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- 0 replies
I suggest you all read Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouack. It is about a buddhist man living in california climbing mountains and hitchhiking around the country. It is definately my favorite book. :yingyang
Last reply by PinballWizard, - Worth a read? :mellow:
Last reply by jonx, -
Tommy Chong Petition. 1 2
by Guest- 16 replies
A lot of you probably know Tommy Chong was arrested for some dicky charge of posessing an unused bong. Hands up who hasn't seen pot paraphernalia openly displayed on internet pages? Anyone? No? That's what I thought. Tommy has been doing the stand up comic circuit since telling Hollywood to go piss up a rope and has his own online paraphernalia store called Nice Dreams. No doubt named after the movie he made with Cheech Marin. Petitions. A Cheech & Chong reunion movie was cancelled because of this arrest. I think he got 9 months! Tommy is like a figurehead for Ganja in the states. If this isn't a BS case by the feds wanting to make an example of him then I'm John …
Last reply by indooraussie, -
Hell's Angels 1 2
by dirty-
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
just finished this little beauty! Sonny Barger is one of the "original" hells angels. He basically built the club to where it stands today, and revolutioned the way the world sees bikers and the way the 1% world run their clubs. This is a self narated story of his biker life. Sonny is a very likeable and personable dude, and this is a very easy and entertaining read. the book covers everything through his establishment of the Oakland chapter, through the trippy LSD hippy era, the legendary rolling stones concert, his run ins with the law, murders, drug deals and jail time, as well as his throat cancer whether all the story's are true or not, I don't know, but I al…
Last reply by theprojector, -
- 0 replies
This is the all time trippyest movie ever, it starts off with redone clips to all his old 80's film clips and then woosh- claymation ville and then woosh- 45 minute smooth criminal clip which ends with spoiler the guy from home alone (the short evil one) beating up a 6 year old girl and Michael jackson saving her and then turning into a transformer and shooting off TO THE MOON!
Last reply by hammertime, -
The Muppets 1 2
by Davinsky19-
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
YOu know the old school Muppets that Sesame Street originated from? Well watch them from about 50 years ago...fucking TRIPPPPPPYYYYYY
Last reply by F420, -
- 5 replies
Marabou Stork Nightmares - Irvine Welsh Fucked up story about a fucked up guy, irvine welsh has a nasty fucking mind, at the same time as very clever, hard to follow, alot is written the way glaswegian folk speak, I dinnae ken alot of his shit at first, But it all starts soaking in, cant help reading his books with a scottish accent in ya head. Hes best shit is the non-drug (or less-drugs) stuff I reckon. Sick ending. 10 cones Filth - Irvine Welsh Even more fucked up story about a more fucked up guy, This is a detective story, the most fucked up detective story ever, the main focus being his declining genital health and the huge tape worm inside him, very fucking …
Last reply by Pickle, -
- 420 Crew
- 28 replies
Hi I read John kaminski's internet essays, and while I don't agree with everything he says, he does an excellent job of exposing the lies we are told by the media, particularly about Sept 11 and the war against "terrorism " and weapons of mass destruction. Isn't it strange that the country with the most weapons of mass destruction (USA) is the country that wages war against a country that ACTUALLY HAS NO weapons of mass destruction? Ok I know everyone is probably sick of hearing about it, but if you want a good read...go to the John Kaminski Website. Amother intersting (Australian) website is Srenedipity (just do a search...I wasn't sure about the rules for posting links…
Last reply by Spurious, -
This movie is one of the best i have ever seen and ive seen a lot of good movies some say it had tasteless gore but the amount of gore fits the movie excellently it also has a great plot what do u think
Last reply by westaussie1, -
- 2 replies
Mr. Nice by Howard Marks, an old book now I gather, but new to me. An absolutely wonderful book about a bloke that was alleged by the DEA to be one of the world's largest marijuana smugglers. An inspirational book that spans many years of "scamming"; moving grass and hash from one part of the world to another. From the late 60s until the eighties, Howard Marks bought and sold quantities of smoko in the mega tonns, as if he was buying a newspaper. The book is an auto-biography. Easy to read, exciting, and very enlightening. It rekindled my dreams/memories of thai sticks and blocks of hash that just don't happen anymore. Howard Marks' life experiences also reknews my…
Last reply by poohart, -
- 1 reply
find FREE BOOKS in your town: just click country / state / town
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
Marijuana: A Grower's Lot - The Movie!
by Guest niall-
- Admin
- 8 replies
Kog has sent me a copy of his new project, "Marijuana: A Grower's Lot - The Movie" to review for you all My first impression on receiving it in the mail was pure excitement. It's presented in a standard DVD case with artwork both on the cover and inside - very professional looking. When I realised it was a VCD, and not a DVD, I was a little disappointed - video compression and overall quality is notoriously bad on VCDs compared to DVD, but I was very pleasantly surprised (see below). The content itself is awesome. I could not tear myself away from the TV. While the running time is only 52mins, Kog manages to cover everything from plot preparation, seed selection,…
Last reply by F420, -
- 5 replies
I saw the new film "Van Helsing" on the weekend and I wouldn't recommend it. It starts off well with a fight between Van Helsing and Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde which is very cool. But then they start adding the plot which is where the film takes a dive. They try too add too much into the film with Dracula, Frankenstein's monster and Werewolves and a complex attempt at tying them all together that just feels convoluted and weak. Also, the guy who played Dracula has seen Interview with a Vampire way too many times and couldn't pull it off anyway. The special effects are what you'd expect from a modern action film and I really liked the last fight scene. All in all, it's a v…
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 7 replies
Controversy of Zion, by Douglas Reed: was written in 1956. Reed was a foreign corespondent for the London Times, and he covered WW2. He was sacked for submitting anti Zionist articles (because the Times, and all other major newspapers were and still are owned by Zionists). He goes right back to the Old Testament, and with huge amounts of data and archive material sets out to illustrate that the world is, in fact run by Zionists. Quite a heavy read, but I get the impression there's alot of really intelligent members here who would get through it really quickly. It really is worth a read no matter what political label you pin on yourself.
Last reply by deejayvee, -
I Got Troy
by Zell- 0 replies
Everyone keeps telling me how good Troy is so i went out and bought it havent watched it yet but i will soon . I actually cant wait till "A Day After Tomorrow" comes out. It looks really good ive heard its not that good but i still wanna see it. I get that next saturday..might get Thunderstruck as well..anybody know anything about Thunderstruck?
Last reply by Zell,