Cannabis Troubleshooting
Information and discussions on cannabis diseases, pests and nutrient problems.
- 7 replies
this clone just put in pot and now the fan leave is yellowing with some burnt edges and curling up pics 2 follow.... getting light nutes 1.3 EC ph is about started getting like this before potting its in perlite now. Dont seem 2 see any insects but i sprayed with eco oil anyway just in case.
Last reply by mrsmokey1, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hi im pretty new here and pretty new to going. I am seeing something very strange happen in my system. I have 3 pots on a satellite system using clay balls as the substrate. I only use RO water in it but I am finding when i dump the tanks completely let the drainage pipes run out completely that I am getting a really high EC reading of .8 even before I put nutrients or anything when I refill it and let it circulate for a few minutes. Does anyone have any ideas what it might be and what I could do to get a back to 0.0 EC because it makes it hard to mix up my potions when there is potions already in there. THANKS!
Last reply by MCHEVA, -
- 4 replies
Hey people im new here and pretty new to growing. I have come into what mostly likely is a noob problem. I know what I did wrong and have learnt from my mistake. I brought in these clones from somewhere else and they have carried red spider mites in with them I didnt spray them the first week because I thought it might hurt them. It is now the third week I probably noticed them to late but I have been spraying them every 3 days and trying to keep the plants themselves and the room air moist. Are there any other things I should be doing? Your help in this matter would be much appreciated.
Last reply by Radic, -
Prevention 1 2
by Tom- 18 replies
Prevention is much better and easier than cure. When I finish a crop I always strip and clean my grow room before starting my next crop. The pots soak for 24 hours and are cleaned in a tub filled with water and dish washing liquid, after this they are then soaked for at least another 24 hours in a bleach solution to sterilise them. While this is happening the grow room is going through any maintenance or upgrades and a thorough clean and sterilisation. I also keep a Sureguard Ministrip in the grow room, this wipes out any bugs before they get a chance to set up home and invite all their friends and relatives over to stay. It's a long time since I had a bug in my gro…
Last reply by Roadblock, -
Accurate PH meter 1 2
by ettin-
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
Heyas, Can someone please recommend an accurate digital ph meter? Thanks.
Last reply by janemary, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
I'm a newbie on trying to grow my plants and possibly selected more difficult seeds to start from: Blueberries. Conditions: The plants are grown in green house. It's supposed to be high summer here (66th latitude north) but for the last week temperatures have been hovering at bearly 10 degrees Celcius. Inside the green house however it's been rather constant 16 degrees even during this cold period. Fertilising: For fertilising I've used chicken manure pellets. Water here is without any lime and I did not add any wood ash or dolimite lime. Plants have been growing for two months without any problems. Until last week when brown leaf tips started appearing wit…
Last reply by TRA, -
- 2 replies
OK, so first thanks to all i met yesterday and for the advice and help. As requested here is some pis of my ( sickly ) plants. So here the run down. 1.4, 1.4, 2 Meter grow tent. 400 watt mh 250mm centifugal fan 250mm odour sock. 1.2, 1.2 flood and drain tray. Temp 20-24oC ph: 5.5-5.9 At the moment intake is passive but when i switch to flower i have a 150mm inline fan and duct to bring fresh air in and keep temps in check. Ok so these were started in rockwool about 4 weeks ago. All sprouted after about 3 days and there is 6 in total. I got ahead of my self when all the gear arrived and planted them in there final home ( too early i know ), Silly me then gave them a qu…
Last reply by biggerbuds, -
- 7 replies
Got a prob. I think conditions are a little to perfect for growing in my new room. I have vegged for 3 weeks and have flowered for a month and a half. my girls have hit 7 foot in most parts of the room. Buds are forming but there may still be a bit more growing to go. How can i stunt it quick? there are six plants in the this room, All are over 6 foot some places 7 foot and over.running out of room. Sorry, Run out of room.
Last reply by biggerbuds, -
MOLD! =( 1 2
by llama farmer-
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
In the space of about 24 hours my winter plant (2 of 2) started to go really sour... I assume its mold. Upon noticing how wide spread it was I harvested, a few days earlier than planned, and have hung to dry in a separate room than my other plant in case of spreading. Pictures...
Last reply by biggerbuds, -
- 8 replies
Hi everyone, Last Tuesday I picked up a Super Skunk x Blueberry clone. (or that was what I was told and believed it Any way After a few days she has started to get light brown/yellow curled edges and the lower leafs has started to look terrible. I'm sure the nutes are right,, I think . However,, the instructions labeled on the "Advanced Nutients- Sensi Grow" state I add 1.8Ml per litre (600PPM) When I follow their instructions it adds up to about 800 to 10000! ppm (0.7) I've limited it to about 1ml to achieve 600-800ppm is this too high still for the little babies? should I drop it down more? I have no idea what I'm doing wrong to her. I have attached a couple…
Last reply by biggerbuds, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Found the first one chillin on my plant (outdoory), and the second while trimming. They don't seem to have done much damage if any. I've never seen them before and I'm just curious as to whether anyone knows what they are? Cheers
Last reply by Radic, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hey all, My plants not looking as healthy as she was a week or so ago, the older leaves are yellowing and its only really the growing tips and small leaves that r green. Theres also some brown / black spots appearing in the middle of some of the leaves. The plants red devil and its nearly 2 months. This is my first grow and im not to sure whats going wrong, im feeding it usually every arvo when the soil appears dry and im using fish emultion and seaweed extract with my watering every 3rd day. Any help and suggestions would be great - thanks
Last reply by raisecain, -
- 0 replies
Well, as some of you know by now, I have been dealing with fungus gnats over the past few days. Yesterday I treated with a pyrethrum drench. Prior to that the plants had been given three drenches with a garlic basil and tobacco brew. Today I poked my head in to see how my victims, I mean patients are doing. First thing I noticed when I open the door was that some, not all, of the leaves seemed to be kind of wilted. Having a closer look, it was obvious that it wasn't wilt, but the leave had curled down. It hasn't affected them all too badly, it's more obvious on my two bigger plants, B2 and WW2. I also noticed a wee bit of clorosis on the tips of some leaves an…
Last reply by Rose Gardener, -
Foamy res.
by Naycha-
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
After a couple of days my res starts to get a little foamy, and a few days after that it's a full on bubble bath. Also as the week progresses the nute turns a milky colour. I've been adjusting the ph every feed or two with white vinegar, and have been cleaning the res weekly with water and bleach. I'm growing in clayballs. It doesn't really seem to be affecting the plants, so I was wondering has anyone else had this problem and if I should worry about it or not? Cheers in advance.
Last reply by Naycha, -
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
hi to you all ,been growing hydro for last year & ive always had this same problem with the plants looking pale or burnt,ive tryed a lot of things to over-come this problem,ive tryed less food, more food, RO water ,watering more,watering less,diffrent systems,diffrent strains,2 diffrent ec meters and 3 ph pens. i am using canna aqua A-B VEG A-B BLOOM as i say my plants look pale and have a washed out look to the leafs every time i grow. i only have this problem when im using the VEG A-B and the plants are in veg,i run PH 5.8 and let it go up to 6.2 before i bring PH back down. if i give more food they start to get leaf tip burn and leafs start to get droopy &am…
Last reply by biggerbuds, -