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Hey soldiers of the green army, I've tried just about everything to rid a couple of my girls of spider mite.

There all outside about 5and a half feet tall some a tad smaller due to tying down, but i'm affraid if i don't act soon to demolish these fucked up little vampires, they'll keep on spreading thru my whole garden.

I've tried makin sprays using hot peepers, garlic dish wash liquid all mixed together,It worx for a while but they come back with there whole friggen family....:D......I've tried blasting with ice cold water to no avail.

Iwonder if i sprayed them with coca-cola,maybe that would work------Over the years i've tried all the spays you can buy like pyrithrum and shit like that,but found most of the sprays are to strong and burn all of the pistels and leaves.And i know you can get special spider mite sprays from hydro shops but its a tad too dear for my budget.

So if anyone has had any succses ridding there crop of those dreaded spider mites your answers will be appreaciated.................spaceleaf....................................................


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Unfortunately the best option and only one i've found worth even trying is the shit from the hydro store like miterid or stopmite you gotta him hard and fast an with something toxic. I've lost a whole crop once and never ever since, if i get a whiff of em they get nuked you cant mess around with em they are deadly serious pests.


I wouldn;t advise using it in flower though or at very latest 2nd week in...




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The neem oil in that concoction will probably do more than the success will. The spinosad derivative is more suited to catapillar pests.


Try "Dead Red" which is a mite specific spray. Or Neem oil when used on cooler days in the evenings, getting good coverage on the top and bottom of the leaves. Make sure you repeat applications at least twice about 5 days apart and you should get good control.

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dont fuck around with spidermites specially not if ya going into flower as they can and will fuck ya whole crop.


Miterid i have used and swear by the stuff, spidemites are terrible little shits and are hard to kill without killing or damaging your plants, if your heading into flower i would suggest do the 2 sprays as it says on the bottle and about 3-4 days after the second spray with lights on and full exhaust going give all the plants a good drenching with soda water. This will remove most of the residue on the plants and not effect the taste or smoke as much. Next time hit em hard as soon as you see cob webs


cheerz ;)

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you havnt tried abermectin or kill-a-mite if your loosing the war, you must have spider mite in you home garden or your clones are a little bug damaged before going into your room.


Start with some sort of filter on the inlet air hole into the room that houses the growbox and second filter the grow box if you can. I bought some blue hepi filter from bunnings and its probally wise to swap that out twice a year if its getting dirty.


get some yellow strips in the grow so you can 100% identify what bugs you have, but dont expect these to help in ant way with the bug problem.


i treat every clone and mother plants with it and then a week later before they enter my flower room this keeps the buggers at bay. Only works on mites so if you also having or expect a battle with white fly or gnats neem, confidor or Lorsban may also be a good secondary bug soray worth using on veg plants..



Come flower all you can do is spray the pots, soil and walls of the grow to kill a few and control the numbers dont spray flowers at any stage regardless of with hold period of the product except for natural products like neem and maby confidor(daisy sap from memory).

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The neem oil in that concoction will probably do more than the success will. The spinosad derivative is more suited to catapillar pests.


Try "Dead Red" which is a mite specific spray. Or Neem oil when used on cooler days in the evenings, getting good coverage on the top and bottom of the leaves. Make sure you repeat applications at least twice about 5 days apart and you should get good control.


The Australian citrus industry has been using it to control two spotted mite on citrus trees >:(



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Around here there is only one hydro supplier with very little stock and very high prices so I end up at general hardware and garden stores for most stuff, for spider mites I use Yates Folimat* (Omethoate) to treat vegging plants and eco oil washes to prevent spider mite infestation during flowering.


* Folimat comes in a spray can that will spray on any angle and will set you back 12 bucks at Bunnings.

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