Cannabis Troubleshooting
Information and discussions on cannabis diseases, pests and nutrient problems.
- 3 replies
hey this is my first grow, the plant was going ok, then all of a sudden these brownish, yellow spots appeared on the older leaves an their tips curled under a little bit, i thought it was a nute deficiency so i flushed and the upped the nutes to an ec of 1.4. The ph is sitting around 5.0-5.5. Has anyone experienced this before? and also, does anyone know how long i should wait until i start to flower the plant?
Last reply by Tom, -
- 3 replies
has anyone come across a problem like this cant figure it out thought it was ph problems first changed it abit but all the other plants arent looking that bad . . not sure what you guys think
Last reply by nugget, -
- 1 reply
How can i stop little 1cm bright green grasshoppers from eating parts of my plants? They only seem to be eating the large leaves so far. They wernt around several weeks ago so im guessin they will go away when it gets colder & flowering starts.
Last reply by raggajunglist, -
- 1 reply
hey gusy i found a product called robocan its a timed release of pyrethiums i was wondering if any1 has any advice? has any1 used em im thinking appropriate for white flys? or will the get tolerant to it they can be set on 5 min or 7 min release cheers guys bil
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Has anyone had root aphids? I'm not positive if they are root aphids or fungus gnats, but I need to figure it out fast cause their multiplying faster than rabbits. Anyone had experience with either?
Last reply by 1budman1, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
This is a new problem to me I have a few seasons under my belt and consistently yield excellent results. I scored four clones so I put them in a fully decked out grow tent (400W hps air cooled, 150 Cen Fan, 150x600 Carbon Filter, 4 x 15 ltr dbl pots in a Recirc Sat system) The tent is well controlled and stays between 25- 28 degrees with 45- 60 % humidity. The nute tank is 50 ltr and has pump, heater and air stones, water temp set at 22 degrees. I use rain water and set to an EC of 1.2 approx and PPM 0f 800. Dutch Master Advance Nutes with silca an zone added. Medium I use is perlite with a feed schedule of 15 on 3 hours off... All this to me seems fine but the cl…
Last reply by Al B. Fuct, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Hi! On Wednesday, I noticed the leaves at the bottom of all 3 of my plants had turned yellow. Today (sunday), I had another look, and the leaves above have started going yellow on the edges as well. On the leaves on the very top, little specks of yellow are appearing all over as well. I was thinking a magnesium deficiency but I'm not sure. (Sorry about the picture quality) Also, on the other plants, a couple of the bottom leaves have curled up and died?
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Hey all. My poor little bubblegum sprouts have been through a lot this week. I had them set up to be fed every other half hour, and as such they showed signs of over-watering. I stopped watering them for almost the entire day, and now have them set to be fed 4 times a day, for a half hour each time (half-hour units are the smallest I have to work with). Now the poor little guys are getting more burnt looking spots on the tips of their upper leaves, and show limited signs of recovery from the over-watering. Now I'm going to be gone this coming weekend (plus Monday), and I don't have anyone to entrust with their care, so I'm stuck with the timers. I'll post pictures, but th…
Last reply by Kreegor, -
- 8 replies
Hey I think while I was away with the system running slower than usual, the water was a little too still for a little too long in the bottoms of the pots... The roots obviously hang in this remaining solution... When I first noticed the discolouration of the roots, about a week and a bit ago, because it was all evenly coloured and not patchy... I didn't think too much and dismissed the possibility of problems... Being only my second crop and first attempt at revegging, I knew FKL about root rot etc... I'm growing in clay,recy,using canna nutes- PH 5.8+ EC +- 2 feeding half an hour every 3 hours. I've gone through the forums and found ref to Hydrogen peroxide, ox…
Last reply by Roadblock, -
- 4 replies
Hey all. My sprouts have been doing great for the past couple of days, but I took a peek in my closet a little while ago, and the leaves look very droopy. Doesn't look horrible, I figure a little drying should fix them. I'm thinking that having the drip rings on 30 min/ hour was way too much. I turned the system off for the night (California time), but what should I have my timer set to in the future? Sorry for the constant problems. What can I say, I'm new to this.
Last reply by jimbojones5678, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Hi all... the plant I wish to make a mum out of appears to be ill. Her leaves are very yellow and thin (see pic). She currently resides in a DWC 10L bucket with netpot. On weak veg nutes (canna), bioacids, root conditioner and superthrive. Her roots are not like the other ladies either. She's very "stringy" - with lots of short roots coming off main roots and a light brown colour, whereas the other ladies have nice vermicilli-like roots which are creamy-white. I have checked the pH and it's ok. Is it likely to be a Magnesium deficiency, and if so, how do I go about fixing her? I know it involves epsom salts... but how much, and should I flush her first? Any help would…
Last reply by Pam, -
- 4 replies
Hey again. The brown spots on my sprouts' lower leaves have worsened slightly after I transplanted them to their current Hydro buckets. I seems to be isolated to the very tips of the bottom leaves, and I think that the fact I kept their BioBizz enriched water sitting in a jug might have contributed. The water in the bucket system has half the prescribed nutrients and has the pH balanced around 6.3. I picked up some antifungal pesticide today, says it's fine for garden fruits, vegetables, houseplants, whatever. On the bottle it says the active ingredient is "Clarified Hydrophobic Extract of Neem oil". Is it safe to spray that on a plant I intend to smoke? Any help at all w…
Last reply by Pam, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
hi guys and girls, I have discovered some small white/yellow insects that seem to me like thrips. They are all around my clone tray and underneath the heat mat but as far as the ye can tell - not yet on the clones. They are crawling and 'hopping' like fleas which suggests to me that they are prepupae moving into adults? The clones are in RW and have only just shown roots and are still delicate so I am unsure whether to dose them with my trusty Pyrethrum? Any suggestions? I was taking a pic but batteries dead - maybe in a few hours... Jimbo
Last reply by jimbojones5678, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hey all. I've got half-month old Bubblegum sprouts that have been growing beautifully in rockwool, and just today I noticed what looked quite a bit like burn marks on the tips of the leaves. Did I have the light too close? It's just a 60 watt fluorescent thats been hanging maybe 3-4 inches (8-10cm) over the tops of them. Moved it to about 6 inches (15cm) away today. Could I have misdiagnosed the issue?
Last reply by Kreegor, -
- 3 replies
hey so im running two plants at the moment, one about 2 weeks older than the other. They are in a cupboard with a 400W HPS bulb, running on 18/6. Im using Greendream 1 (one part flairform nute) at an EC of 0.7 and a pH of roughly 5.5 (can't be exact because im using a colored indicator mix). The largest plant has purple stems and some pretty nasty necrotic patches on the lower leaves (which i cut off only to find that they then appeared on the previously healthy parts of the leaves) but it's now also getting some on the tips of the newer leaves. The younger plant is also showing some necrotic patches on it's leaves with a little bit of yellowing. I just realised yesterda…
Last reply by SukonmiSkunk,