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Is Australia the New China?

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Very disturbing news...


Whats even more disturbing is the non existent debate about this. Another freedom gone without so much as a whimper. All i have seen is one small news article. We may wake up here one day unable to access this site because our ISP has been forced to police these new laws (if they get through).


We have a so called "liberal" government bent on influencing the way we think. They are looking increasingly fascist.


Interestingly these laws are being introduced with reference to terrorist groups. Another law sneaks in under the "fear of terror". Looks like Osama wins after all.

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Not only would that cover Ozstoners and seedbanks but surely include sites providing 'torrents' of copyright material like music , movies, games etc ... :bow:


This Bill has nothing to do with terrorism, it applies to any offence against a law of the Commonwealth - even something insignificant, such as copyright infringement. The government are simply playing the terrorism card to deter criticism of the Bill


This is the type of legislation that you would expect to see in a police state. The Bill contains no mechanisms for review or appeal of a decision to give one of these notices

It puts the police in the position of judge, jury, and executioner of Internet content, and it will almost certainly be used as a tool of political censorship

The mistakes made by the Federal Police during the Haneef debacle demonstrate that the police are NOT reliable



Remember this on election day



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Yay more laws to "protect us", and it makes sense because there has been so many terrorist plots and bombings in Australia recently....I'm afraid to walk down the street :bow:


If this bill passed, do you think there would be black market isp's? I'd find that slightly humorous.




edit: Actually I like the idea of offshore isp's in international waters.

Edited by jojothepotfiend
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if we speak/write on OZ Stoners about how the australian govt does not have the best interests of its citizens at heart but rather that they desire to control us(imprison) 'they' could say we are 'terroisits' plotting to overthrow the govt...(not simply concerned citizens who wish to implement a regime change in the hope for better conditions for the poeple)


...a famous american once said its the peoples right to overthrow the government when the government no longer serves the people(paraphrased)


..remember one mans terroist is another mans freedom fighter...


australia has such great potential and yet we still bow down to influences from overseas countries..we need to stand up for ourselves..we need a vision to follow as a nation...one that serves the people/peasants/labourers not the government/royalty'nobility'


nobility can not be bestowed from above..it is a quality that one develops...


if these laws continue to be passed...and then ENFORCED we may need a good ol fashioned revolution....


the government likes to keep people just below the 'revolution level'...so perhaps these laws are a good idea!!...come on u pollywaffleticians pass more draconian laws!! pass a law that says we cant wear blue shirts on tuesdays!!...geeez..bring it on!!!!



(ghandi style)

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I'd prefer to think of myself more as an outlaw than a terrorist :scratchin:


I agree, people will only take so much oppression, and after all we are a country full or rat bags. I don't think it will ever get all that bad.


Laws do need public consensus to be successful, or at least that's what i was told in legal studies at school.



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