Book Reviews
Whether it's a cannabis cookbook, a trippy novel, or enlightening non-fiction, share and explore book recommendations with the community.
120 topics in this forum
- Admin
- 7 replies
I had this book a long time ago and read it from cover to cover a number of times. I found it to be pretty useful for growing indoors, especially for smaller personal style growers. It covered the basics well: light, ventilation, different types of watering systems, mediums and cloning. I found the section on lights to be the most useful as it explained how much light you need and the varying impacts of light levels. :angry: The section on watering systems was the weakest especially the active reciculating systems. I gave it away because there wasnt much in it that I couldnt already remember anyway. The information on this sight is far more comprehensive but it is …
Last reply by VanDamage, -
- Admin
- 7 replies
well as a pretty inexperienced grower this book was cool as it has lots of pretty basic info. jorge covers everything from basic set up to major set up, he has included heaps of his "stealth" tips, and there is generally some good advice on growing. Most of the shit in the book, you could pick up from surfing the net. However if you are like me, and want a ready reference, and a decent read, the book aint bad. I give it a B
Last reply by Oz, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
I am reading this at the moment, and its not a bad read. It is written by two journos who covered the "milperra massacre" in and out of the courtroom. It trys to give background into the two clubs that were involved and the circumstances leading up to the swap meet at milperra. If you are into bikers or true aussie crime then you will enjoy this book
Last reply by dirty, -
- 5 replies
Mr Nice - Mr Nice is Howard Mark's Autobiography, for those who dont know Howard Marks he was a huge Cannabis and hash smuggler from england, heaps rich and very clever guy, like most autobiography writers though he's pretty up himself, very up himself, but I guess i would be to if I was a millionaire drug smuggler. I dont really think hes that nice, he just doesn't physically hurt anyone, but hes fairly selfish guy. None the less he has a great story to tell and tells it in great detail, either makes alot up or has a photographic memory but its a good read. Hes not so much doing alot of driving or flying in cars/planes full of drugs and stuff like that, a few times, …
Last reply by risingsun, -
- 0 replies
Having just read Mr Nice for the first time. I though it would be interesting to compare it to smoke screen. I like both books. They both provide well written yarns of adventures in marijuana importation. Smoke screens strength is that at time it is very very funny and provides detailed description of importation and then selling of the gear including prices. It also describes the level of corruption that existed in Florida during the late 70's and early 80's and political decisions that ended the corruption. Mr Nice on the other hand was also importating to USA but using different methods and relying on a different kind of corruption to be succesful. Both of the main …
Last reply by risingsun, -
Fantasy Books 1 2
by deejayvee- 10 replies
Hello all, As we now have a forum dedicated to non-canabis books, I thought I'd start a topic on my favourite genre: fantasy. I picked up the first two books of Traci Harding's Ancient Future yesterday for $18 and from what I've read so far, while the story seems quite good, it does appear to be a fairly simplistic writing style. But as I'm a medieval history nut and it's set in the Dark Ages I'm enjoying it so far. Other authors I recommend would be: Ian Irvine - His View From the Mirror series was fantastic and the Well of Echoes is great so far. Raymond E Feist - This is probably my favourite fantasy world. With characters like Jimmy the Hand, Arutha, Pug and …
Last reply by deejayvee, -
- 0 replies
This is the story of a Mr Allen Long. Responsible for ton's of importation into continental USA mailny from Colombia. It was written by the same journalist who wrote snowblind: Robert Sabbag. It is well written, a good tale, and well worth a read. Mr Long is not your typical dealer. Graduating from small deals to multi ton imports using planes and boats through the Carribean. The book heavily uses Mr Long as the central story but there are a host of other larger then life characters, including a Jake Myerson Longs main recipient, J. D Read whose father is a Las Vegas hitman and is in the habit of ripping a telephone directory in half whenever he enters a new city. Lee C…
Last reply by risingsun, -
- 4 replies
the whole lord of the rings trilogy is a grat selection of books to read, but any stoner would rather go see the awesome movies instead
Sex Drugs And Knuckledusters.
by Guest- 4 replies
by Max Dunk This was one of the funniest books I've ever read. From a very gritty opening paragraph in which an injection is stuffed up leaving a broken needle it lightens considerably but is still full on. It centers around Perth night club bouncers all on steroids who get into all sorts of shit. From a fight at the Mr Australia contest with blokes the size of dinosaurs to crazed bikies. At one point our heroe a bloke named Jason steals his Bull Terrier Max back from a dog fighting ring. He and Max are trying to outpace the entire gang of knife wielding leather jacketed bikies and reach his mates panel van in time to escape. He knows he isn't running fast enough becaus…
Project Orion
by Guest- 0 replies
True Life is Stranger than Fiction. Imagine a spaceship 135 feet in diameter, and 10 stories tall. Imagine it weighing 4000 tons. Bet that doesn't sound too impressive. If this were a normal chemical rocket, only about 10 tons of this would make it into space. Now just imagine for a moment that there was a way to allow over 3500 tons of this ship to make it to orbit. This is possible, if a ship were to launch nuclear bombs as fuel. This is known as Project Orion George Dyson's new book is the source for information on Project Orion. Unless you are willing to undergo extensive primary research, a total of 6000 pages worth, or you have connections among the staff of th…
- 0 replies
I thoght I would start a 'single favourite fantasy book' thread as I got overwhelmed by the huge lists some people post. 1) Radix A.Atanasio
Last reply by expansion, -
how about some books 1 2
by Guest pilk-
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
I dont know its just an idea maybe we could review some books that dont have to do with cannabis...........nah
- 0 replies
I'm not really sure if this sort of writing ( sort of documentary in a novel form) interests anyone, but I recently read it and thought it was quite worth it. Those of you in Perth, maybe other states too would possibly have seen John Button on the News last year and his winning of a court case. He was wrongfully jailed for the hit and run of his girlfriend, and spent some time in jail for it. This was mainly down to (suprise suprise) a couple of corrupt policemen. Anyway....I went to a couple of talks that Estelle did, and one with John Button and the amount of background that Blackburn searched through etc. If anyone is interested go and look for the book. You will read…
Last reply by Maynard, -
- 0 replies
This is a book which gives detailed methods of making oil and hash through solvent extractions. It starts off with a basic reflux apparatus that most people could do in their kitchen utilising a few different pots, collander, plastic bag, and ice set up on the stove. This should yield a better quality oil than the standard iso oil methods you see posted around the net. It also goes into isomerisation, which apparently converts cannibinoids to THC and also produces more of the higher rotating isomers of THC. Which is meant give a much stronger high. Appart from various purification procedures such as fractional distillation it also contains instructions to make T…
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 5 replies
- 3.2k views This is a great book, I've had it a fair while now, number 2 is almost out now, so I figure I'll get in a review before it does come out. The Cannabible is not a book on growing pot, it is a book of photography of (mostly cured) buds, there is a little bit of growing advice here and there, but most of it is crap, I doubt Jason King has grown a plant in his life, but that doesn't matter, He is an excellent photographer and if you like drooling over budshots then no book is better than this one. You might think that you can see good enough buds on the internet, but thats not true, thats like comparing good holiday snaps …
Last reply by white_cluster,