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ABC: Appauling misleading propoganda video (link)

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Tsigle I do not know how you could provide links in interviews, but yeah if you had the intention of being a spokesperson you should know EVERYTHING inside and out already, if anything you should be able to provide references off the top of your head and have well thought out responses to which issues can be thrown at you.


I personally do not see great reason to get upset over this report, except that maybe it will suck some people in, its just hugely ironic in that it endlessly points out all the other factors that are involved, a guy who started smoking at 11 with a predisposition and a woman with a bipolar predisposition who was on dexamphetamine for 12 years.


These perspectives are relevant, and abuse in adolescents is relevant and an issue IMO which is mostly all this report is about, not necessarily a total bash on cannabis; there is even mention of discussion of legalization near the end of it. Hopefully sooner or later they do realize that the easiest option in preventing adolescent use is legalization, 18+ or 21+ and getting it out of the black market.

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It just pisses me off because most of my family members, particularly the older ones tend to believe the news is a completely reliable source of information. Also I have a personal vendetta against news sources for reasons I might explain in the future. My general idea is to simply read the link out loud and get the text guy to type it down for people to see. I know it's a silly idea, but the more silly ideas I have and reject the more likely I'll stumble upon a good one. I know I could remember key experiments including the doctor who performed them and the institute it was performed at, but I thought it be nice for people to get it straight from the horses mouth.


I admit my response to this video was more emotionally fueled than I would have liked it to be, but as of late it seems to get on my nerves more than usual Thanks for your response and I agree with you about the age regulation.

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Hey mate.


I too am very guilty for responding emotionally but I am trying more and more to get over it lately and not let it cloud my judgement, I think it makes too many people in the cannabis community prone to jumping to conclusions and thinking the enemy has hidden agenda's, of course it is justified a lot of the time. Keeping cool, confident and intelligent is the only way to go on issues like this I figure.


No doubt news sources can be shockingly corrupt, I take confidence though in what the internet provides now and what it is doing for the world, these old media outlets are becoming less and less of importance, except for maybe the older generations but who cares about them :thumbsup:

Edited by Psychonaut
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OH? And you wonder why the media act the way they do in towing the gubment line regardless of facts, truth or doing what's right? Wake up people, one you start calling the media by it's correct name, 'The Ministry of Propaganda' you'll have a clearer understanding of things.




1947-ongoing: UNITED STATES. Immediately after its creation, one of the CIA's first acts is the launching of an illegal war against the citizens of the United States which it calls, ironically, Project Mockingbird. Mockingbird is designed to deceive and manipulate the American public by controlling the content of American newspapers, magazines, books, movies and the broadcast media. A secret CIA memo unearthed by the Church Committee in 1975 says that “newsmen are cheaper to buy than a callgirl”. CIA documents reveal that more than four hundred American journalists were/are on the CIA payroll. Among senior mass media executives who were/are CIA assets are CBS president William Paley, CBS News President Sig Mickelson, who will later be president of the CIA propaganda fronts, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, Time Magazine owner Henry Luce, New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger and James Copley of Copley News Service. The “liberal” New York Times will provide cover for CIA agents between 1950 and 1966.


Project Mockingbird is headed by Rockefeller cousin, Nazi shyster and Hitler Project organizer Allen Dulles with the help of Frank Wisner, Richard Helms and Philip Graham, a graduate of the U.S. Army Intelligence School and publisher of the "liberal" Washington Post. The Post itself becomes the CIA's premier media asset. Eventually, the CIA’s media assets will include ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, the Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service and more. By the CIA’s own admission, at least twenty five major media organizations will become direct CIA assets. In reality, virtually the entire U.S. mass media apparatus is nothing more or less than a gigantic propaganda and disinformation machine masquerading as a free press.


Media manipulation in the U.S. today is more efficient than it was in Nazi Germany, because here we have the pretence that we are getting all the information we want. That misconception prevents people from even looking for the truth. Mark Crispin Miller


In the same way as the revolving door between the U.S. government and the arms industry, a revolving door operates between the CIA and the mass media. CIA Director Richard Helms was a United Press International correspondent, CIA Director William Casey was the major shareholder of the owner of the ABC television network, Capital Cities. Journalists Edward R. Murrow and Carl Rowan both worked as Directors of the CIA front U.S. Information Agency. NBC news anchor John Chancellor was a director of the CIA’s radio propaganda network, Voice of America. CBS Vice President Joseph H. Ream is a former deputy director of the National Security Agency (NSA).


Outside the U.S., the CIA has en extraordinary web of media assets with which to deceive, manipulate and misinform the people of the world. Among the more important CIA fronts are/were Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty (Cuba) and Radio Free Asia. Among the newspaper and magazine fronts are Prevves (France), Der Monat (Germany), El Mundo Nuevo (Latin America), Quiet and Thought (India), Argumenten (Sweden) and La Prensa (Nicaragua).


And that was back in 1947, imagine how more complete the control is now, as long as the sheeple keep blindly believing authority nothing will change.

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Ian Donnelly states more than once that he never saw the link between his psychosis and using pot... He never actually gives a reason why he changed his mind about that... Can we assume that the idea of "POT DID THIS TO YOU!" was forced down his neck so hard that he started to believe it himself? Sounds like the case to me. He even says "Marijuana and other drugs will trigger it off" referring to psychosis. So he says 'other' drugs, once again he doesn't specify, other drugs could be legal psychotropics that are given to our kids in school to control their behaviour. This is reefer madness type shit. Our good friend Jan Copeland goes on to say that 'we THINK that if cannabis was removed from the brain chemistry of our children we might see a drop of psychosis by between 8 and 14%'. Ok so what is this being based on? You THINK? That sounds like you just made it up. Jan seems to lack that knowledge that cannabanoids are part of every person's brain chemistry, we are born with it, it makes up an essential part of the functioning of our brain. Edited by CactusGumnut
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Cactus I think the answer is fairly simple in Ian's and so many others cases, psych services, psychologists, psychiatrists, once they hear that someone is a cannabis user, was a cannabis user its like a light bulb goes off in their head, "oh there is your answer, here take these anti-depressants/psychotics". It always amazes me how people who are suppose to be highly intelligent and qualified time and time again lack basic reasoning skills to see all the factors.


So many people who end up with psychosis, like I did in later adolescence, tend to have triggers that predate their cannabis use let alone others who have predispositions.


Yes Jan's comments are nothing but a ridiculous generalization. There is even evidence that cannabinoids have anti-psychotic properties and could explain why people with schizophrenia self medicate with cannabis, but god forbid we could attempt to break the science of it down and look at anything in any real detail. Instead lets keep it illegal and have these people buying random cannabis off the streets, like roulette whether it might help or hinder them :thumbdown:

Edited by Psychonaut
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What do you expect, examples given are born retarded ... in these two cases the retards will never blame themselves for their mental weakness they just look for another reason to blame their unfortunate genetic history upon

who says these retards wouldnt have had exactly the same diagnoses of mental instability if they had never used Cannabis


im not having a shot at retards here but why dont they interview someone who has used Cannabis for 20 yrs and is perfect normal ? .. ever seen a 'normal' person on who uses Cannabis regularly, interviewed by these bum reporters?


why do you think they find feeble minded folk, who by chance have used Cannabis, to illustrate their deceptive lies? ..


obviously the interviewer Dempster wouldnt realise if a bus was up him .. until the ppl started getting off!


the alcohol and nicotine pushers must love these public assaults on Cannabis ...




Of course, you're not having a shot at us "feeble-minded" "born retarded" folk at all. And thx for the "peace", which seems to be serving a similar function as the eloquent "I'm not a racist, but..."


I don't know how your demographic works, but in mine, there are more differences than similarity, and for you to simplisitcally slag of at all of us contributes not a single useful idea or datum, and makes you look like an ugly-minded and not very intelligent bigot.


I'm not ashamed of suffering mental illness, but I'd despise myself if I were as mean-spirited and vulgar as you make yourself out to be.


Like you, I mean that nicely. Expletive-free constructive criticism, and from a 'feeble-minded retard', no less! :crazytwist: :twiddle: :nutzo: :straightjacket:

I've lived with, and several times nearly died with, genetic mental illness from both sides of my family - many of whom are also doctors or business professionals, because being mentally ill takes nothing away from a perfectly functional intellect (in between bouts of dysfunctionality, I'll admit).


I first became ill aged 6, and the psychiatric care had not extended beyond being prescribed phenobarbital for any social occasions, but unfortunately not including school. Did no good but in prescription doses it did no harm either.


By the age of 14 I was slipping in and out of dissociation like putting on a hat, and heading in a pretty bad direction.


Smoking weed didn't cure anything, although it postponed stuff for long enough so I could relax with people and generally have constructive and rewarding experiences.


My best make became a schizophrenic aged 21, and his parents blamed me for getting him "hooked on pot", even though he was supplying me and a lot of other people.


Nothing to do with the history of schizophrenia in his family, of course.


What is implied here that is criminally misleading is that cannabis can cause schizophrenia even if you haven't got the genes for it (although I'll buy rare instances of temporary psychosis in others.


What is also implied, and this is brutally misleading for the relevant families, is that if your family has a history of schizophrenia, merely refusing to consume cannabis will magically prevent its onset.


My recent reading is that for most people with those genes, avoiding cannabis will only postpone its onset by a few years, and if alcohol, hallucinogenics, amphetamines (dunno about opiates) are consumed, or an extremely stressful situation arises, one of those will 'trigger' it anyway, and it was a waste of time avoiding the cannabis.


I felt sorry for those two, and I'd bet money they are parrotting what some religious group has brainwashed them into believing is the truth.


They didn't have the plethora of medical siblings and cousins to lend them books and be walking FAQs like I had. The young man is an unknown quantity, because his mannerisms are a stigmatising and permanent side-effect of anti-psychotic meds, as are spasmic jerks of the limbs. He could have a PhD and still come across like that.


The giveaway is that the girl suffering bipolar disorder is "free from all medication" - a medically and legally reckless thing for any doctor to sanction.


Stephen Fry is a genius and a millionaire, so he can afford to cover any fallout from not being on medication, but generally, it does quite a bit of good for quite a lot of people.


If someone convinced that girl to go off her bipolar meds, you can bet it was an pig-ignorant ideologue, not a mental health professional who can be sued for malpractice.

Edited by Dags Gone Wild
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Cactus I think the answer is fairly simple in Ian's and so many others cases, psych services, psychologists, psychiatrists, once they hear that someone is a cannabis user, was a cannabis user its like a light bulb goes off in their head, "oh there is your answer, here take these anti-depressants/psychotics". It always amazes me how people who are suppose to be highly intelligent and qualified time and time again lack basic reasoning skills to see all the factors.


So many people who end up with psychosis, like I did in later adolescence, tend to have triggers that predate their cannabis use let alone others who have predispositions.


Yes Jan's comments are nothing but a ridiculous generalization. There is even evidence that cannabinoids have anti-psychotic properties and could explain why people with schizophrenia self medicate with cannabis, but god forbid we could attempt to break the science of it down and look at anything in any real detail. Instead lets keep it illegal and have these people buying random cannabis off the streets, like roulette whether it might help or hinder them :thumbdown:


I've read that once the resin sacs start to turn golden, THC starts getting converted into cannabidiol (CBD), which is a sedative. SWIM tried it, and ended up with smokeable Valium, but in pretty low doses compared to how little you need when consuming for the THC.


An interesting (indicative, but not inclusively representative)experiment was done by BBC:



There are hundreds of cannabinoids afik, and the one the reporter calls "cannabanoid"(sic)

is almost certainly CBD, although I'm no scientist,just a hobbyist.


SWIM plans growing, but harvesting a few weeks later than commercial growers, as a free alternative for his kids, which should be the happy, giggly "let's go and have fun" stuff, not the stupefying, stultifying 'couch-freeze' crap.


If that's your thing, Mogadon is legal, available on PBS, and you end up in the same unglamorous fog either way.


For commercial growers, kids who don't know any better think that the less capable of coherent interaction you are rendered, the better the quality, and that's pretty sad.


So for the growers, every molecule of CBD is degrading the marketability.


Also, they want to harvest as early as possible, so delaying to balance out the two is counter-intuitive.


He still wouldn't recommend a person with schizophrenic ancestors to try it, but apart from having more sociable kids, he doesn't want them getting freaked out when they could be giggling and enjoying themselves instead.

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