Television Stalkers
For those who've spent more than a few high nights binging series. Share your latest obsessions, debate plot twists, and discover your next TV addiction.
215 topics in this forum
- 21 replies
- 2.9k views Weeds, season seven, begins July 27th over in the states - I'm unsure when it will be available here. I will be sure to post a torrent link for anyone who wants a HD quality copy immediately instead of waiting for it to be on TV As you will remember from the Very end of Season Six if you're a fan of the show, Nancy was arrested by the FEDS for the murder of Pilar (Which Shane actually did with a croquet mallet), and the Rest of the Botwins/"Newmans" were on a plane to Denmark (or somesuch, I forget right now.) This look s like it may be the last season ever, I really can't see this show getting into another seaso…
Last reply by STONEDAJ69, -
- 0 replies
Guy on survivor is the owner of two canabis medical dispensaries in the us. Pretty intelligent sort of a bloke.
Last reply by brick, -
- 2 replies
Just an FYI for all of you guys out here in the internet world. has a cannabis channel that pretty much shows nothing but documentaries. If you're looking for something entertaining to watch, there you have it.
Last reply by Brimstond, -
- 420 Crew
- 24 replies
This shockingly bad: What the fuck??? They have this guy blaming marijuana for psychosis in people he admits use speed, heroin, and alcohol. Then you have this person with a FAMILY HISTORY of psychosis saying cannabis caused his psychosis (maybe it was a symptom that you were abnormal, the fact you were smoking at 11), then it has this woman on fucking legal speed, ie dexamphetamine, blaming dexy's for making her want to smoke weed, jesus I can't even be bothered commenting anymore. This is shockingly misleading.. Are these people really this brainwashed and stupid...
Last reply by darryl d, -
- 5 replies
I know this show has just finished - a lady called Wendy made a very good argument on the show about hypocrisy. "The St James Ethics Centre presents the controversial topic: 'All Drugs Should Be Legalized' at Sydney's latest IQ2 debate, Angel Place." The speakers FOR are Nicholas Cowdery QC, Wendy Harmer and Dr Alex Wodak AM and the speakers AGAINST are Jade Lewis, Dr Greg Pike and Paul Sheehan. Highly recommended - I will see if I can find transcripts or a video. Edit: You can listen to the audio recording of the debate, just below the poll results section. A video is supposedly going to b…
Last reply by andrewb, -
- Admin
- 23 replies
anyone with something to say on the topic should msg Sunrise... they discussed it this morning.. and Had the SEX PARTY representing legalisation... not only did they have nothing of anyvalue to say.. but failsed to mention any therapeutical benefits or positives about Marijuana... NOT ONCE... pissed me off immensesly that we have nitwits defending out drug of choice...
Last reply by Auntynorm, -
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Wasn't sure where to stick this so I put it here. Apart from the hosts immature reactions I took it as a good sign.
Last reply by Mr walker, -
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
Copyright: © 2010 ABC Source: The 7:30 Report Website
Last reply by Wez1R, -
- 18 replies
just came across a new doco tonight that looked really interesting showing on the HISTORY CHANNEL 606 pay tv..... called A Chronic History.... it look at stories and strange history of Marijuana in America, Marijuana is the largest cash crop in the US accounting for $36 billion in revenue yearly... many say its not a question of when marijuana is legalised, its now a question of how?..... should be a good watch... 7.30 E.S.T Marijuana A Chronic History part 1 / 2
Last reply by Tsigle, -
- 4 replies
8:30 The Wild One Marlon Brando 9:45 Easy Rider.
Last reply by Brazen, -
What's the best kids' TV show to watch while you are high? I like the magic round about 'cause I'm sure the rabbit dude is a stoner
Last reply by bicycleday, -
ahahhahahaha does anyone watch this aswell? its on SBS best australian comedy ive seen in a while. Its about a dog that smokes billys what more do you want from a show heheheheh?!
Last reply by harmony, -
- 5 replies
LINK: Cannabis: What's The Harm Unfortunately BBC won't let you view it on their website if you're in Australia hmm.. Haven't watched yet so can't comment on it, hope it's ok.
Last reply by Con, -
- 1 reply
Might be worth a look. 7:30 What's In That Pill? Over a person's lifetime they are likely to be prescribed more than 14,000 pills. These drugs perform minor miracles day after day, but how much is really known about them? Drug discovery often owes as much to serendipity as to science, and that means much is learnt about how medicines work, or even what they do, when they're taken. By investigating some of the most popular pills people pop, this program asks, how much can they be trusted to do what they are supposed to? (From the UK) (Documentary) PG CC HHS
Last reply by Rose Gardener, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
New doco called CNBC Marijuana U.S.A is worth a look. I downloaded it via Up to date overview on the current Med MJ movement in the States esp Colorado. Doesn't carry on with the usual crap, well worth a look imo. peace c
Last reply by Emcee Big, -