Australian Cannabis Politics and Activism
The HEMP Party
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- Time to ‘Get Real’ NCPIC
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899 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
A magistrate admitted today that drug prohibition is the real cause of drug related harm in the Northern Territory of Australia. Wallace made the comments while sentencing a young man to a 28 day mandatory sentence for possession of Cannabis, Amphetamines and Ecstasy. While delivering sentence in Court 2 at Darwin Magistrate’s Court this morning, Wallace told the court that he accepted that the defendant had suffered “No physiological or psychological harm from his drug use.” He said that the only harm suffered by the defendant was due to his encounter with the criminal justice system. Yesterday, defence lawyer Alan Woodcock told the court that “Taking large amou…
Last reply by free choice, -
- 1 reply
Human rights activists in Darwin are concerned for their safety and the safety of the public at this week's Network Against Prohibition (NAP) Community Smoke-In for Human Rights. Event organisers have vowed that the event will go ahead on Saturday despite the refusal of Darwin City Council to issue a permit. An appeal has been lodged with the Local Government Review Tribunal however it is not expected that the appeal will be heard before Saturday. The Community Smoke-Ins, held regularly in Darwin's Raintree Park, form part of the Darwin communities ongoing struggle against the Northern Territory Labor Government's 'drug house' legislation which allows police to place …
Last reply by free choice, -
- 0 replies
Members of the Darwin based drug user organisation the Network Against Prohibition have invited everyone who is opposed to the presence of US troops in the Northern Territory (NT) to attend the 18th Community Smoke-in for Human Rights at high noon tomorrow in Darwin’s Raintree Park. The Community Smoke-ins are regular protest events where members of the community openly smoke cannabis in defiance of the NT Government’s ‘drug house’ legislation and the war on drugs in general. Network Against Prohibition (NAP) spokesperson Gary Meyerhoff said that one of the reasons the network oppose drug prohibition is because it is used by the United States to dictate foreign polic…
Last reply by garywmeyerhoff, -
- 0 replies
If the public understood the true history, causes and effects of the war on drugs and the international regime of drug prohibition, they would recognise the prohibition itself as the greatest organised crime on earth. Respectful law enforcement has been diminished by police involvement in the war on drugs. A special kind of divide and rule has resulted which separates police from drug users. This divide has adverse consequences for the police recruiting program. The drug prohibition adds to the social isolation of police and frequently results in the corruption of police officers. The war on drugs is a declared war and those captured in it are entitled to the protec…
Last reply by garywmeyerhoff, -
- 2 replies
all over europe the lights are going on, non-paranoid people are enjoying a smoke of good shit. my question? do we have the cops to thank in large measure for this. and how does that make you feel? holland. amsterdam weekends, gave us all a taste. not really fair on the dutch though. a few people got rich, city got swamped. they liked the cash though too many people smoking to stop it without political fall-out now. i bet the tories in uk won't change the law if they get in; too many votes to lose! beat-cops have turned a blind-eye for years.chief-constables calling for decriminalisation for five years or more now. too expensive to police too many other more important…
Last reply by garywmeyerhoff, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
Anti-Drug Warriors in Australia’s outback were quiet yesterday after the startling revelation that $1 billion worth of illicit drugs was consumed in the Northern Territory over the past year. The figures were leaked to the Northern Territory News by Police Commissioner Paul White. White told the Northern Territory News that illicit drugs valued at more than $20 million have been seized by police in the Northern Territory during the financial year ending 30th June 2004. The Darwin based drug user organisation the Network Against Prohibition (NAP) has estimated that Northern Territory Police intercept close to two percent of the illicit drugs destined for consumption …
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 15 replies
i was wondering what would happen if i was busted... so i did a lil research forewarned is forearmed eh? ref: tasmania supreme court - sentence comments TASMANIA v RODRICK CLAIRE SHEPHEARD 12 May 2004 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE EVANS J Consistent with the jury's verdict, you are convicted of one count of cultivating a controlled plant for sale, one count of possessing a thing intended for use in the cultivation of a controlled plant for sale and one count of stealing electricity. In about August 2000, you moved to premises in which you set up an elaborate indoor system for the hydroponic cultivation of cannabis. When police raided the premises on …
Last reply by livebytheleaf, -
- 11 replies
Hi all, I am mrbillz (MR. BILL !). I am residing in the USA in the state of OREGON where we have a very active medical marijuana forum called : (OGF) and I am "walking" around the world's hempsites to better acquaint myself with the laws of different countries. I have always wanted to see Australia, I even visit Lasseters' Online quite often trying to win a trip to your country. I always thought you folks had a lot more leniant laws there. Perhaps it goes by territories? At any rate, I would like to learn more and please feel free to come to OGF and visit with us.
Last reply by livebytheleaf, -
- 2 replies
'Patients on Grass' - in the Government's own backyard! 12:00pm Tuesday 31 August Medical cannabis protest: The Domain - rear of NSW Parlaiment Bob Carr has announced that patients shouldn't grow cannabis in their backyards or buy it on the blackmarket - yet this is the reality for patients with serious illnesses in NSW due to the inaction of the Carr Government. Patients, doctors and supporters will meet in the Government's backyard, the Domain, to ask the Premier when his long-awaited medical trial will start and in what form it will take? Bring a thermos and a rug, snacks available (Brash's green butter cupcakes - see photo). All welcome.
Last reply by F420, -
- 0 replies
Media Alert 27th May 2004 NT Greens preferences ensure continued Racism and intolerance in Darwin Members of the Network Against Prohibition have expressed their disgust at the allocation of preferences by the NT Greens in this weekends election for Lord Mayor of the Darwin City Council. The Greens have preferenced Australian Labor Party and Country Liberal Party candidates before the Networks candidate, anti-racism campaigner Stuart Highway. The Network Against Prohibition have not made any preference deals and will rely on the voter to make their own mind up about preferences. NAP’s candidate for Lord Mayor, Stuart Highway said “The Greens have shown themsel…
Last reply by garywmeyerhoff, -
- 6 replies
I just want to know where people stand in regard to car searches. Do the police need a warrant or not?
Last reply by bazza7, -
We live in democracy right? Well I think we are expected to believe that we do. Sure we have a better quality of life than most other countries. But do we really live in democracy? I read somewhere (forget where) about a bunch of guys in gaol who were fighting over the TV. Some wanted to watch the footy, and others, a documentary. So they had a vote, something like 7 out of 10 wanted the footy. Problem solved, everyone must now watch the footy. Wrong! One bloke argued that in a true democracy everyone is entitled to their fair share. He said they could watch the footy for 7 out of 10 nights, and 3 nights out of 10 they could watch the documentary. Now that’s my kind of de…
Last reply by expansion, -
my mum rekons if weed is found at our house in a search (yes i am 18 so spare this is an 18+ site talk) that she will lose her job because she works for the government and is a civil servant. But what if weed is found here at home and i am charged by the cops would my mum lose her job or is she bullshittin me and trying to use my morals to stop me from smoking bongs? If it helps i live in queensland.
does anyone here know law as going to 1 2 3 4
by Guest- 39 replies
hello everyone im in s/a think i might have a chance of winning case as lack of evidence etc will p/m details if somone can help thanks and good luck to everyone over grow government
Last reply by LongFingers, -
Medical Cannabis Descrimination
by Guest Jean- 3 replies
G'Day all from Australia. I am a 24 year old Cannabis consumer and Cataplexy sufferer. (Cataplexy is a complex neurological sieizure/paralysis disorder). I tried the pills the docs. gave me for my neurological problem (seizures, nightmares, tremors, paralysis....nasty stuff) and it didn't help. The only thing I find helps is the NATURAL Cannabis herb....a panacea as far as I am concerned as it can control all these symptoms (as well as the many others that exist today) and takes the place of all the pills, potions that the docs give out....sorry deal out! Myself, I would have to take sleeping pills, stimulants, anti-depressants, analgesics and yes...they're even thinkin…
Last reply by Chev,