Paraphernalia Q&A
Navigate your choices in cannabis accessories. Post inquiries and get clarity on products ranging from vaporizers to more intricate apparatus.
496 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
anybody seen these? awesome stuff right there. can you get these in australia anywhere? i havent seen any in perth... might have to order off the internet...
Last reply by US_Astrolyte, -
- 28 replies
call me stupid but in the 5 years of mj smoking i have never come across a vapouriser. And now after smoking 3/4 of an ounce to a full oz a week for 3 years i am starting to think about healther ways to get high. i whant to buy a vapouriser bong but i don't have much knowlage about them. just woundering if some one can tell me some things to look out for when buying a good vapouriser. and has any one brought a vapouriser from freewheeling and if so was it good quality. Can someone out there on the other side of my computer screen help me
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 9 replies
Hi I'm just wondering a few things about bongs. First off, where abouts should the water be filled up to, & what happens if you put in too little or too much water when u rip a bong Secondly, how far should the stem be down in the bong Heres my bong If you see the pic there, you can see the stem is pushed till only an inch or so is outside the bong, is that the right way, & where abouts would you fill the water up to on that bong to get the most high & less wastage
Last reply by US_Astrolyte, -
- 6 replies
attn guru's,.. any1? i recently got a vapourtron. its pretty sweet - any1 got any good tips. I'm getting a pretty good hit as it is but the instructions were a bit light on. anyway, the glass got pretty cloudy, pretty quickly and so I decided to clean it. I was looking around and spied some Bundy rum and threw a splash in (about 15ml), gave it a good swish and it started to break down the deposits on the inside of the glass. After a really good swish the glass was pretty clean. I was about to throw it away when it occured to me what might have disolved in the alcohol. I let it evap. and removed the residue. can anyone tell me if there is any active ingredient dis…
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 9 replies
This is only the Veg room my friend does the other end flowering! Cheers And if you know anything about drying and curing your crop please reply to my other post thats up! Thanks
Last reply by italian_gardener, -
- 3 replies
well yesterday whilst visiting the Eastlands Off Ya Tree, i was browsing as u do, * many bongs* and looked into a display cabnet and saw an odd looking stem and cone... we asked the guy behind the counter "what is this madness?!" and it was a stem that had a spring in it the automaticly stoked the cone! i wickid is that!? of course i didnt buy it, $20 for when i can buy 20 packs of skewers or a coathanger... but it was very cool none the less anyone else seen any new things that have come into the smoking world?
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 14 replies
My fucking mums basterd cat broke my fagrit glass bong of two years :angry: , a Bonza Glass Twister and when I visit I find out that they don't sell to N.S.W how fucked is that :angry: . If any one know a good glass bong online supplyer who sells to N.S.W please tell me because I live in a fuking shit hole of a small rual town . The nearist place that sells bongs is 300km away and they are over priced crap plastic bongs :angry: .
Last reply by tecnos, -
A Hit!
by gahligahli- 7 replies
So I've been reading a lot of information on the internet from here and there, and I am confused as to one of the main definitions. When someone says they take a "hit", what exactly is that? Because I've read that multiple people take "hits" from the same "bowl". That's several tokes on the bong, right? Wouldn't that leave the death smoke (ghost, casper, whatever you want to call it) in the chamber for the next poor bugger to gag on? But I always rip it through in one big pull, as do all the people I know. To me, THAT is a hit. Are people that are taking multiple hits from the bong doing so because their cones are mega huge? Or is that just the way it's …
Last reply by Enix, -
- 4 replies
I just found 3 quarters of a pouch of Champion Ruby that I thought I lost a couple of months ago, but it's a bit fuckin stale. Any ideas on how to freshen it up?. I reckon me old man used to put a slice of potato or somethin...Thanx BMC
Last reply by FUKN_BISH, -
I'm an ex-smoker so I still enjoy joints just to get that familiar rolly between the fingers feeling. They are handy if you are out and about someplace wanting to get high and not draw attention. I was just wondering which papers you guys use. The best I ever tried were made from hemp. Extra large and easier to roll up. One thing that concerns me when smoking a joint is the glue used in the paper. I realise I'm getting a shitload of incarcenogens anyway but glue can't be healthy.
Last reply by BlazinMarty, -
Hey hows it going. Now i have a bong,muller,weed and stokers etc. I just need something to put them in so no one will know that they are there. Something like a box or a good hiding spot. Can people say there hiding places or what they do to hide it. Thanks write back bye.
Last reply by tecnos, -
- 6 replies
Well.. i was introduced to this yesterday. We were looking for new ways to challenge our lung capacity, so one of my mates tells us about the "tincup" we had a fairly large cone in the springer we were using, and the mate that suggested the tincup had a smaller one, so we packed the big one, in the springer, then packed the smaller one, put it on top of the big one, upside down, and lit it through the hole on the bottom of the small cone hmm.. i tell ya.. it was pretty hard to pull... you couldnt see the weed, or when it ripped through, so you had to rely on your bong sense, and try to gauge when it will rip down, so you can take your finger off the shottie at the rig…
Last reply by tecnos, -
Im currently looking around at vapes as i like the sound of them, in my studies i have found 1/ smokeless pipes? are these like vapes?? 2/ handheld glass vapes?- will this work just like a electric one?? still cant find anywhere online, maybe i should start a website hahaha
Last reply by tecnos, -
- 12 replies
Hi i'm new to this forum & though I am not really new to smoking weed, Its only over the past few months i've became a somewhat regular/heavy user. Today I was shopping & saw a lil store at chadstone shops (South Eastern Melbourne) just outside the K-Mart there, & i happened to glance & see a big box that said "Bluntz" & it had different flavours like Choc, Vanilla, Cognac & about 6-8 more different flavours. Now since I'd heard from many USA smokers that smoking using a blunt is supposed to be good, something about it burning slower. One time I actually bought a cigar & tried to do one myself but i stuffed it up as the leaf cracked in piec…
Last reply by Enix, -
New Incense
by Enix- 3 replies
Hey, I just bought these new incensents that are called "420 mask" incensents that are sopposed 2 mask the smell of marijuana 99% Give me your replys THX
Last reply by Enix,