Cannabis Troubleshooting
Information and discussions on cannabis diseases, pests and nutrient problems.
- 4 replies
Hi all first post so be nice. I have one plant in a closet 3 weeks into flower. The plant is an old plant 1x reveg and the main stem seems to be rotting /dieing from the top down. Over a few days you can see the main stem change color further and further down. As it reaches a branch the branch wilts. We have removed two wilted branches so far and the next ones are the largest. The first grow was good no problems reveg and veg and first 2 weeks of flower all good now things are looking ugly Can’t post pics at the moment Any suggestions would be appreciated Cheers Got
Last reply by GoOnThen, -
- 9 replies
12:48 pm [buddy.g] : Hi guys 12:49 pm [buddy.g] : just typed up a reply about scared fly larvae but it didn't work. 12:49 pm [buddy.g] : shit me, it was long 12:49 pm [buddy.g] : any of you have any natural remedies for killing the larvae 12:50 pm [buddy.g] : i used an water ozone generator last week that killed them all 12:50 pm [buddy.g] : but i had to give it back to the shop 12:51 pm [buddy.g] : nice of them to lend it to me 12:51 pm [buddy.g] : they are out of additive to add to my tank to kill them. so i have to look for alternatives for now 12:51 pm [buddy.g] : any ideas????? 12:54 pm [buddy.g] : Also i have never ever seen 1 fly in my cupboard. 12:55 pm [buddy.g] …
Last reply by buddy.g, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Well this is my first ever grow Hi-Res Images 1MB+ Warning Ok well here's a few leave I cut off as they were looking awful. They were off this plant here Top down View I also have a really white left on 1 plant what does that mean? You can kinda see it. My other plant its stumpy but many leaves?
Last reply by bighit, -
- 8 replies
OK ,, I have some White Widow , never grown this variety before , problem is ,, the hairs are going brown and they are only about 3 weeks into head . Could this be due to the high temps we have had lately ? The buds are really small and I am worried that the plant is shutting down or something . The temps in the room have been in the HIGH 30s . OH , and another thing ,, I have sprayed them with Malathion to combat a bloody mite problem ,, first one I have had in over ten years . Cheers CG
Last reply by biggerbuds, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
What type of medium; soil or hydro? HYDRO What brand and type of soil? CANNA COCO IN POTS Indoors or outdoors? INDOORS What strain? ED ROSENTHAL SUPERBUD, PINEAPPLE PUNCH, PSYCHEDELIA DELICIOSA How old are the plants? ALMOST 1 MONTH What type of lights and how many watts? 1 HPS 400W AND 1 MH 400W How far from the lights? ABOUT 2 FEET What, how much and when was it fed? NPK? CANNA COCO A+B, VARYING CONCENTRATION FROM 0.4 TO 1.0 EC. RECENTLY ADDED RHIZOTONIC AND CANNAZYM, WHICH DO NOT AFFECT THE EC (or, apparently, the plants). What is the medium/runoff pH? MEDIUM INSTRUCTIONS SAY RUNOFF INACCURATE What are the temps and humidity in the room? AROUND 70F AND 55-60% What size…
Last reply by TheTreeBoundRat, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
I’m hoping someone here can help me out. I’ve got 9 Northern Light plants in a DWC system that are into their second week of the 12/12 light regime. Current Conditions: 2 Gallon Bucket PH 5.8 GH 3 Part Nutes – 1.5ml/3ml/6ml per 10L (Could this amount cause nute burn) Under 400w HPS They have been fine until two days ago when I found that the blade tips (only) of four leaves have discolored to a brown – yellow color and started to curl (Up and Twisty). The curled discolored tips look dead and dry but when touched they still seem soft, as if only stained. Otherwise the plants are very green and healthy looking with hairs bursting out everywhere. After reading…
Last reply by biggerbuds, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, New to the forum and loving the grows and advice that people are putting out. I am growing some Ak48 in Plagron soil (soil noob), and at the end of the 2nd week of 12/12 the older fan leaves have started getting rust spots all over. I've checked the run-off and its fine (ph 6.6 ec 1.5). These pics are at start of 6th week. I would really be gratefull if anyone can put me out of my misery !!! I've also got some thrip damage at the moment (white silver spots) the little shits are getting out of hand !!! Thanks for listening folks. Peace
Last reply by avs, -
- 5 replies
just wanted someone else`s opinion on this. All leafs drooping down i think it was over-watering so i dried out for the next 3 days noticed the medium was still damp, re-potted and gone back to the old system was attempting to use auto-pot system i got from a friend but have now gone back to drippers the auto pot system is good but holds to much mosture in the pots, all the perlite in the bottom of the pots were sloppy the valve never let it completely dry out.
Last reply by biggerbuds, -
- 420 Crew
- 31 replies
my plants are 1 month old 700 ppm 400w mh 70 deg air water 63f. new growth looks wimpy,yellow with rams horn.older leaves are green with yellow tips.WHATS HAPPENING??? I CHANGE MY NUTES EVERY WEEK.
Last reply by biggerbuds, -
- 10 replies
Hey guys, Ive got a 4 plants going in autopot system. 1 resi. going great till i turned them to 12/12. Used canna A+B for the first week then sent thru a mix of supabud as was told it should help being a week into the 12/12 stage to use this. After that went thru (and as told they saggged a bit but came back) I started with heavybud. in the first wk of this one started to go yellow and really dry out tho the others were going ok. Now a second and third have started yellowing and drying out with the first almost cactus. The last is looking good but not holding my breath. Ph has bin kept at 6-6.5 the whole time and it has been a little warm but only due to outside te…
Last reply by puffpuffgive, -
- 12 replies
Howdy folks im new to growing and this is my first grow i have three females chilling under a 400w hps My main problem is that all the lower leaves are turning a pale yellow and they look lifeless ive done my research lurking on the interwebs but i think my best answers would come from the lovely people on this forum, some of my leaves on the top the tips are curling down and they turn a dark brown colour help would be greatly appreciated as i want my first ever grow to go as well as possible ill throw up some pics ASAP sometime tomorrow. Peace & One love PeteAbordi blaze till death
Last reply by biggerbuds, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by biggerbuds, -
It fell over.... 1 2
by nici- 13 replies
Hi all. Had a durban poison seedling just fall over the other day out of the blue! It went into my cupboard when it was about 1" in hight after it had its first set of leaves. Ive got a fan on them (also got 3 poison dwarfs) and its only the DP thats done this. Ive got it proped up but the stem looks weak. Should I tape it up to a splint or just leave it proped up and hope for the best? Never had this happen before cheers
Last reply by biggerbuds, -
- 3 replies
I bought some seeds from Holland. At just one month they started showing these signs, wrinkled leaves, streaks of white threw the leaves. slow growth, small white buds. Has anybody else had dealings with this nasty diseases? If so how did you get rid of it? Happy trails Las Vegas
Last reply by smoking99, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
im growing white widow they are 2rd week in flower and my tops have started to grow small leaves that twist and generally look shit the colour of the leafs are not yellow but not the dark green im looking for, my ph was a little high so i flushed them for 2 days bringing it back down to 5.5 from about 6.9 , i had one plant out of ten thats tops started turning yellow but its started to perk up , but i still have the slow growth on all the tops with tiny leafs sprouting out and some twisting. will they all get better now ive sorted the ph out as thats what i think it is ?
Last reply by Reverend, -