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Lies Told By The Media


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Heh, yeah, the iraqi's didn't fight too hard when they thought they might be getting "liberated" (The USSA flag on the face of the Saddams statue in the square of Bahgdad was a pretty accurate representation of the invasion IMO) but when they realised that the USSA was going to bombing the crap out of their infrastructure so that US companies could rebuild it, when the people of Iraq realised that they were about as concerned about civilian casualties as they would be concerned about mosquitos, the "insurgency" became rather concerted....

Ahh, stuff this, I'm only going to get upset about it. Suffice to say it's a bloody travesty.


Welcome to the Neo-conservative new world order. Would you like fries with that? :angry: :wub:

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Interesting point about Hitler is most people say he shouldn't of been able to get away with it for so long before everyone else joined the war so when they, we (fuck it there's Aussies over there too) jumped in and stopped a person as bad as Hitler (sadam) or could of been in a few years why the hassle, hind site is a good thing but isn't it better to fix the problem not talk about what we should of done



Anyway my 2 cents


Later Shane

Edited by leperknight
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Read "Stupid White Men" by Michael Moore for more Bush/Iraq conspiracies.


Really, I am just sick of the whole thing. The US trained the Taliban. They sold weapons to Iraq. They make nuclear weapons. They store nuclear weapons. They drop bombs.


They are obsessed with violence - just look at US movies & TV.

And yet the media portrays them as "innocent", and Iraq as guilty.


Iraq haven't done anything to America that America hasn't done to someone else first. "an eye for an eye leaves us all blind".

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Here, here! I've read that book by Moore, and the 2nd book 'Dude where's my country'. If that guy gets back into power at the next US election, it's all gotta be rigged!! Gore actually won the last election, not Bush, so go figure that one out! I can't quite remember, but I know the debarcle they had with the Florida votes had something to do with it :scratchin

Damn the man! (Bush) and damn the war on Iraq :thumbdown

Blair can get stuffed too. Another British hostage will be executed because he did FUCK ALL :angry: It sucks

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Here, here! I've read that book by Moore, and the 2nd book 'Dude where's my country'. If that guy gets back into power at the next US election, it's all gotta be rigged!! Gore actually won the last election, not Bush, so go figure that one out! I can't quite remember, but I know the debarcle they had with the Florida votes had something to do with it :scratchin

Damn the man! (Bush) and damn the war on Iraq :thumbdown

Blair can get stuffed too. Another British hostage will be executed because he did FUCK ALL :angry:  It sucks


The whole bush family is pretty messed up imo, just two bit crooks in a suit


his brother is in gaol cause he got caught embesiling from some bank he was on the board of allong with a few other people , only reason he actually paid for his actions unlike the rest was because his dad was running for president of the US at the time so George W senior washed his hands of him


They fucked up going in the way they did and now it is really about covering their own asses from their mistake.

I know the hostage thing is a touchy situation but really they can't pull out because of kidnappings they have to do it on their own accord, if they pull out because of a hostage situation then other groups see that this has happened and then the amount of kidnappings will increase not decrease,

if you where a rebel leader and saw that your friend ....... 's group had kidnapped ..... hostages from wherever and then that country did whatever the group asked wouldn't you try that method too ?

But it's a catch 22 situation because if they don't pull out then they are making their own country more and more of a target which leads to kidnappings as well


the question imo is where do you draw the line , how many lifes must be lost , how much money can be spent, just to justify their reasoning behind it all .


You don't just kill a person and their country rolls over and submits to you this is not the movies!!!! In real life there are always goign to be peopel who want don't want their country invaded buy some forign army so when they get rid of one group or leader then another just replaces them or it.


IMO the US should have learned there lesson in vietnam about invading places they didn't bellong but it's the US the worlds biggest bully so what do ya expect :peace:

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