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- 2 replies
Hi all, Well,the flourless cake was a sucsess but today I am pushed for time & am feeling a bit lazy so I have brought a packet mix...... **GREENS** (do ya think they are trying to tell us somethin') :: MUDCAKE MIX.....needs a cup of butter (Hmmm,fancy that!) & looks rich & chocolatey...... (_8(])~~~~~~Hmmmmm canna cakessss Well,I'll let u all know how it turned out..... **higho higho,its off to bake I go** ~~**PEACE**~ONE LOVE~~** Rastagirl
- 18 replies
Evenin' all... Have been munchin' out on "Flourless choc/hazelnut cake at the moment~SIN canna butter.But I was wondering.......since there is soooo much butter used in this recipie would it not be a good idea to try a "Flourless canna Cake"...? So,do any of you culanry-linguists have any recipies for a "flourless choc cake". Also,as it is soooo rich alot of the yucky green can not be tasted at all,& its very moist. YUMMY..... Thanks ~PEACE~ONE LOVE~Rastagirl...
- 1 reply
Hello, I got talking to urbie about this and he seems to like eggs benedict. So, here's one for ya recipie book urbie.. btw anyone know of a good way to seperate egg yolks?? Eggs Benedict Water 1/2 cup distilled vinegar, divided 12 large eggs 1 tablespoon unsalted butter 12 slices bacon 6 plain English muffins, split HOLLANDAISE SAUCE, recipe follows 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh chives or finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves Pour enough water into 2 large skillets to reach a depth of about 3 inches, and divide the vinegar between them. Bring both skillets to a gentle simmer over medium heat. Crack an egg into a cup and carefully slide it…
- 3 replies
Hey guys a really easy filling , stoner meal and quick to make ------------------------------------------------------------------ First finally chop Your Bacon , Onion and mushroom and cannibus mix it with your own selction of herbs and spices . Second : throw it all into a frying pan and cook on medium heat and then add some maggi or vegtable stock any brand dosent matter . Third : put some toast on . And wolla great recipie , and also if u like adding some chillie wouldt hert cheers
Last reply by Cronic_la_jar_jar, -
- 0 replies
This is a recipe my mum gave me when I grew some spinach and had nothing to do with it. Spinach is gross shit I know, but this recipe doesn't work without it. Anyway, its not the cheapest, but fuck it is good 1 damper (I make mine but you could buy one.) 500g Philly Cheese a fair bit of spinach (say a 2/3 the amount of cheese) 3 bacon rashers 1 small onion *Dice bacon and onion. *chop spinach finely *brown bacon & onion in frying pan *then mix spinach, cheese, bacon and onion together and cook in a saucepan till it thickens *Cut a lid off the damper and hollow it out. *Replace the hollowed out bread with cheese mixture. *put damper top back on *put on a big tray a…
Last reply by white_cluster, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys what do you reckon is the best way to make cannibus tuna patties cheers Cronic la Jar jar
Last reply by Cronic_la_jar_jar, -
- 0 replies
tuna lasagne..? large tin oily tuna tomato sauce mayonaise craft chedder about 1 cup equal amounts tomato and mayo... can add mustard or curry powder or bit of seafood sauce or little lemon juice if you want to ( not necessay ). in a medium/small loaf baking tray spray with little oil.. layer bottom with pasta lasagne sheets, cover with tuna then equal amounts of mayo and tomato sauce and bit of grated cheese. repeat until you finish ingredients or run out. make sure you use plenty of cheese, sauce, and all the tuna juice. bake until top is brown. serve eat all straight away.. nice with wedges and salad...
Last reply by Mr Putard, -
- 6 replies
Ingredients: 500G of fettuchini or your favourite type of pasta 400G tub of Latina Fresh carbonara sauce Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil, add salt (don't know what this does but my Mum always told me to do it) add pasta and boil on high until cooked but still slightly firm. Rinse pasta under hot water in a strainer, rinse out pot and chuck in the pasta and sauce and mix on low heat for a couple of minutes. Serve with parmesan cheese. Superb meal, very filling and done from start to finish in under 20 minutes. Great to have a couple of bowls in the fridge to nuke for those late night munchies.
Last reply by Mr Putard, -
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[glow=red]Another Quick & Easy Meal [/glow] Now like me im one lasy ass Stoner i like quick and easy shit to make if im not in a cooking mood . so i thought i would recomend a few things . 1. At Home Laksa Kits if you guys love Asian Food but are to stoned to drive to pick some up , then try these they absoulety rule . Its like a Satay Coccanut soup . only extra ingredients needed is your choice of Chicken or beef or seafood to add to the mix . However fairly expesnive to buy on a regular basise 7 Out Of Ten Stars 2. Cole's Frozen Burito's Now every stoner knows Mexican food kicks ass and these buritos are no diffrent instead of using all the effo…
Last reply by Cronic_la_jar_jar, -
- 3 replies
Hey, i tried this once when i was buggered plus tired and took me about twenty seconds to make but give you many minutes of pleasure You Need:Balsamic Vinegar(Normal vinegar will not work) Olive oil Bread(not loaf, needs something stronger like french baguette or any italian bread How to Make it Get a tea cup saucer(basically, something deep or for the more hungry, a bowl*i am not responsible for nasty accidents*) and pour some olive oil onto it. Then pour the balsamic vinegar through the olive oil(trust me), and put in more vinegar than olive oil, et puis voila that's it. All you have to do now is dip the bread through the oil into the balsamic vinegar an…
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Ingedients: Yoplait Yoghurt any flavour...but Mango is ...oh my god Large Spoon.... Not low fat yoghurt....ok......Fully Blown Yoghurt is what ya want see ! For extra grunt when ya are about 1 third through the yoghurt....the half kilo size....ya scoop a $4-75 250 ml container of King Island Cream into the yoghurt.....hi-calibre, big bore, munchie pigout, euphoric, nirvana, num nums........I'm getting weak ( Ya gotta get the right cream.....ya can stick a spoon in it and turn the container upside down it dont drop out.....! ) PLUR..
Last reply by shrredda, -
- 1 reply
IM BACK Sorry ive been gone for so long guys been bizzy with work and stuff but while i was out and dazed i came up with some SPACED AGE STONER FOOD . CARDISAN CREME' DE LIGHT ----------------------------------- Now im not gonna lie i got the idea from Watching Deep Space nine . I admit im a Star treck nerd . but anyway while i was Watching Deep Space nine stoned Eating Vanilla Yogut i came up with a Space Age topping for ice Cream . What you Need -------------------- * Ski Light Vanilla Yogut * cinamon * Diced Date's * Saphron Spice * Dried Apricot What To Do ---------------- Simplie get any mixing bowl add all the ingreidents and mi…
Last reply by shrredda, -
Honey sesame Crunch
by Guest Babybear- 0 replies
Honey sesame Crunch. (made by baby bear) serves about 4-5 Ingredients 8 beef honey sasuages 4-5 roma tomatos sesame seeds (depended on taste on how much) honey (depended on taste on how much) large tin of whole mushrooms (slice them) 1 1/2 white oinon or frozzen chopped oinoin soy sauce 100-200grams diced bacon extra tomato for topping large tin of red kidney beans 3 eggs milk par bake bread (cook in oven just before you ready to serve) Put oil in fry pan , when hot add the sasauges when half cooked add the oinoins an bacacon cook till bacacon is ready add the tomatos and sliced mushrooms put on low heat then add some soy sauce an drizzle honey over over, mix then…
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g'day; this is nice cake...... 4oz butter or dope butter. 1 cup castor sugar. 3/4 cup mashed potato. 2 eggs. 1/2 cup plain flour or dope flour ( powdered buds ). 1/2 cup self- raising flour. 1 teaspoon nutmeg. 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind. 4 oz chopped walnuts. 4oz dates. 1/4 cup milk. chop dates, place in saucepan with milk, bring to boil. remove from heat and allow to cool. cream butter, sugar and lemon rind until light and fluffy.add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. gradually add cold mashed potato, beat well. fold in sifted flours and nutmeg. fold in chopped walnuts, cold dates-and-milk mixture. place mixture in greased deep 8 i…
toffeed buds
by sols- 1 reply
g'day; i've not tried it yet but.... get a glorious lookin bud pre-heat oven to 100F, place bud on tray for approx 10minutes....untill crispy but not burnt. use standard toffee recipe, and dip buds in toffee while toffee is hot!! allow toffeed bud to cool...enjoy