Guerrilla Growing
239 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hey guys I've been involved in a couple of outdoor and indoor grows, but was looking to try a proper guerilla grow this year. Now this being my first time my knowlege is minimal and Im keen to try things so any advice will be greatly appreciated. It'd be cool to get this thread to a point where it could be a sufficient resource for other people in my situation. -The grow will be in a country area of Tasmania, in an area of bush that sees few bushwalkers. -Im gonna use a yet to be determined salvia/indica cross (suggestions welcome). My plan is to grow a mother plant indoors and go plant a bunch of clones - tips on doing this would be appreciated (i was thinking hav…
Last reply by smashed1, -
- 7 replies
hey guys this is my first thread. i know there are prob a few threads like this but would like to get peoples opinions on my plan for a gorilla grow and hopefully keep people updated as i go. I know its early to start planning but theres alot of work to be done. K so strains i will hopefully be working with after i order them for attitude seeds will be amnesia haze, bubblegum, blueberry, ak48, cataract kush, and a few others i havnt chosen yet. Do these strains sound ok or have some people ran into problems with them? Also hows attitude seeds to get into auz? I will be preparing the site which is 5mins down the road from my house it is a bushforever site and pretty big 1 …
Last reply by Skunk king, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Hardening-off The cuttings usually develop a good root system and will be ready to transplant in three to six weeks. At this time the hardening-off process begins, preparing the delicate cuttings for a life in bright sunshine. The cuttings are removed and transplanted to a sheltered spot such as a greenhouse until they begin to grow on their own. It is necessary to water them with a dilute nutrient solution or feed with finished compost as soon as the hardening-off process begins. Young roots are very tender and great care is necessary to avoid damage. When vegetative cuttings are placed outside under the prevailing photoperiod they will react accordingly. If it is not …
Last reply by louise, -
Breaking The Curse 1 2 3
by mungas-
- 420 Crew
- 24 replies
Here's a couple of shots of my little plant I managed to get away with. Sadly it stank sooo badly like a dead animal I had to pull her early. The bloody smell had Mrs Mungas having to close the house up and leave the air con off. A couple of more weeks would've been great but after losing all my smoke to thieves last year I was determined to get some choice smoke for this year.
Last reply by The Hash Nibbler, -
- 31 replies
Just thought id show yall some good stuff
Last reply by Cerberus, -
- 5 replies
Has anyone given those orange looking ceramic drippers a go?, been doing some homework and always look at new ways to make things more self contained, Already got two plots and sorted the boys from girls so am thinking of trying these ''wet pots'' out as they slowly sweat out around a litre a week, so maybe two of those in big arse pot with 20litre gravity water source could be something to try as have few seedlings left over that were set aside for replacing males, Will try the drippers and use rinsed shredded seaweed as mulch and a layer of peastraw aswell. Ive seen ladies do alright out my way where it gets hot and dry some strains dont mind I guess.
Last reply by hidden.monkeys, -
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
Hey guys, just wondering how many of you guys have been successful in getting seeds into Australia. I have read on the internet that a lot of people have always got their seeds but other peoples never turned up, any help would be epic, cheers! pic below is of a nordle seedling ive got growing atm
Last reply by joethejoint, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Hi all, As the start of the Outdoor season is upon us and many of us start making plans for the coming year, I thought I'd hopefully try and help some out with a few methods of Watering for the Guerilla Grower that I have come across in the past couple of years. Often after deciding on your soil recipe and getting the actual soil in to your plot (that sounds a lot easier than it is), your next big challenge is figuring out how your going to water this thirsty lady, which is very much the make or break factor in a successful grow. Many resort to simple techniques and somewhat pray that mother nature helps them out along the way why others go to some what elaborate lengt…
Last reply by Cerberus, -
Johny Apple seed 1 2
by ssdd- 11 replies
Hi all, I'm only just getting interested in growing this amazing plant so forgive me if this sounds insane has anyone ever just got a bunch of seed, picked a suitable bush location and planted a huge area at a very big spacing between plants....then come back in 1 or 2.....even 4 seasons and see what landraces have populated the area. i know the seed is expensive but i think it would be very interesting to see what mother nature comes up with. it would be great to have a source of wild stock to dip into in the future. love to hear your thoughts. ssdd
Last reply by Allotropy, -
- 0 replies
Recently on my travels one of my family bought back these deer cameras from the gun shop, they are self contained and motion sensitive so if someone walks past it takes pics day or night, they come in camo and strap to trees or whatever you like and have SD card that pops out and goes straight into laptop, They do the job and may aid any fellow farmers in a few things. I spend alot of time in the bush and a tip I couldnt stress enough is dont leave markers to your plot, even little things like a stick leaning on a fence stand out, or rocks stacked on top of each other. there's lots of wildlife outhere and its best to use the same trails that the roo's, emu's leave through…
Last reply by lungfood, -
- 0 replies
I found this trick make it even hard for me to find my own shit. First just get myself a few cheap spray cans of similar colour to where my ladies live, Next I break off a few branches from surrounding trees. On pots and water storage I will spray a few random squirts and wiggles in mat colour then get the branches and leaves I got to use as a template and spray straight over the top leaving all the outlines, works good for hiding shit and find peppercorn trees are perfect aswell to add
Last reply by lungfood, -
- 5 replies
Gday, just went out and bought back a load of ribbon seaweed ya always see at the high tide mark, spent ages last night rinsing it and want to shred some and add it to my mulch to keep moisture in come warmer days, I already mixed a heap into my big soil pile I use for everything else, My plan is to put down a nice layer of shredded seaweed around my plot then a bit of peastraw over the top of that. On another note I made up seedling mix in a few 4 inch pots with nearly a third shredded rinsed seaweed mixed through it conbined with sieved potting mix and my own compost soil which has bannana skins, mango skins and mainly that kinda thing with bucket of sand mixed in now …
Last reply by lungfood, -
- 5 replies
Can our sunlight be too hot for young plants? I just went out to prepare my guerrilla spot and it was bloody scorching, we're not even into summer yet. Should I plant my girls in an area that's a bit sheltered? It seems like the constant harsh sun is going to wither them.
Last reply by Xavier22, -
- 9 replies
Hi everyone! I'm new to the forums and to growing. I have spent the last week or so scouring these forums plus others and have finally got enough info to start my grow (at least I hope). Just a few things I want to clear up before I start to maximize my chances at a harvest!! I'm worried that it is getting too late in the season to start? It will be another 2 weeks or so before I get my seeds and then of course I have to germinate them and let them get big enough to transfer. So will it be alright to plant in say, the first week of Nov? Which brings me to my second question. At what stage is it best to transfer into the ground? The site I have chosen is close t…
Last reply by GravitOverload, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone, My seeds arrived successfully I have dropped them in some water and will put them in a seed raising mix after 24 hours. Just a question on this, I have one of those little greenhouse boxes, am I better off using this to start my seedlings? Also, do I put them straight under light once they are in the seed raising mix? Is it worth buying a small heating pad? If so where do u get them? Thanks T.H
Last reply by dopedogg,