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Queeny,s first attempt at indoors

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Just to answer question about how fast we need it, this is like trial run with bagseed just to get bugs out if know what i mean


Main ambition is to have some knowledge by time these 1:1 cbd strains up and running,prob 3 mths away.


Not sure on THC to CBD ratios on bagseed,but if can get in the zone on procedure then i'll be happy.


So many methods out there,just want to try with someone i feel i connect with.


Trust,  it's a big word

Edited by afgahn bob
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Yes it is Bob I trust very few people in this world and I could count em all on one hand OK maybe two hands if your a butcher and missing a few fingers lol but I know what you mean,did you happen to read the message I posted to flubbed a while ago about testing your oil regarding evaporation of iso ?


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You only want to decarboxylate it if you want to activate the THC if you don't want the high best not to decarboxylate it,depends what your after but either way will still have all the therapeutic values unless you over heat it which will start to break down all the good compound's and terpenes,I think from memory you don't want to go over 140degrees Celsius, so a good cooking thermometer can help there or just use the evaporation method, no heat needed,if you wanted the high you could just decarboxylate it in the oven first then do the evaporation method so you don't have to use the rice cooker


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No dont care bout high,just thought you had to go through that process for medicine to be most effective


Been watching rick simpson and he reckons your better off with carboxylating.


Anywoo think you pointed me in right direction


IF you hear a dirty big bang in currumbin tomorrow well something went wrong


Once again i thank you

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Yep the high explosive fumes was my biggest concern,like I said I even hid all the lighters from myself just to be sure I did flick one out if habit lol and God sake use the fan to blow the fumes away,I nearly spewed after taking in a breath of fumes,I reckon I coughed and heaved for at least 40minutes,not good and that was with the fan lol


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Hi GQ and Bob. Ive done onlya few iso oil runs but im getting good results evaporating rather than boiling. Isopropyl boils at 85c but will evaporate at low temps. I've been using a coffee cup warmer ($13 on ebay) to evaporate the iso. It ranges from about 30 - 60 c depending on the liquid (iso) quantity. It takes me about 24hrs to evaporate all the iso but because its so slow i dont get a dangerous fume build up. Once ive reclaimed the oil it goes into a little silicone pot and back on the warmer to bubble for an hour or so just to make sure all the iso is gone. Seems to taste better and is safe, hassle free.


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Hi all,I've just planted 15seeds out into some plastic cups with some seed raising mix,they should pop there little heads up within the next three to seven days,these will be my first seedlings to go into my seedling room before going into the big tent under two 600hps,I haven't tried the seedling room yet so this will be a good time to check I'm creating the perfect enviroment for young plants and clones,hopefully every flows pretty smoothly without to many problems lol yeah right,no doubt there will be issues but hopefully nothing to major that I can't sort out2546bcc8a8bba4d368b3483994b02bd7.jpg6f717900324b11a7f8386691de9dc5e4.jpg4ae2be766ce47c1152f007df29c204c0.jpg


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