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How long until I'm harvesting?

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Sorry eva but she is so stupid she thinks cannabis gives of a certain heat signal what a load of crap. Its the colour the cops can see the only way to hide plants from being seen from above is plant then under a larger tree which stops direct sun or put up a screen. As you said about soil preparation there is many many better ways to prep soil than planting lantana. Sorry eva but this is the second time in 2 weeks this ignorant woman has had a go at me for expressing my opinion she has no idea. First shes saying shes a noob now she knows growers that have been using lantana for cover for years which one is it. Go to bed with a mirror and wake up to ya self aquadoll


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We'll all come up against new ideas that challenge our preconceived views on things, and as long as an open mind is kept, you can either be educated or educate others. The key is keeping an open mind and focusing on under the ground up when planting anything. Good soil will grow amazing plants. Feed the soil instead of the plant and using cover crops to constantly renew the soil is a great way to mimic nature. Nothing in the bush grows well without some form of blanket crop. It's rare to see a plant in nature growing in a bare square or circle of soil. There's always something mulching the earth and feeding it so it can in turn feed the plant. Keeping different cover crops all year round that are based on seasons and provide a more acidic soil or a more neutral soil, is the best way to feed soil and keep it alive and fertile, limiting any nutrient lock outs by tailoring your soil needs so your choice of plants will thrive in it.


The native soil in your yard isn't too clogged with clay or too sandy. There's a reason why it is the way it is. I have a lot of clay in my soil, makes sense as it can get very, very dry here. That causes problems with the yard flooding when we have a huge influx of rain. Clay or sandy soil can be worked with in order to work for you and your plants. No such thing as soil where planting would be a bad idea, just need reasonable amounts of prep and work to turn it into a loamy, rich soil that your plants will love you for. Prep some raised beds with some chicken wire where the planter meets the earth so you don't have to worry about anything that burrows getting into your plants and you can still allow roots to grow into the earth, layer yourself up a ground composting garden bed, give yourself a decent top soil layer of coco/compost (neutral loving plants) or peat/compost (acidic loving plants) to plant a nitrogen-fixing cover crop and a plant straight into and you're laughing. The box soil will age and just get better and better each time you plant. Will eventually just be an irrigation watering set-and-forget job. Add some worm castings that come from worms with a diet rich in potassium and phosphorous and that will take care of your plants by giving them their boost of P and K while your cover crop is giving them their dose of N, get your soil pH perfect and all other trace elements will take care of themselves too.


Organics are the shit! Throw in companion plants with bad-bug repellers and good bug attractants and you have a serious little natural environment to grow cannabis in the way it likes best. Chuck a hoop shade house over the top and your covered from the air and those intense sun summer days. Grow into the ground and you won't have to worry about your roots getting heat stressed.


Sorry for the ramble lol. Got into some serious researching last night and it's got me excited as hell!

Edited by evatil
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Yaeh thats all true. Ill bet there is not a single piece of information about lantana being good for anything in Australia. Love you enthusiasm but eva but i cant handle being told that people should be planting lantana


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Absolutely understandable, Porky. As I've probably already said, I really appreciate your wisdom and knowledge. Something that's been written here or there will open up a new worm hole of knowledge to go exploring into lol. And after a lot of venturing down lots of worm hole of information, I'm finally at the right one of organics and learning how to create myself some planter boxes filled with black gold that I can tailor to my needs.


Guerilla growing in amongst lantana is probably best left where you haven't personally cultivated a crop of it, because it can spread fast and cause issues for surrounding plants.

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I never introduced anything that would be a detriment to the bush, I used cover crops in winter and mulched it in summer

I never cut down small or baby trees , the spaces I used for many years where chosen on a few criteria

1 was that if I could I cleared a small area of plants that weren’t native to the area , surprisingly there’s a lot out there

Lantana n it’s getting bad in some areas

If u do it right the bush will regenerate quickly, small seedlings will take advantage of your space as well , providing new trees in the future

The aim is to exist in harmony with your surroundings not destroy it

Also u will find that it’s ready to go when the time is right



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Naww Porky, well I do try lol. We all should give back to the earth. That's how it was before overcrowded, big housing and industrial developments started taking away from the planet more than it was ever giving back and causing a huge deficit. Why would anyone grow their food if they could just buy it and save themselves the initial effort in order to catch more TV time? Why take up space with a garden that could be used to put a huge fuck off sized pool for human comfort? We used to live from the land the way we always were meant to. Not even talking about vegan or vegetarian diets. Free range animals are healthier and during their life, they're contributing goodness to the earth before they're killed and eaten. Organic isn't just a hippie notion, it's a way of life that is so important to this planet's sustainability, as well as the human race's health and well-being. We really are headed for eco disaster if everyone doesn't start pulling up with their carbon footprint. My goal is to have my family eating organically homegrown fruit and veggies and trying my hardest to source organically raised meat. We can still have the occasional packaged bullshit for a treat, but daily main meals will be packed full of organic goodness. Then I might attempt to crack into making my own organically grown and made pasta sauces.

Healthy robust kids, help my partner learn how to get his desired muscular body physique without resorting to synthetic crap, and it'll get me healthy with some serious lean muscle so I'm ready to swing a crowbar at anyone that might come sniffing around my yard that my dogs need a bit of help taking care of [emoji23]


I'm really confident I've found myself a hobby that helps me mentally as well as turns my energy into organic, nutrient-rich foods that I can feed up my whole family with. And it all started from learning how to grow cannabis. I think that's so dope. I try to keep as much negativity out of my positive hobby as possible. Like I said, keep an open, positive mind and you can easily be taught or you can teach. We all need to work together to give back to this planet as it's having so much ripped from it and poisoned by us.


I'm turning into a really chill, positive person with the mantra of more love and less hate. That's huge considering I've spent most of my life healing from mental and emotional trauma. I've spent my whole life being angry about shit I can't change. Time to change my attitude and be positive and happy instead. Depression is repressed anger, after all. Just don't come at me wrong, because I will eventually bite back and it won't be pretty. But respect me, I'll respect you. It's getting me a lot further in this world and helping me enjoy life a lot more. So, I do definitely understand snapping when talking to someone that won't hear you and refuses point blank to listen and discuss, and instead gets defensive and argumentative. Combine being offensive and that's just a recipe asking for conflict, friend [emoji111] peace, love and gardening gloves is my mantra these days lol [emoji111] [emoji173] [emoji271]


Here's my pride and joy that has been so patient with me as I learn more about how to care for her. She'd just had a bit of a mist as the sun is quite warm today. Need to grab some neem oil to give her a spray late this afternoon. I have early signs of bugs trying to live off her. Pricks.




3 days worth of growth on the nodes [emoji123] this nitrogen-fixing cover crop in her pots is going to create some awesome mulch to protect the banger compost/perlite/peat mix they're planted into in fabric pots. I expect good things from these little auto babies.



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Buds are looking fine as hell today, too. Finding ways to keep the plastic black pot cool so the roots stay happy in there while the leaves and buds make the most of this warm, sunny weather is paying off in spades. Can see the difference, absolutely.

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