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seedling trouble

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Fucking noobs again.......

my little baby is taking quite a lean, i'm hoping it is a case of when it was trasplanted that it wasnt burried deep enough???

its been having noticeable daily growth since trasplanting on saturday, but has suddenly started leaning today.

here's a pic.

please tell me its not to late to save it, its the last hope out of some rather poor germinating seeds.

added info, its about 50mm from soil to base of leaves, plant is currenty under cfl.


Edited by daeman
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Possibly just leaning towards the light? Could be a stem-wilt but usually that's more drastic, I'd be interested to hear if the majority of the lighting is coming from that direction. (Outdoors?)


Edit: sorry missed the CFL bit. Yeah it's probably just leaning a bit as the light may not be close enough and the seed may have been a bit too shallow. Give it time and it should straighten out again as it gets more light. You can put a stake like a popsicle stick next to it (about 3cm away from the base of the stem) and use this a sort of support while it develops. CFL lighting in low wattages should be kept relatively close to the tops, around 5cm or so. Watch out as the seedling grows that it doesn't touch the lamp though, or it will burn.


What was it transplanted into? That looks like a rather shallow container?


Good luck! :thumbsup:

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yeah, the cfl was off to that side a bit, it just seemed to lean alot over the last 12 hours.

have re aimed the light and brought it closer to the plant also.

the current container is the bottom 15cm of a 1.25lt softdrink bottle with several drainage holes in the bottom.

the cfl will be ditched in favour of a mh retro setup on friday.

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Check on the underside of the leaves with a strong magnifying glass and see if you can see any little red dots moving about, the two or three scraped bare patches on the leaves puzzles me a bit as they look suspiciously like red spider mite damage-I may be wrong- but red spider mites often harbour the area around growlights and overwinter there or on the stems of older other plants, new overwintered tiny white fly hatchlings will often do the same in the warmth of the grow lights and appear as little pale green pin head blobs on the underside of leaves, they scrape away at the leaf undersurface until they for little patches of thinned leaf areas similar,but you have got to look real carefull with magnifying glass to see the little blighters.
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