Growing Techniques
868 topics in this forum
heya guys, i'm running a recirc system (sattelite) and was thinking of putting a airstone in each pot to see if this would promote healthier roots.. i have a large airstone in the reservoir at the moment.. is anyone doing this ya reckon its worth doing. cheers wayno...
Last reply by MongyMan, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Hello everyone, A Plant has been in sun for around 10-16hours a day, good watering process and outdoor. What would be the next step to take? any suggestions would be very much appreciated. thanks for reading and take care, bi
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Anyone ever actually used anything like this before? It "binds high nitrogen to Ethylene Acid (feminine) which stimulates the seeds to encourage a tendency for the plant to become female". Sounds like it has a two-prong effect ... "Stimulates the seeds to encourage a tendency for the plant to become female. This results in more flowering sites and overall greater flower development". I've also heard of people leaving their seeds in an airtight container with banana peel before germinating them to achieve the same effect. The only other thing similar that i know of is Sensa Soak which is pretty much the same…
Last reply by Dave The Nefarious, -
mutant farmer
by rex-
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
will seeding a plant with a hemi male pollen give a seed strain with hemi tendencies
Last reply by rex, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Ive recently got into bonsai plants, i reckon theyre cute as kittens and i've started training them with the aluminium wire that was supplied. Up until now i've just used strings to tie down my mullies like i guess most LST'ers do, but im considering trying some wire on one tonight. Does anyone do this/done it before?? I can't really think of any disadvantages when compared with string tie-downs, but the advantages that i can think of: - complete 360-degree control vs strings where youve only really got vertical control - no need to tie down to anything like screws in the pot - should be able to get better light distribution to more parts of the plant - you can make …
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
Gday OZ Stoners Well ive got 4 White Widows at around day 20 of veg in 8 inch pots, under a 400watt HPS on 18/6.. NUTES: THC Grow A-B There into the 5 internode around 6inch tall and they have very thick stems already This is a test grow of WW's to see if i want to grow this strain again, and make it my main grow and do it properly next time... I dont want these to get to big ( no taller than a meter) sort of like a Xmas tree shape .. So..... Q: When should i start to flower, at what hight or internode??? Cheers Dallas
Last reply by smoke p, -
cracked seeds 1 2
by roy-
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
: hey all I got 2 seeds cracked open with their tap root showing Now i want to put them in rockwool cubes....So i wanna now what and how long to soak the cubes in ? And which way to face the tap root?.......was thinking of using an old desk lamp with a fluro bulb (energy saver type) to shine over them? And whats the best way to keep the cubes moist? like sit them on a pot plant tray or what? Ive never stared from scratch before,always had clones before..... Thanks in advance cheers roy
Last reply by smoke p, -
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
This is my 1st attempt at a hydro setup and would like your opinions. I have a number of 5 gl buckets. That's 18 plus liters. the bucket is 300 mm across the top and 350 mm tall. Basic bucket right? They are white and I plan to paint them with black krylon paint supposedly this stuff is designed to adhere to plastics. whether it is anough to keep light out is still unknown. I want to set these buckets in line with a large single drain manifold leading to a central nutrient sump and a pump feeding a supply manifold that will tee off at each bucket. Both the drain and feed manifolds will be rigid pvc the short sections of both the drains and feed lines between…
Last reply by smoke p, -
food colouring 1 2 3
by wayno1- 21 replies
just wondering if you could add say a red food colouring to your nutes reservoir, what sort of impact would it have on your plants, has anyone tried this...
Last reply by smoke p, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
Was chatting to hydro shop dude the other day not about how to make profit, but the easiest way to grow. In the course of the conversation he told me a story of a guy who came in, one of the few he knows of that have 'actually made it' using hydro. This guy only bought 4 inch cubes and Optimum nutes, Flower only. Seems he had a shed with a large concrete slab beside the shed, out of town. Shed was set up to veg only, but flower nutes were used the whole life cycle from clone to flower Clones were taken continually and put into the 4inch cubes The cubes sat in trays on trolleys and were wheeled outside at 3 weeks The rooted clones began flowering straight away and were flo…
Last reply by jimbojones5678, -
A new grow method.. i think.
by Guest XIZTENZ- 4 replies
I've been fucking around with the idea of growing in paper towel, since you can sprout them in it, why not grow them in it? Well I have a healthy crop, which is the strongest skunk I have ever tried in my life! I think this tops white widow hands down. Step 1) get a water tray/water troph Step 2) get some pots to fit Step 3) Put paper towel in, enough to fill it up, not too dense and not too weak, just enough to fill the whole pot. Step 4) Put the seeds in with some thrive pellet fertilizer, Step 5) Fill the water tray/troph, AND FUCKING LEAVE IT! now and then top it up. The idea is that the plant gets plenty of moisture, and the water allows you to come back no…
Last reply by smoke p, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Im just wondering if any one can give me some detailed info on the correct method of tipping my plants. What does tipping achieve and how is it done.Im growing outdoors in reasonable size pots on the gold coast... And any ideas on some good shit mulch and fertiliser....Thanks for everyones input ....What a sik ass site,wish i had this source years ago..CHEERS...
Last reply by smoke p, -
- 18 replies
Could someone perhaps point me in the right direction for a Scrog grow guide ? I have never done one , but it looks the way to get higher yields . Thanx Fellas
Last reply by jimbojones5678, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone I was reading some old posts and saw that Sukonmi Skunk recommended taking the crowns from the plants and let under growth come through for the next 1-3 weeks. What I was wondering is should I take the crowns at 8 weeks and let the rest go longer or take them at say 6 weeks and let the rest go to 8 or 9 weeks Any thought appreciated auusie1
Last reply by SukonmiSkunk, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
Ive tried the black rope style bubblers and the stones is there anything better to use... Something that wont corrode block or fall to bits PLS Failling to find a solution i might just have to make my own any ideas there??
Last reply by Chato, -