Nutrient Problems
HELP! Whats wrong with my Plant?
To assist the cannabis community in providing you with an accurate diagnosis, help and advice please answer as many of the the questions below as possible including a description of the problem/s and how long the cannabis plant has been suffering along with any good clear photos when available.
Growing Medium:
Growing Style:
Watering/Feeding Frequency:
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels:
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:
Plants Age:
Cannabis Strain:
280 topics in this forum
Strange Behavior 1 2
by Rootty- 10 replies
Hey Guys, I have three Kali Mists in a small growroom in a recirculating Bubbler system. Since the beggining, one of the plants showed a slower development and stained leaves. I quit trying to address the "problem" and accepted the idea that it could be a genetic issue with this particular plant. I´m saying this because I tryed almost everything and the three are sharing very similar situations: - same nutrients for all, as individual buckets are connected to the same central control-bucket; - same light - a 600w HPS bulb hanging without reflector in the middle of them; - same air circulation - I have already change their places with no noticeable effects. Kali Mi…
Last reply by Rootty, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Aloha guys, i could really use some help. So i got an indoor op. going, they were in the dirt 7 days ago. a small bed with a primarily organic soil mix under a 1k hps, 4 strains: blue-widow, puna-tang, durban, and candyman each in a different section,,,puna and candyman are locals i think, anyway 35 plants were pinned LST and everything looked great and was jumping. I now have had 3 plants die and am worried bad. Im not sure what it is or was really, as the others look great and i dont know if these clones were just sick or weak. they got stem mold or something in which the very bottom part of the stem, right above and below the dirt, turns brown and easily falls apart, …
Last reply by hawaiiankorn, -
- 8 replies
any tips for salt buildup on the top of expanded clay flood and drain water flushing from the top is a bit difficult in this setup should I be concerned or is there anything to do to minimise/control it ?
Last reply by bluntman_77, -
- 4 replies
hey guys, here's the pics. they grew up in jiffy pots and were replanted 5 days ago? the jiffy's were soaked originally in half strength veg nutes, the coco they were transplanted into was soaked in full strength veg nutes and i started on full strength nutes straight away after transplanting. the yellowing leaf symptoms of the main plant shown in the pics started in the jiffy pot (they only got rhizotonic at full strength for seedlings). they are growing rapidly, but i'm worried about the particular one i took pics of.. i took a picture of all of them to show the one on the right side of the pic - the very tips of the leaves are curled down and yellow - is this over f…
Last reply by bullseye, -
hey evry1 my plant is 17 days old and i just dont no if anythings rong with it or not but i paid pretty good money 4 the seeds they are dutch passions blueberry and i dont want 2 waste it i have the plant under a 400 hps and in a home made set up i dont no weather its getting over watered or not its on a constant pump all day till the light goes off but the water is airaited so i didnt think it should be a problem but the plant seems a little droopy and a little bit dull in colour but looks quite healthy still iv got pics but dont no how to put them up on a post if any1 could help it would be great
Last reply by Radic, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
So ive just recently harvested my first grow ever it was pretty shit im using a 400w hps and the buds were bushy? must of been the seed or the fact that i didn't use any nutrients or give it any food. now im over that ive already smoked it all so now on the real topic i recently got bagseed from a friend that came with some nice hydro bud so im going to start a new grow and hopefully i will get better results. all i need to know is what nutrients or foods i can get someone please lead me in the right direction i am lost and when can i start adding them? thanks very much and with this vital information i hope to start a grow journal. i just want to know what i can add …
Last reply by peteabordi, -
- 0 replies
hey everybody, just wanted to see if this is normal: seedlings 14 days from seed were planted in jiffy pellets pre soaked in a 1/2 strength nute solution. they they were watered with clean filtered water no solution. repotted yesterday in coco (2 parts coco 1 part perlite) which was soaked in a half strength solution. i noticed yesterday that one of the seedlings little baby leaves have yellowed on the tips and the very tip is that brown. is this normal? i'm not panicked.. the environment is perfect.. just wanted to see if it was all normal? cheers guys. oh also i'm using hydro nutes canna coco - i'm just following the directions and watering with the solution at half str…
Last reply by bullseye, -
- 25 replies
Hi guys, I'm hoping someone can help me with my first indoor grow. I have 3 cinderella 99 growing in a expanded clay recycle system they are about 4 weeks old. Under a 600watt Hps the pump has been 30min on 1.5hrs off They have been strugling since I put them in a couple of weeks ago. The ppm is 620 but seems to go up slightly, the PH is going up from 5.5 to 6.3 overnight!!! the leaves are a pale green and seem to be drying from the middle. Last week the ppm was 900ppm and rose to 1300 and one set of leaves curled under (and dried up and died) so I dumped the tank and set it up again with the EC at 600ppm. But it's still pale any help will be appreciated
Last reply by cronical, -
- 1 reply
hi there im new to this i have 3 plants 2 weeks old grown in a LED growing panel propergator, Lowryder 2 Females.... they look well and healthy. moved them to my that was 4 days ago Wilmo hydro grown tent (8 plant version) i have 2 plants growing in there already 7 weeks old not know what these r but they have had 18/6 light and dark i run this 16 hours on and 6 hours off with 2 x15min cycles in the 6 hour dark perion. whats the best for my situation using a wilma hydro system... is the above too much..... 600 watt lamp...both spectrums.... 1x 16" fan.. made a grat difference to the steams of all plants... after 2 days i started to notice yellow patches on the bott…
Last reply by nitram, -
- 3 replies
hi there great site sorry im a newbie to this have been growing only a couple of months reading making mistakes and trying to learn... PICS to follow....... setup 8 pot wilma system hydro canna nutrients A + B 600 watt light dual spectrum 16" Fan.. Grow tent 1.2 metres long x 1.2 metres long 2 metres high ok 4 days ago i stuck my 3 x lowryder plants into the wilma hydro 18/6 lights plus 1 x 16" fan.. after 2 days the plants looked droppy and what looks like over feed was evident ie from the tips and from the bottom leafs of the plant. so straight away i took them off nutrients and feed them water from a Tumble dryer (its a condenser one) and started given them …
Last reply by Radic, -
- 7 replies
Hey Mates My grow is doing well except for leaves curling down a bit at the very end of leaf. I think I may have been low on ppm (850) and now I have boosted to 1200ppm. Could it be that girls werent getting enough nutrients?
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
- 5 replies
Help. Just noticed this today, the other colas are OK (for now) but the main one has developed a problem where the tips of the leaves have turned white. Am growing outdoors in a pot. Will try to get a pic tomorrow. Thanks
Last reply by Shithappens, -
- 3 replies
See Pics, Cant explain this one out, it has only effected 1 Seedling & 1 Clone Please let me know what i can do to fix this
Last reply by SukonmiSkunk, -
- 3 replies
Hi all Started a grow a few weeks ago obviously something has gone pretty wrong? See the attached picture the plant seemed to be going alright a week ago all the leaves were a nice green no sign of yellow and the first set of leaves were extending out. Then the first leaves went pretty much fully vertical (curling up?) and now they are turning yellow from the inside (not the edges) and the cotelydon leaves one started to turn brownish as well as both going yellow. I haven't used any fertiliser at all just a normal potting mix (saw someone mention somewhere that normal mixes have too much pine chips in them causing the soil to go acidic?). I have tried to go easy on th…
Last reply by need4weed3, -
- 5 replies
first time growing... my plants have some nut def.... dont know what
Last reply by Chill,