Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
these r my girls 1 2
by jojo- 10 replies
one of them
Last reply by sols, -
few pics of my current grow, feeding on seasol & blood 'n bone with boost of 'thrive' every now and then. waterered everyday with misting self watering system and foliar fed with pure rainwater. i try to keep lady beetles living in the plants as often as possible and a few spiders curled up residing in fan leaves keep the pests away. the plants were started from seed late october last year and are just forming pistils now can't wait till harvesting, wanted to start a competition on who could guess closest end dryed weight. will organise something closer to date
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 4 replies
Iv grown outdoors heaps from full on 9hour round trips (watering detail)to back yard set ups,but iv never had aclassic plant.Im shore it comes down to strain.Im want to purchace some seeds,what seed strains do you good people recomend.Cheeres buddie
Last reply by BentchaiR, -
- 4 replies
My outdoor grow last year ...
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
Would a plant thats 1/2 way through flowering get stressed if it is moved to a new location (i.e other side of the house)? I had to move it temporarily for security reasons. Also, would moving be better at night or dosen't it matter too much?
Last reply by Paranoid, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I am a relatively new grower, I have grown before with limited success, only a few plants tho, now for my problem, i dug a patch and put in potting mix and cow manure, water crystals and osmocote (slow release fertilizer) I sprouted my seeds in seedling containers and while i was waiting i put 4 star pickets around my fence, i put 4 pieces of barbed wire around the pickets and strained the wire, the wire is around 15cm apart from each peice going up the pickets, when 9 of my seedlings sprouted i transfered them to my patch, this was the first day, when i went down the second day i noticed one more seed had sprouted, so i planted it too, all the plants were fine then,.…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone I have been lurking around here for a while & have finally decided to join.Yep,u guessed it~I have a question....?Actually,I have <i>many</i> questions.....but I will start with the main ones~At this late stage of the game should one be adding more ferts?Any special ones? Also,I tied 'em down ages ago but we got a bit of wind & I noticed yesterday that one stem had split from the trunk,I tied it back together (as it was not totally snapped)Do y'all think this is OK or may it force it into a boy (Nnnnooooooooooooooooooo). Would appreciate any info,advice anyone may have~Also,is there a page that tells u how to post pics? Thanks again.....PE…
Last reply by Rastagirl, -
hey im living in adelaide and im pretty much just wondering when the things gunna start to flower. i am starting to wory as everone elses plants are budding. the plant is i thinks a pure sativa so whats up??? its got preflowers but no buds. has anyone ever had a plant that didnt flower??? thanks buds
- 19 replies
Well, I posted this on Yahooka.com many times but didn't get a whole lot of responses. My grandma is growing, originally 7 plants but now it's dropped down to ONE and I get to keep it (the other 6 went to ppl in need of weed) So...How do you ppls think they're doing? How long (estimate) do you think before budding...Anything in paticular I should feed em to give me nice juicy buds?? Sorry if this seems incredibly simple to some but I'm clueless, I used to grow by planting and letting em go...it always worked well but now with only ONE plant and a drought I've become a tightass
Last reply by pipeman, -
a few pics 1 2
by bushgrower-
- 420 Crew
- 19 replies
greetings friends thought i'd show ya a few pics of my ladies , they are growing in bags with a compost /superdirt mix with a dash of rose fertiliser and urea for good luck . they should be ready in about 6 wks . all going according to plan lost 6 to some lite fingered deer stalker but still got 20 to see me through. hope you enjoy . cheers bushy
Last reply by everest, -
- 7 replies
if i were to start growing outdoors in my backyard, would i have a high risk of being caught?
Last reply by Tom, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
This was our outdoor set up in 1992, the best summer we ever had while growing. It took us 3 weeks to get all plants harvested,,, Harvesting 300 outdoor plants in Holland.
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 5 replies
I'm just about to get ready to plant. Can someone tell me how much compost I should put into the ground. I was thinking about 1/4-1/3 compost and the rest of the soil an equal mixture between potting mix and the soil at the site. Is this too much?
Last reply by white_cluster, -
- 1 reply
Did you skinny-dip or sunbathe topless beside your pool this summer? Chances are, your carefree frolics were caught by a camera in the sky. The particular sentence that caught my attention was: "A by-product of locating land is the ability to precisely locate people," he said. "For example, aerial photography can identify which weeds are growing on a particular farmer's property". Rest of the article here: Voyeur-sats raise privacy concerns.
- 1 reply
Hey, I have a plant on a window inside a house. It's 1 month old and it's about 5-6 " high, is that normal? it has about 15 leaves. I know of friends that have out door plants that are the same age but twice the size, What i am wondering is.... At night time when I sleep, I put my aircon in the room on and the unit is about 2 ft away from the plant. Would this stop the plant from growing? Thx.
Last reply by Tom,