Non-Cannabis Plants
151 topics in this forum
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Hi Guys, If any of you get the chance to attend the tour Id recommend it! Went to the Melbourne event last week. Thought provoking and inspiring! See link below Peace
Last reply by Twisted Wizard, -
- 2 replies
I wasent sure where to put this or what even to call it haha... anywho, I have come up with a short list of some types of plants I am on the hunt for at the moment and here they are... -Fockea Edulis -Sempervivum Arachnoideum -Rauhia Peruviana -Pseudolithos Migiurtinus -Frailea Castanea -Ipomoea Bolusiana -Machaerocereus Eruca -Ortegocactus Macdougalli -Pachypodium Brevicaule AAAANND -Pachypodium Bispinosum Now I know they arent going to exactly be common, but if anyone can point me in the right direction to buy seeds/seedlings please let me know or if anyone has some they are keen to get rid of (i doubt it) let me know as I am on a mission of the life time ~Kand…
Last reply by Kandahar, -
- 8 replies
Hi guys, I wish there was a more specific forum section for this post! Can somebody tell me why there's no smoking section, only a recipe section for eaters? Meh ANYWAY..... I thought I'd just drop by and share because I found a wonderful herb for mixing yesterday at a certain local shop that sells various herbs, teas, pipes, clothes, etc. On advice of the friendly and knowledgeable guy behind the counter we decided to seperate out the flowers and just smoke them, not the leaves. We got quite a bit for $15, enough for many sessions, maybe a few months worth. We only had to smoke 75% as much weed to get as high as we normally do, I woud say ima…
Last reply by shroomyshroom, -
- 2 replies
hey all i was just wondering if anyone has come across acacia obtusifolia in South Australia. i know theres got to be some somewhere.
Last reply by Syb3 rm3nt41_%20, -
Kronic Purple haze 1 2 3
by vertexx-
- 420 Crew
- 27 replies
Has anyone tried Kronic or any of the other "legal-highs" ?? Is it worth the $30 for 1.5 grams? How many smokes is 1.5 grams ?
Last reply by xShivaspacetechnologyx, -
- 19 replies
Well I scored some of these seeds with an order of Kanna, there basically a natural psychedelic. They contain LSA whice is as close to LSD as you can get naturally, and they are legal. First night I took one, from all reports one shouldn't do much but some people reported 2 seeds knock em over. This produced no effect, but I did sleep bloody well that night. That friday night, I pulverised 3 seeds and ingested them at around 8:30. Buy ten my body felt like it wasn't itself any more, I was experiencing a fair amount of euphoria and was engrossed in infomercials on TV. 10:15, i crushed up 2 more seeds and swallowed them. (at this point i should note that most people n…
Last reply by Mattick, -
- 3 replies
Hey peeps, I've been holding onto a hbwr seed for a few years now (i chowed the rest!!) and as i had a few MJ seedlings/cuttings to do curiosity got me to dig it out and see if it was still viable. I gently filed the husk, knicked lightly away from the germ eye. I popped it into a small glass of water and after about 2-3 days it had swelled and slightly cracked!! Yay! I have put it in a pot with some fresh potting mix/perlite just temporarily so i can organise an area down the back to plant it in. I'm just watering lightly for now but am wondering how to build the right kind of soil up for it? Its very sandy around my area. I was also wondering if fish emulsion would be …
Last reply by ethnoman, -
- 15 replies
I've had epilepsy for 20yrs & use Tegratol (carbamezapine) to control it, successfully. My concern before I go on this journey is the possible negatives of combining my meds with a MAO inhibitor. It seems that the pharma co's would have you believe that this is a bad combination. On the other hand I did find an article on a study that was done on some 40 clinically depressed people, who were using the Tegratol as a mood stabiliser combined with an MAO antidepressant, with positive results. Has anyone else heard anything about "Carbamezapine & MAO-I" as a combination, whether it be negative or positive ? We do need more sufferers of epilepsy to vocalise these sor…
Last reply by space cadet 101, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Heya everyone. I've just emptied my 3 year old pot of hops out to divide up - and found about 40 of these suckers. Think they could be white curl grubs - they look like they live pretty close to the roots. Has anyone got a name of a pesticide I can use on my plants living in pots to get rid of these buggers? Plants are: khat, pistacio, blueberry, raspberry, batswing coral tree, phalaris grass, strawberry guava
Last reply by phreakah, -
- 14 replies
Any suggestion on what else to grow besides cannabis ? Something exciting and rewarding. Thanks you.
Last reply by DarkSpark, -
- 2 replies
hey guys new to the forums me and my mates have been talking and are looking into DMT extraction and im just wondering if asnyone on these forums knows where the best places are to look?
Last reply by pickpackitfireitup, -
- 3 replies
Hi ozstoners its my first post on this site just like to shear my pics of my leonotis nepetifolia plants. i like nepetifolia for smoking and mixing with ERB All are about 3 and a half months old i live in (SE)(QLD) its being raining hear a lot over a month on and off. love to hear PPL with EXP this plant
Last reply by STONEDAJ69, -
- 5 replies
I just wanted to write this somewhere. Kava Kava is the roots of a plant with mild to moderate narcotic type properties, but due to the way it works, it is not addictive and no significant tolerance develops. It is somewhat like alcohol / a decent dose of valium but without a loss of inhibitions, impairment of judgement, and a compulsive pull for more. Many people get very low quality Kava. For example, I personally would not bother trying any of the "tablet" or "extract" versions, in fact I wouldn't even trust them, because it is strongly suspected that some of them were using known toxic parts of the plant (the roots are not toxic), this is something traditional…
Last reply by Bundy, -
- 2 replies
- 952 views EGA 2010 - Psychedelic Symposium It is with great pleasure we announce our second Indoor EGA Symposium, held once again at the University of Melbourne. However this year we have extended the conference over both Saturday and Sunday and aim to provide an unprecedented professional and engaging program in the field of psychedelic studies. So get out your calendars and mark December 4-5 in your diary as the date for this year’s EGA. If you wont to Know more about Entheogenesis Australis (EGA) follow this link: --------------------------…
Last reply by RonnySimulacrum, -
who has tried salvia?
Last reply by DarkSpark,