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I wish I could find a link to it; hopefully someone will put it up on Youtube. Is this just a NSW crock of poop or federal?


I missed most of it, but the general gist was showing the purported negative effects of marijuana on teenagers. Ah just talked to my housemates who have told me most of the scenes in the ad.


1/ Can't remember the first one but the 2nd is a girl driving who fails to see a pedestrian and knocks them over.


MISINFORMATION!1one!! I don't need to tell you guys, but stoned drivers drive more safely than straight people (will grab link to research if need be).


2/ The next shows a man in a mental health ward.


MISINFORMATION!1one!! Marijuana does not cause psychosis or schizophrenia. At best it possibly causes psychotic episodes in those who are already schizophrenic or are prone to psychosis.


As someone who has tried all manner of drugs (in my well/mispent youth) and once socialised heavily, I have only had one psychotic episode whilst smoking marijuana. That episode occured after 12 hours of drinking when I shared a joint with someone. I believe the joint was most likely laced with something or perhaps it was just the alcohol. I have had multiple psychotic episodes on alcohol(especially when combined with over the counter painkillers), the world's most misued legal drug. I no longer drink due to that very reason.


3/ Next we are shown a girl sitting in a gutter with two friends watching her. She has her back to them and is staring off vacantly into the distance. One of her friends mutters something like "She used to have so many friends".


MISINFORMATION!1ONe!! In some aspects I agree that for some people marijuana can be anti-social, but isn't the fact that you are a criminal for growing and consuming a herb a major isolating factor? After stumbling upon this site, my eyes have really opened up to the possibilities of cannabis becoming an open part of Australian, and hopefully international culture without the fear of being branded a criminal for doing so.


It's a bit rich to say on the one hand that marijuana is isolating yet on the other have alcohol be legal. The statistics say it all when you look at violence, rape, etc and alcohol vs marijuana involvement (and yes I'm being a horrible lazy academic by not backing any of this up with references for now lol); hardly a positive social influence.


4/ And lastly, they show a guy drops who football and his coach says "I dunno what happened he used to be so good" or some such nonsense.


CORRECT INFORMATION!!! If you are stoned, and try to catch a ball, chances are you will drop it more often as you will have more difficulty in judging it's speed.


Huzzah so remember boys(and girls), before you go and have a game of footy, don't get stoned or you'll suck! :D


That reminds me of the time I played cricket drunk. I went out to bat without wearing pads and copped a good one in the shin. It seems that alcohol wasn't the sport performance enhancing drug that I thought it was :D Ah well at least the government have cleared up that pot is no good as well for sport, so I won't have to waste anytime trying it before I play B)

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Great advertisements, but:

I don’t know who writes this stuff &

I don’t know who’d lower themselves to be part of those commercials &

I don’t know anything, but I’m proud of the fact. Ignorance is bliss and I’m ecstatic!


And I stand in lines and fill out triplicate forms. And watch the television. And eat lots of take-away food and adhere to the latest junk science. I only wear the latest trends, have had all my immunisation and couldn’t read between the lines of the newspaper to save myself - because I’m a sheeple of the world (the Lord is my shepherd) getting ready for my micro-chip and hoping beyond anything else that someone looks after me and that everything will be alright.

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