy can be summed up like so: Give people freedom and let them live their own lives and they'll be happy. The role of government should be to stop others from interfering with your life, liberty and property, and make sure you don't interfere with their rights.
Last reply by Frazz, -
- 4 replies
I wish I could find a link to it; hopefully someone will put it up on Youtube. Is this just a NSW crock of poop or federal? I missed most of it, but the general gist was showing the purported negative effects of marijuana on teenagers. Ah just talked to my housemates who have told me most of the scenes in the ad. 1/ Can't remember the first one but the 2nd is a girl driving who fails to see a pedestrian and knocks them over. MISINFORMATION!1one!! I don't need to tell you guys, but stoned drivers drive more safely than straight people (will grab link to research if need be). 2/ The next shows a man in a mental health ward. MISINFORMATION!1one!! Marijuana does …
Last reply by Al Fish, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Dear Friends, I have just read and signed the online petition: "Block Extradition of Emery", hosted on the web by, the free online petition service, at: I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider signing yourself. Best wishes, moKing
Last reply by PGHGreek420, -
- 2 replies
Just read this and although the writer isn't very accurate with a number of growing references he makes, it's worth a read and it is a glimpse at the world of weed in 1995. Take me there... Jimbo
Last reply by PGHGreek420, -
copyright 2003 George Grass rev. 2004 SEEDLESS MARIJUANA The hoax I think there was and is a scheme to weaken the potency of drug-type marijuna with the help of decoys who would spread misinformation about cultivation, flowering, THC, and even the botany of marijuana. My assertion that the potency of indoor seedless marijuana and clones has more of a placebo effect than the real thing flies in the face of the propaganda put out by the Narcs that this marijuana is more powerful and psychoactive than any other marijuana grown in the World. The gap between reality and propaganda is thought to have begun in the latter half of the 1970's when the Narcs decided someth…
Last reply by huge001, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Source: sounds like the politicians are trying to make the greens look bad because they'll have the balance of power in the senate which will make them able to stop any bullshit laws from getting passed one can only hope that the greens prevail, end up with the balance of power and in turn decriminalize marijuana
Last reply by Al B. Fuct, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Last reply by roid, -
- 10 replies
I think someone mentioned this before on the forums, perhaps in the Cousins thread, but I thought I'd post it here for individual discussion, cos I think it definitely warrants it... Video of Alan Jones from 2GB - click here to play, approx 40mb.... I'm just dumbstruck. He takes the pussies way out and says "John Howard is right, drugs are evil" at one point, and never claims the arguments as one he holds, but it's a start... all we need is a few more right wingers to come out with some sensible discussion on drug law reform and you can get a ball rolling. What do you think?
Last reply by Bhangers and mash, -
Well the Federal election has finally been called - November 24th 2007. If you are not enrolled to vote you have until Wednesday night 8pm (17th October) to get yourself enrolled. Who are you guys voting for and why? To kick it off - I'm voting Green. They have intelligent policies, and they're all available on their website year round to read - the other parties hide their policies, or radically change them with each election cycle. In particular the Greens have a sensible position on illicit drugs. They were forced to temper their position at the last Federal election, so explicit legalisation of cannabis has unfortunately taken a back seat - but the State bas…
Last reply by Tarnicus, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Let's be clear- the government isn't opposed to people using drugs. However, you have to use the drug that is controlled and taxed, and the one which is responsible for more violence, motor accidents and drug abuse related illness than any other. Just what we need, a pub on every streetcorner. How about some more drive-through liquor stores? Kerb service with coldies! Chicks on rollerskates delivering jugs of draught. Hell, put a keg on every right turn lane and get those homeless windscreen washers into the taxable system, making excise revenue. Keep in mind that this is the same government which so believes its own propaganda as to pass laws based in zero-tolera…
Last reply by jojothepotfiend, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Very disturbing news... As I said, very disturbing.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 3 replies
Hello All Just out of curiosity, does anyone know the 'current' penalty for plants under lights in WA? Numbers and weights of shit would be good too. I have looked on several sites but no success. Thanks
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 9 replies
Just saw this most interesting article on the repeal of alcohol prohibition in the 20's/30's on Reason Magazines blog, and thought I'd post it here. It makes some interesting points and I wonder what the rest of you guys think of it? Source: Reason Magazine Blog Hit and Run - Link to Reason Blog
Last reply by Pam, -
Whats the best thing to do if you get a knock and talk by you local boys in blue?
Last reply by jimbojones5678,