General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hello friends.Newbie here and we love to share info and techniques about Cloning. And we also love to learn from your techniques. Its nice sharing info to everyone. Cheers.
Last reply by sols, -
- 9 replies
Hi all. I have some indoor seedlings I want to get ready for going outdoor. Just wondering the best method for doing this. I pressume if I just throw them out now they might go to early flower. Would I have to gradually cut down the light time indoor to equal natural outdoor times ect.. Any help would be great.
Last reply by sols, -
- 15 replies
i can't edit the title but i mean NOV-DEC. Hello all, just joined here & got a question that has played on my mind.. i'm growing indoors BUT i have ran out of's the question, if i take acouple of my plants outside which are abotu 2 weeks into flower will will it continue to produce buds instead of revegging?, i'm guess they will receive about 13-14 hours light in south Australia but i have flowered outdoors early before with great success, i think i might keep em in the Hempy bucket which is 100% perlite, but please shed some light into the subject and sooner the better because i'm thinking about doing it this week, i guess it will be a learning ex…
Last reply by sols, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
hey guys been have not posted for a while now , good to be back i'm having some issues with mould wondering if any experienced growers know of some mould resistant strains I'm maxed out air induction/extraction due to setup and c/f i'm also maxed out air circulation i'm in a tropical climate and run lights on at night i only have issues in the last 8-10 days i'm pretty sure its Botrytis and being so late in flower not willing to add additives ive pulled everything down between grows and bleached the room ive reduced my box footprint from 4 down to 2 plants only but it always ends the same me pulling them early due to rot my strains to date have been white wido…
Last reply by grinn3rz, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
looking for help please hurry
Last reply by Ford Fairlane, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
anyone use nitrozyme in the veg process? if so, was it worth the money. and at what dose dig you use it? either added to tank or foliar. read this somewhere and it caught my attention Nitrozyme - The Growth Enhancer Nitrozyme is the centrepiece of the applications that we are suggesting and we can certainly recommend this extraordinary plant extract to all growers. It has been used commercially for a number of years and has demonstrated the capacity to increase yields time and time again. It is the basis of growth enhancement and should be used in all the early stages of plant growth, especially young clones. Nitrozyme should not be sprayed on plants in flower. Nit…
Last reply by The Stoned Jester, -
- 0 replies
This YouTube grower gets asked to review this "FLOWER INITIATOR" product: BTW, to anyone thinking about purchasing one of these ultra cheap flood lights, I am not sure it meets AU standards so do so at your own peril.
Last reply by pegz, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I was wondering if anyone would like to share their recipes for brewing tea!? I'm fairly new to hydroponics and there is so much to take in, but one technique i'm fairly certain about, just from reading the plethora of perks, is using 'bennie tea' in my grow. there are many forums and threads on this, but after a search i couldn't find anything here. Anyways, I have been doing a bit of sourcing of ingredients and some are harder to find than others of course. Some are local and some not so local... The 2 most important/popular ingredients seem to be Aquashield(liquified chicken shite with live bacteria) and Ancient forest(which seems to be different from just str…
Last reply by Frank Reynolds, -
- 4 replies
hey guys, Does anyone know if it's possible to purchase seed at dispensaries/headshops in san fran? I have a friend holidaying over there and i'm hoping she can pick me up a souvenir. *
Last reply by asterisk, -
- 6 replies
Hi everyone Just looking to buy the "advanced nutrient" range within Australia preferably online just wondering if some1 can hook me up with a good site / beta nutrients if they are also, ph stabilizing thx for your time
Last reply by pegz, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Hello fellow stoners is someone able to help point me In the direction of a store in the southern suburbs of perth that stock 25x microscopes or similar. Cheers haze
Last reply by bl0nd3, -
- 15 replies
Anyone seen this? A Single Marijuana Plant That Gives Buds For Decades Marijuana plants flower when they are just a few weeks of age, but then they die. Now, BC Seeds has discovered the genetic switch that keeps the plants young for decades, keeping it stuck in the flowing stage which permits its owner, year round production of unlimited buds. This is great news for those who want to avoid harsh legal penalties for growing multiple plants, when just a single plant will produce 20 lbs each year. Though eventually, the legal system will adjust its laws to punish a grower harshly for a single genetically modified plan…
Last reply by pegz, -
- 1 reply
Hello there, Iv been doing some research on nutrients and PH testing and keep getting somewhat confused, as most instructionals and guides will tell you to test the water PH level before feeding the plants, but when i read grow diaries, people test their grow medium. Im a COMPLETE begginer, and i do feel like a d**k for asking very basic questions every knows as common sense, but im a complete newbie, so would be extremely greatful if anyone could possibly answer these questions for me... just yes or no would be fine, but any extra information is always appreciated. *When people/articles reffer to nutrients, do they mean the PH adjusters, or are nutrients a whole addi…
Last reply by merl1n, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Hi I am growing Lemon Skunk out doors for the 1st time (growing this strain) I have 4 females and 1 male, my male has been flowring from just 6 weeks of age! wierd I think, I thought it would revert back to the vegetaive stage but it's not, what I am wondering is does anyone know how long the pollen will be viable for if I collect it now? as I want to breed seeds from one of my girls, I am in southern Australia and planted the seeds first week of September and they get maximum sunlight per day, any help would be appreciated. Cheers Nells
Last reply by Nelliek9, -
- 25 replies
Hi all, just about to start my first grow (outdoor) and I've seen Yates Seed Raising Mix ( suggested by a few members here, would it require any perlite or is it OK as is? also a mate told me to use Yates Thrive Soluble All Purpose Plant Food ( once a week once the seedlings have been established but I have also read that any fertiliser in these early stages is a bad idea? thoughts?
Last reply by Bentato,