Cannabis Propagation
Cannabis hemp cultivation propagation information and discussions.
624 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Very cool info on cloning
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 4 replies
Hey all! Long time lurker, first time poster . So i recently converted an old fridge into a vegging cabinet as i would like to start a perpetual grow. I will post pictures if i get enough interest but i will describe it in text for now. SPECS: Hygrometer 1x 130w cfl (6400k) 2x 48w cfl (5000k) 2x LED 15" side lights 2x pc 150mm fan for exhaust 1x pc fan for active intake 1x small 6" clip on fan Now the temps in the cab when its up and running vary from 27-29 c... I have a clip on fan that i have mounted to the top left hand corner of the cab to circulate air... the problem im having is that when the fan is turned on it seems to increase the temp by about 2-3 degree…
Last reply by Pepei Silvia, -
- 6 replies
Okay, I think a male plant has been stressed and is throwing girl parts, Is the pollen off this still viable as the plant itself is stressed but the pollen should be determined by the genetics of the seed. The plant has had a hard time adjusting to his new home so Im not surprised. He flipped, I didnt know males could but after reading a bit it's just as possible for a boy to swing as a girl. Sad to lose him he was my OG good thing.
Last reply by iTiC, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
I am about to start an auto grow, 5 plants in perlite in rec sys,lights are cfl, what light spectrum is best for autos' and what duration? Thanks for any advice.
Last reply by old toke, -
hey everyone, im new here, totally have no idea really, but im giving it a crack because where i live now i cant find any weed. Is it possible to buy seeds in Oz somewhere? any reccommendations on trust worthy websites? or will i just get busted?
Last reply by MongyMan, -
- 15 replies
hey everyone, i have a beautiful outdoor indica x sativa outside that ive started to LST. i broke a branch clean off while in the process... Can i make this a clone? I dont have any rooting powder or gel at hand. At the moment i have it in a cup of water.. it has 4 nodes on it and was one of the crowns. By crown i mean, i had 2 main colas from topping when young, an its one of the main colas that snapped off. can i use it? its definatly female.. i have rock wool or soil at best right now
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 4 replies
After having a good think about it... I came up with this idea (See attached pics) I have modded it more now so the lights do not touch the prop and checking temps as well - inside the propagator its over 30c - so I also added a PC fan to the side to vent out heat. The box works - the only worry I have is the smell from it seems a little toxic could kill them if they even sprout up?? Ideas?
Last reply by Razz0r, -
Just wondering how long a seed takes to pop ? Halve a middle finger down and soil soaked. Should I continue to water or wait for her to show?
Last reply by louise, -
LED grow 1 2
by Redeyedfrog- 19 replies
I have just entered into the world of growing, I have successfully germinated 6 outta 8 seeds in a electric propogator. I am using a Mag357 LED and 2 planter boxes in a grow tent, I have hooked up a heater set around 24 c and have used seedling and cloning medium as my growth soil mixed with vermiculite. Also have set my timers at 18/6 light dark have set up a hydrometer and my humidity is sitting round 26% and I guess my only real concern is mildew and mold as LED doesn't give much heat, Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by Bobbydazzler, -
- 420 Crew
- 25 replies
Hello all stoner geniuses, I have grown a beautiful lady, who I named Selma Rose. She has been grown totally outdoors, but I think the seed I grew her from was an indoor seed. Anyhoo, She has been growing steadily for the last 6 months, and flowering for the last two, and now I think she is ready to harvest? As you can see in the pictures, some branches of buds look as though they are more ready than the others... The smell is extremely strong, and kind of smells like cheesy bubblegum, but I don't think that she is either strain... I would absolutely love you if you could tell me what you think the strain is, and any further tips on harvesting her? I tried to focus …
Last reply by louise, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
I have pretty much done the same method with all the seeds i used, although 2 i placed in solution for 24hrs before the paper towel method. Im a bit confused as the seeds i planted direct into the rockwool without the paper towel method have overtaken the seeds which i used the paper towel method The Purple power seed didnt split, so i removed it from the rockwool and tried the paper towel method, still no split, so last night i dropped both the PP seed i had previously planted aswell as another into water to soak overnight, all the other seeds have split by now but both Purple power seeds havent changed... is it possible to receive "dud" seeds of one strain? Also one…
Last reply by max_headroom, -
- 6 replies
Hey everyone, Noob question here; every article or discussion on cloning refers to a plant which has had cuttings taken from it as the 'mother plant' and it seems like most people only use one or two plants as the 'mothers', why is this? Is it ok to take a few cuttings from every plant in a grow?
Last reply by sols, -
- 6 replies
Hi guys, I harvested a few plants about a month ago and I discovered some seeded bud, strangely enough it was just on one of the plants and only from one lower branch. Now there wasn't any male plants anywhere near my plot so I can't understand how I got seed in my buds, can anybody explain this? Would it be okay to use these seeds for next years crop?
Last reply by sols, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hello friends.Newbie here and we love to share info and techniques about Cloning. And we also love to learn from your techniques. Its nice sharing info to everyone. Cheers.
Last reply by sols, -
- 8 replies
Hi, im very new to this forum. Ive just got some questions that have been haggling at me. Look, the reason ive come here to ask is because every website with the information im looking for is all about American growing seasons and shit. Quite frankly im sick of reading about america. what i would like to know is what is the best time for me to grow outdoors in queensland. And what is the most effective way to go about doing this. Any feedback wuld be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by st0ric,