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lack of colour and leaves a little droopy

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irey man

gotta love dat


i still feel heat is gonna cause you more greef as the plant gains hight


if the fan in the pix is the only exaust it is mounted too low

most efficient designs say

the exaust fan should be above or equal to the lights which radiate the most heat


if it is the only fresh air inlet than it is too high

the fresh air inlet should be below or equal to the root zone


if you have and AC in there

than everyting crisp


did you flush and start again??????

what do you feel turned her round????????

how soon did you notice the change from the trunaround???????


irey guidance

Edited by Radic
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hey rads yeh i got an air con in there and i just extended the box by another 2 foot high the average temp is 24 to 25 degrees but i did what you said i flushed her then remix the nutes put less of that canna in there bout 2 ml a L and then put a big tea spoon of epsom salts and a big tea spoon of trace elements plus some stop wilt put the ec to 1.8 and mixed up a half a tea spoon of epsom salts in a spray bottle and foliar fed her at the start and Finnish of the light cycle and sorry shroomy im a perth boy but thanx for the comment she does look koota p.s. she took about 2 days to pick right back up so touch wood she stays fine !!!!


peace out

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hey rads you seem to no a fair bit bout nutes and ferts although im new to growing hydro iv grown a fair few plants outdoors and good ones and i was always to believe that in vegetative growth your ment to have higher nitrogen then potassium but this canna vega im using is 1.9% nitrate 20.81% nitrate as ammonium wich is very high but wot concerns me is that the potassium level is 27.9% so thats why i think iv had some trouble because i no to much of either can cuase magnesium and zinc deficiency i dont think im gonna use it next grow i really want to lern how to make my own mix out of manures and guano's and probs a bit of sea weed dunno but wot do ya think???? heres a pic of the extended box it looks a bit shabby but its air tight and does the job



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potassium level is 27.9%



for veg that is a bit high



it is all part of a plan that works if you follow the directions

you must use both grow and bloom that is supplyed as directed

and it will deliver


i really want to lern how to make my own mix


gotta love dat

tiz eze

Aquaponics if you have a fish tank google---> Aquaponics


virmaponics if you have a worm farm


i use virmaponics

here is a link

Homemade Organic Nutrients


you dont need a to be a scientist or a bottanist to make organic hydro nutrients

mother nature will happly do all the dirty work for yah

to make the perfect ballance of NPK and all the other major, minor and trace elements for your current strain

feed the worms or fish pon you strain of cannabis waste

for grow nutrients feed strictly waste from vegatating plants

and for bloom nutrients feed strictly bud waste


check that link for details and pix


hey when do you think it would be good to clone its already


not yet but then lightly


no i think id wait

well you need to deside if you want to make her a decated mother

and then dont expect a fine harvest when she get tired and you finally let her bud

it wont be much compaired to her clonez

in fact it probley not worth the electricity


but that could be a year or 2 from now

she would produce 1 helva lotta clonez by then



if you take 1 or 2 clonez but id still wate till she is ready for bloom cycle

take the clonez just before you change to 12/12 bloom<---------just before


irey guidance

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hey champ im bout to google up the aquaponics coz iv got a fish tank see wot thats all about but ill go and buy canna flores and use that for bud but then the next grow ill try making me own mix i was only thinking of taking four clones but if you think thats to much i wont bother coz i dont want to make her into a dedicated mother coz in about 4 to 6 months im making a mad setup like a hole room with a section for me mothers and room for flowering just wanted to share a couple of koota clones with some mates i no have bin growing for years coz the way i look at it the more koota the betta coz im getting sick of all the shiity bud getting round where im from ha ha lol well let us no whot ya think bout taking four or so clones of her thinking of changing the cycle over in bout 5 to 7 days p.s that link was great alot of helpful info i herd sumthing bout lamma shit being really good for your plants have you herd of this? cheers rads



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no i would not clone her yet

i would

wait till after harvest

reveg her

and then take some clonez


Virmoponics rulez for me

aquaponics is so irey

i love it

i have only used it for clonez so far

with all the new aquaponics systems pon the market today

i hafe get 1

i was tinking of growing local native fish and releasing them to local streams and dams


irey guidance

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