Cannabis Troubleshooting
Information and discussions on cannabis diseases, pests and nutrient problems.
- 6 replies
Hey guys can anybody tell me what strain this is its in week 6 of flower. I have underwatered them abit over a week now so there not looking the best. I wasnt even sure if i should of even keeped them going but what the hell. So yeah i think it is a sativa/indica i have noticed in veg the leaves look alot like sativa but now in flower looking abit like indy.
Last reply by man, -
- 17 replies
hey guys i have a small problem at the moment i have alot of leaves on my plants yellowing and going brown, going light green then dying. not sure what the cause is( they fall off very easy when you touch the yellow leaves and its happening from the bottom of the plant upwards( mainly on the bottom) any helop or course of action would be greatly appriciated cheers Durban DR
Last reply by Radic, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
about 4 days old now started indoors for three days and just put it outside at the lights inside were hopeless. it has a weak stem etc. here's a pic any help would be appreciated thanks
Last reply by Chato, -
- 3 replies
Fucking noobs again....... my little baby is taking quite a lean, i'm hoping it is a case of when it was trasplanted that it wasnt burried deep enough??? its been having noticeable daily growth since trasplanting on saturday, but has suddenly started leaning today. here's a pic. please tell me its not to late to save it, its the last hope out of some rather poor germinating seeds. added info, its about 50mm from soil to base of leaves, plant is currenty under cfl.
Last reply by syndony, -
- 18 replies
I took these photos this morning...she's looking a bit sick... I used to water her too much (every 2 days) and she was looking I water every 5-6 days, and use 1/4 strength seasol every second water... EDIT: I use Nature's Way Fish Emulsion, not Seasol she was looking fine a few days ago, but here are wo photos showing what I mean... Whoever can help, please help!!!
Last reply by uka, -
- 12 replies
Have a major prob,all flowers dying off until no flower is visible,top leaves shrivel up & turn very thin "outdoors"
Last reply by MUDCRAB, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
hey guys just about to start my first grow but not sure how many plants i should have. The cupboard is only small, 850 widex 450 deep x 2m tall i got a 400hps goin in but not sure whether i should put 2 or 3 plants in....will there be enough room for 3 once they've grown? or should i just try it and see what happens? oh and the strain is white rhino if that helps thanks guys
Last reply by Livo, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
I here that smart meters are coming my way does anyone know what can be done if anything to fool these things ? I dont mean steal power cause im not into that ... I mean by ways of the powers that be not knowing when my power spikes and drops ... I was speaking to a sparkie today and he said that they were able to see power spikes ... so at lights on every day the same time they'd know something was up... Any help would be appreciated Cheers H&D
Last reply by Herbman, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Hi guys i have underwatered my plants badly there 6 weeks into to flower and my timer has failed twice im using 3 1000 watts in rockwool. Well week 4 i didnt put my timer back to auto and over night they looked ive chopped them and hanging for harvest everything was drooping so i watered it well and now 6 weeks in finally recovered, last night same thing happened walked in there today everything drooping alot worst this time bout 10 cms of the top of the branches are dead, took half the day but there almost back up. So im wondering will they recover this time? how much damage did i do? what should i do from here?
Last reply by TheTreeBoundRat, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Hey soldiers of the green army, I've tried just about everything to rid a couple of my girls of spider mite. There all outside about 5and a half feet tall some a tad smaller due to tying down, but i'm affraid if i don't act soon to demolish these fucked up little vampires, they'll keep on spreading thru my whole garden. I've tried makin sprays using hot peepers, garlic dish wash liquid all mixed together,It worx for a while but they come back with there whole friggen family..........I've tried blasting with ice cold water to no avail. Iwonder if i sprayed them with coca-cola,maybe that would work------Over the years i've tried all the spays you can buy like pyrithrum and …
Last reply by H&D, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
One of my plants has hollow stems, maybe more i dunno, have red mixed reports that its strain dependent and its nothing to worry about actually a sign of healthy plants, as it allows the nutrients to move around the plant, but i have also heard that its a bad thing possibly gnats, or root rot, could anybody shed more light on this? Plants are doing fine, still growing still producing more leaves, doesnt seem to bother anything too much.
Last reply by DarkSpark, -
- 4 replies
Hi Guys, I recently put 15 clone under a 600w to veg...feeding them a week nutrient solution of Canna Veg 1ml/L, a 6 inch fan provided exaust with a rotating fan blowing a gentle breeze across them....the problem is than while most of the plants have begun to sprout up nicely a few are displaying curling leaves and look like they are going to die....any suggestion?....I thought this was maybe due to wind burn or nutrients but all the other clones are getting the same nutrients and they appear fine. any help would be great guys
Last reply by raven6, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Hello. My seedlings had grown above the surface for 4 days and I decided to place them in direct sunlight. I noticed within a few hours, 2 of them had "collapsed" and totally fallen over onto the soil. I immediately removed them from the sun (it is 40c today here in Adelaide) and gave them water. One of the damaged seedlings is standing up again by itself (just) and the other one I have supported via a small stick and some string. How long after raising above the soil should they be ready to be placed in the harsh Australian summer sun? I was thinking of trying again in another 10 days, which would be +14 days after they pocked through the surface of the soil. A…
Last reply by Miss_Cold_Ember, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
- 935 views They are about 3 weeks old and have had the HPS 600w going on a 18/6 cycle. They are about 35CM away from the HPS. My mate has recently transplanted them to bigger pots, after losing 3 to a heatwave. The temp sit around 25-30oC, with the help of 2 fans and 1 evaporative air cooler running constantly. Growth seems to be slower then previous grows, not too concerned about that, but he want them all healthy (obvious exceptions). Does anyone have any advice for this grow? My mate will be sure to start a proper write up once these are readdy for cuttings.
Last reply by treehugr, -
- 0 replies
Found this site. Kept finding these black insects on one of my plants that had a bad spider mite infestation. Squashed a few, then the light came on so I googled lady beetles and found this. The black bugs I were squashing were black lady beetles. Left them alone and with two sprays of neem oil and help from the black ladies the infestation has 98% gone.
Last reply by brick,